Top 15 ACT Words You Must Know

Top 15 ACT Words You Must Know

Top 15 ACT Words You Must Know
Sahil Dahal

The ACT (American College Testing) is a standardized test commonly taken by high school students in the United States as part of the college admissions process. It assesses a student's readiness for college and covers various subjects, including English, math, reading, and science. While many students focus on studying content and strategies for these sections, the ACT also evaluates vocabulary skills. In this article, we will explore how the ACTs vocabulary and offer tips on succeeding in this aspect of the exam.

ACT Words You Must Know


Epitome, derived from the Greek word "epitemnein," means a perfect example or embodiment of something. It refers to a person or thing representing a particular concept or idea's best or most typical qualities. For instance, the sentence "He is the epitome of elegance" implies that the individual possesses exceptional grace and sophistication.


Ubiquitous is an adjective that describes something as being present or found everywhere. It suggests that something is widespread, omnipresent, or constantly encountered. An example sentence using this word is, "In today's modern society, smartphones have become ubiquitous."


When something or someone is described as prolific, they produce or create large amounts of something. This word is often used to highlight exceptionally productive or creative individuals. For instance, a sentence could be "The prolific writer published five novels in a single year."


Acumen is making quick and accurate judgments or decisions, typically in a particular domain. It implies a high level of intelligence, perception, and skill. An example sentence using this word is, "His business acumen allowed him to make astute investment decisions."


Selfless is an adjective used to describe individuals who are selflessly concerned for the well-being of others. It implies acts of kindness and compassion without any expectation of personal gain. A sentence incorporating this word is, "The philanthropist's altruistic nature led him to donate a significant portion of his wealth to charity."


When someone is described as eloquent, they can express themselves fluently and persuasively. This word is often used to portray individuals with exceptional speaking or writing skills. For example, "Her eloquent speech captivated the audience."


Pragmatic refers to a practical and realistic approach to problem-solving and decision-making. It suggests a focus on practicality rather than theory or abstract concepts. A sentence using this word is "The company adopted a pragmatic approach to address the budgetary constraints."


Ambiguous is an adjective that signifies something having multiple possible interpretations or meanings. It implies uncertainty or lack of clarity. For instance, "The politician's statement was intentionally ambiguous to avoid taking a definitive stance."


Diligent describes individuals who show persistent and conscientious effort in their work or tasks. It implies dedication, thoroughness, and perseverance. An example sentence using this word is, "The student's diligent studying paid off when she received top marks on the exam."


Resilience refers to the ability to recover quickly from difficulties or setbacks. It implies strength, toughness, and adaptability in the face of challenges. A sentence incorporating this word is "Despite facing numerous obstacles, she remained resilient and ultimately achieved her goals."


Tenacious describes individuals who are determined, persistent, and unwilling to give up. It suggests strong willpower and a refusal to be easily discouraged. For example, "The athlete's tenacious spirit enabled her to overcome numerous injuries and continue competing at the highest level."


Ephemeral is an adjective used to describe something short-lived, transitory, or fleeting. It implies a temporary nature or brief existence. A sentence using this word is, "The beauty of cherry blossoms is ephemeral, lasting only a few weeks each year."


Cogent refers to an argument or point that is clear, logical, and convincing. It implies coherence and persuasiveness. An example sentence incorporating this word is, "The lawyer presented a cogent case that left no room for doubt."


Sagacious describes individuals who are wise, discerning, and possess good judgment. It implies an ability to make sound decisions based on experience and insight. For instance, "The CEO's sagacious leadership steered the company towards success."


Amicable is an adjective used to describe relationships or interactions that are friendly, cooperative, and characterized by goodwill. It implies a positive and harmonious rapport between individuals or groups. A sentence using this word is, "Despite their differences, the two parties reached an amicable agreement."

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What is the ACT?

The ACT is a standardized test high school students take as part of the college admissions process. It assesses a student's readiness for college in various subjects.

How does the ACT vocabulary?

The ACT evaluates vocabulary skills by assessing a student's ability to understand word meanings in the context of reading passages and questions.

Are there any specific strategies for mastering ACT vocabulary?

Strategies such as building a strong word bank, reading widely, practising contextual analysis, using vocabulary in writing, and regular review can help master ACT vocabulary.

Why is vocabulary important in the ACT?

Vocabulary is important on the ACT because it enhances reading comprehension skills, allows a better understanding of passages, and helps answer questions accurately.

How can I enhance my vocabulary skills beyond ACT preparation?

To enhance vocabulary skills, engage in word games, use vocabulary-building apps, subscribe to word-of-the-day newsletters, form study groups, create mnemonics, and explore etymology.

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