100+ One Word Substitution

100+ One Word Substitution

100+ One Word Substitution

Sailesh Sitaula

Word Substitution is using a single word to substitute a wordy phrase or sentence, making it shorter, more concise, and easier to grasp.

‘Verbatim’ is another term for ‘one-word substitutes.’ ‘One-word substitution’ is a method that involves replacing a word with a context without compromising the meaning of the supplied context.

One-word substitutes are significant because they make English communication far more brief, transparent, and straightforward. Words may be remembered, and more significant concepts can be communicated with a single word.

One word substitution helps to make the word identical to the ruling and has the same meaning as the wordy statement. The easiest method to master this topic is to study its functions by placing them in a phrase or visualizing them through an exciting tale.

The root technique is a simple way to do a one-word replacement. Roots are just the words from which the primary term was developed. Let's look at how to solve these before looking at the One Word Substitutions examples.

Many terms, like Anthropology, are derived from the root word Anthropos, which means "human" ('Anthro' is the prefix here, and 'ology' is the suffix). As a result, anthropology denotes the study of humanity.

One-word substitution on the basics of Root

Learning one-word substitution as per the root word makes learning more accessible here are some of the common ones.


  1. Democracy - demo+cracy means govt of people
  2. Autocracy - auto+cracy means dictatorship/kingship (when one person rules the whole government or system)
  3. Oligocracy - Oligo means selected few, so oligocracy means when a selected few runs the government.
  4. Monarchy - Monarc means top officials like kings, so monarchy is the rule of kings.
  5. Beaurocracy - beauro means top officials, so beaurocracy means when top officials run the government.


A free press is fundamental to democracy.

The monarchy in England plays an essential role in British culture.


  1. Theist- the one who believes in god.
  2. Atheists - the ones who don’t believe in god.
  3. Monotheist - mono+theist  mono(only one), so monotheist means the one who believes in one god.
  4. Polytheist - Ploy means many, so polytheists mean the one who believes in many gods.
  5. Pantheist- Pan means all over, so a pantheist believes in all gods across all religions.


The theist thereby comes to justify as a paradox what the atheist is wont to dismiss as confusion.

Tunku people's religious and Han people's polytheist beliefs have the same tradition.

Ible = Able to be

  1. Inaudible - the sound that cannot be heard
  2. Inaccessible - that cannot be easily approached
  3. Incorrigible - incapable of being corrected
  4. Irreparable - incapable of being repaired
  5. Illegible - incapable of being read


The sound is inaudible to the cat's ear.

The explosion caused irreparable damage to several buildings.

Phobia = Fear/Dislike 

  1. Demophobia - demo means people, so demophobia means the one who fears public speaking.
  2. Anthropophobia - anthro means human being, so anthropophobia means fear of a human being or the one who doesn’t like the company of a human being or, in simple words, aloof (living alone).
  3. Theophobia - theo+phobia means fear of religion
  4. Zoophobia - zoo+phobia means fear of animals.
  5. Pedophobia - Pedo means child, so pedophobia is the one who doesn’t like children.


The idea of Theophobia is considered ludicrous by many different opinions. It is often considered a myth created by theists to insult and degrade Atheism, disbelief, and criticism of religious practices.

The girl who had zoophobia didn't like animals, domestic or wild.

Graph/Graphy= Means to write.

  1. Autobiography - The story of a person’s life written by the person.
  2. Barograph - Recording of atmospheric pressure.
  3. Calligraphy - beautiful writing
  4. Bibliography - writing a list of books or articles that a writer used when he was writing a particular book or article 
  5. Biography- A story of a person's life written by somebody else.


They published an extract from his autobiography.

There is a bibliography at the end of each chapter of the book.

Cide= Kill/Murder

  1. Infanticide - infant+cide means to kill a child. 
  2. Matricide - Matri means mother, so matricide means A person who murders their mother. 
  3. Fratricide - frat means brother, so fratricide means A person who murders their brother.
  4. Patricide - Patri means father, so patricide means A person who murders their father.
  5. Uxoricide - An uxor means wife, so uxoricide means A husband who murders his wife. 


This process can be considered the emotional impulsion of patricide.

The last play concerns the punishment of Orestes at the hands of the Furies, or Erinyes, the goddesses who purge him of the sin of matricide.

Logy= study of something

  1. Theology - Teho means god or religion, so theology means the study of religion.
  2. Amorphic - It’s a+morph means no particular structure.
  3. Morphology - Morph means structure, so morphology means the study of structures.
  4. Anthropomorphism - Its antrop+morph+ism meaning is giving human structure to god.
  5. Zoomorphism - Its zo+morph+ism meaning giving animal structure to god.
  6. Anthropology - Anthrop means human beings, so anthropology means the study of human beings. 


The interaction of science and theology is not one-sided.

Runciman had always found theology both fascinating and entertaining.


  1. Anglophile- A lover of English is an Anglophile.
  2. Androphile - A lover of man is an Androphile.
  3. Bibliophile- The love of books is a bibliophile.
  4. Caninophile- Caninophile is a love for Dogs
  5. Necrophile - Necrophilia is the love of dead bodies.


Sandesh was open about being transgender, born biologically as a female and self-defining as an androphile man.

Hui Dong is the famous bibliophile, emendator, and Confucianism of the Qing Dynasty, the founder of the Confucian Classics of the school of Wu.

Agogue = Lead/Incite

  1. Andragogy - Adult education approaches and principles
  2. Antisialagouge - Substance that decreases the production of saliva.
  3. Demagogue - Popular leader of the nation.
  4. Ethnagouge - A leader of the nation.
  5. Hemagouge - An agent that promotes the flow of blood


Newcastle is not remembered as a radical demagogue.

He was appointed a National Teaching Fellow in 2019, specializing in andragogy within a business context.

One-word substitution on basic Generic Terms

Venue Or Spots

  1. Arena - A location or site of activity, discussion, or conflict.
  2. Arsenal - A collection of weapons and military equipment.
  3. Casino - A public room or building where gambling games are played.
  4. Creche - Nursery where babies and young children are cared for during the working day.
  5. Kennel - A dog's little shelter.
  6. Lair - A place where wild animals live.
  7. Reservoir - A large natural or artificial lake used as a source of water supply.
  8. Infirmary - A place at a hospital where sick patients are cared for.
  9. Gymnasium - A room or building equipped for gymnastics, games, and another physical exercise
  10. Hangar - A prominent structure with an expansive floor area that generally houses aircraft.


Their hangar complex at Coventry Airport is capable of major airframe overhaul, modification, and repair.

Prashant keeps his dog in an outdoor kennel.


  1. Battery - A group of guns or missile launchers operated together in one place
  2. Brood - A family of young animals.
  3. Caucus - A closed political meeting.
  4. Torrent - An intense and fast-moving stream of water or other liquid.
  5. Bouquet - An arrangement of flowers usually given as a present.
  6. Drove - A herd or flock of animals being driven in a body.
  7. Hamlet - A group of people smaller than a village.
  8. Posse - A temporary police force
  9. Constellation - A series of stars
  10. Herd - A group of cattle, sheep, or other domestic animals.


He delayed the Illinois caucus in hopes that Sen.

Navigators still use the Little Bear constellation at sea

Person Or People

  1. Introvert - One who does not express himself freely
  2. Cannibal - One who eats human meat
  3. Lunatic - A person who is mentally ill
  4. Fanatic - One who is filled with excessive enthusiasm in religious matters
  5. Immoral - Who behaves without moral principles
  6. Uxorious - A person who shows a tremendous or excessive fondness for one’s wife
  7. Auditor - One who makes an official examination of accounts
  8. Narcissist - Someone in love with himself
  9. Agnostic - One who is not sure about god's existence
  10. Virtuoso - One who possesses outstanding technical ability in a particular art or field


Her supposed friend, a true narcissist, saw this as a selfish betrayal of their implicit arrangement.

This murderous lunatic could kill them both without a second thought.


  1. Screech - The sound of Parrots
  2. Hoot - The sound of Owls
  3. Cluck - The sound of Hens
  4. Gibber - The sound of Monkeys
  5. Twitter - The sound of Birds
  6. Caw - The sound of Crows
  7. Acoustics - The discipline of physics concerned with sound characteristics.
  8. Croak - The sound of Frogs
  9. Pipe - The sound of Nightingale
  10. Neigh - The sound of Horses


  1. Botany -  the branch of science which study physiology, structure, genetics, ecology, distribution, classification, and economic importance of plants
  2. Choreographer - A person who composes the sequence of steps and moves for a performance of dance
  3. Dactylology - The use of the fingers and hands to communicate and convey ideas
  4. Horticulture - The art or practice of garden cultivation and management
  5. Astronaut - A person who has received training to travel in a spaceship.
  6. Chronobiology - The branch of biology concerned with cyclical physiological phenomena
  7. Anchor - A person who presents a radio/television program
  8. Petrology - The addition of science concerned with the origin, structure, and composition of rocks
  9. Zoology - The scientific study of the behavior, structure, physiology, classification, and distribution of animals
  10. Lexicographer - A person who compiles dictionaries


He entered University College to study zoology and stayed on to work in genetics.

Gaurab held the Chair of Botany at Cambridge University for thirty years.

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