Common Mistakes of Indian Students Applying to Top Universities Abroad

Common Mistakes of Indian Students Applying to Top Universities Abroad

Common Mistakes of Indian Students Applying to Top Universities Abroad

Sailesh Sitaula

Studying abroad has become a dream for many Indian students. Exploring new cultures, learning from some of the world's best educators, and studying in top-notch universities can be exhilarating. However, applying to top universities abroad can be daunting and stressful, especially when you must be aware of the mistakes you might be making. Here, we'll discuss the common mistakes that Indian students make while applying to top universities abroad and how to avoid them.

The Importance of Proper Research

One of the biggest mistakes that Indian students make when applying to top universities abroad is not conducting proper research. It's important to thoroughly research the university you're interested in, including the courses they offer, admission requirements, scholarships available, and the university's culture.

Not researching the country's education system.

It's important to understand the education system of the country you're interested in studying in. For instance, if you're interested in studying in the United States, you must understand the differences between the Indian and American education systems. You can do this by researching the grading system, the credit system, the curriculum, and the teaching methodologies used in American universities. This will give you a better understanding of the expectations that the university has for you and how you can meet them.

Not researching the university.

Many Indian students apply to a university because it is well-known or popular. However, it's important to thoroughly research the university before applying to ensure it meets your needs and expectations. It would help if you considered factors like the university's rankings, the courses they offer, the faculty members, the campus culture, and the location. This will help you decide about the university you want to attend.

The Importance of English Language Proficiency

Another common mistake that Indian students make when applying to top universities abroad is not having sufficient English language proficiency. Most top universities abroad require their students to have a certain level of proficiency in English to be eligible for admission.

Not taking English proficiency tests seriously.

English language proficiency tests like TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE are often mandatory for admission to top universities abroad. Indian students often make the mistake of not taking these tests seriously or not preparing enough for them. It's important to prepare for these tests by taking practice tests, enrolling in English language courses, and seeking guidance from language experts to ensure you score well on the tests.

Click here to learn about Common mistakes Indian students make while applying to Top Universities Abroad

Assuming that knowing English is enough

Many Indian students assume that knowing English is enough to get admitted to top universities abroad. However, universities have specific requirements for English proficiency that students need to meet. You must ensure your English skills are up to the mark by taking the tests and scoring well.

The Importance of Extra-curricular Activities

While good grades are important, extra-curricular activities also play a crucial role in your application to top universities abroad. These activities showcase your personality, leadership skills, teamwork, and passion for various fields.

Not participating in extra-curricular activities.

Indian students often prioritise academics over extra-curricular activities, which is a mistake. Universities look for well-rounded students who can contribute to the campus community in multiple ways. Hence, it's important to participate in extra-curricular activities that align with your interests and showcase your personality and skills.

Not showcasing extra-curricular activities effectively.

Even if you participate in extra-curricular activities, you might not showcase them effectively on your application. It's important to highlight your achievements, leadership roles, and skills developed through these activities. This will make your application stand out and increase your chances of admission.

The Importance of Seeking Guidance

Applying to top universities abroad can be overwhelming; many Indian students do not seek expert guidance. Seeking guidance from professionals, counsellors, or experienced individuals can provide valuable insights and help you avoid common mistakes.

Not seeking guidance from experts.

Indian students often rely on their research and information, which might not be accurate or up-to-date. Seeking expert guidance can help you understand the application process, the admission requirements, and the selection criteria of top universities abroad. They can also help you identify the mistakes you might be making and suggest ways to improve your application.

Not seeking guidance from alumni.

Alumni of top universities abroad can provide you with valuable insights into the university's culture, campus life, and academic requirements. They can also help you understand the challenges of studying abroad and how to overcome them. Hence, it's important to seek guidance from alumni of the universities you're interested in.

The Importance of Planning Ahead

Applying to top universities abroad requires planning, preparation, and time management. Many Indian students make the mistake of not planning, leading to missed deadlines, incomplete applications, and rejected admissions.

Not planning for standardised tests.

Standardised tests like SAT, GRE, GMAT, or ACT are often required for admission to top universities abroad. These tests have specific test dates, and you need to plan and register for them early to avoid missing the deadlines. You must also ensure enough time to prepare for these tests to score well.

Not planning for application deadlines.

Top universities abroad have strict application deadlines, and missing them can lead to rejection. You must plan and ensure enough time to complete your application, submit the required documents, and meet the deadlines. This requires good time management skills and discipline.

The Importance of Writing Effective Essays

Essays are an important part of your application to top universities abroad. They showcase your writing skills, critical thinking, and personality. Many Indian students make the mistake of not writing effective essays, which can reduce their chances of admission.

Not writing essays that reflect your personality.

Essays are an opportunity to showcase your personality, beliefs, and passions. Many Indian students make the mistake of writing generic essays that don't reflect their personalities or interests. It's important to write authentic and personal essays that demonstrate your uniqueness.

Not seeking feedback on your essays.

Writing effective essays requires good writing skills, creativity, and critical thinking. Many Indian students do not seek feedback on their essays from their teachers, counsellors, or experts. Seeking feedback can help you identify areas of improvement, improve the quality of your essays, and increase your chances of admission.

The Importance of Meeting the Eligibility Criteria

Top universities abroad have specific eligibility criteria that students must meet to be eligible for admission. Many Indian students do not meet these criteria, which can lead to rejection.

Not meeting the academic requirements.

Top universities abroad have specific academic requirements that students must meet to be eligible for admission. This includes minimum GPA, specific courses, and standardised test scores. Many Indian students make the mistake of not meeting these requirements, which can lead to rejection. Hence, it's important to ensure that you meet the academic requirements of the universities you're interested in.

Not meeting the eligibility criteria for scholarships

Scholarships can be an important factor in deciding which university to attend. However, many Indian students do not meet the eligibility criteria for scholarships. You need to research the scholarships available and ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria to increase your chances of being awarded a scholarship.


Q1. Can Indian students study abroad with a low GPA?

Indian students can study abroad with a low GPA, but getting admission to top universities can be challenging. Many top universities abroad have strict academic requirements and prefer students with high GPAs. However, you can still be considered for admission if you have other strengths like good standardised test scores, extracurricular activities, or work experience.

Q2. How important are extracurricular activities in your application?

Extracurricular activities can be an important factor in your application to top universities abroad. They showcase your leadership skills, teamwork, creativity, and passion. Admissions officers often look for well-rounded students who have a balance between academic achievements and extracurricular activities. However, it's important to choose quality over quantity and focus on activities that reflect your interests and personality.

Q3. How can Indian students improve their chances of admission to top universities abroad?

Indian students can improve their chances of getting admitted to top universities abroad by:

  • Seeking guidance from experts and alumni
  • Planning for standardised tests and application deadlines
  • Writing effective essays that reflect their personality
  • Meeting the eligibility criteria for admission and scholarships
  • Showcasing their strengths and achievements in their application
  • Demonstrating their passion and potential for success in their field of study

Q4. How early should Indian students prepare to apply to top universities abroad?

Indian students should start preparing for their application to top universities abroad at least one year before the application deadline. This includes researching universities, taking standardised tests, improving their grades, participating in extracurricular activities, and seeking expert guidance. Planning and starting early can help you avoid last-minute rush, reduce stress, and improve the quality of your application.

Q5. How important is the choice of major in your application?

The choice of major can be an important factor in your application to top universities abroad. Admissions officers often look for students with a clear vision and passion for their chosen field. Choosing a major that aligns with your interests, strengths, and career goals is important. However, it's also important to be flexible and open to exploring new fields of study and opportunities.

Q6. How can Indian students finance their education abroad?

Indian students can finance their education abroad through various options:

  • Scholarships: Many universities offer scholarships based on merit, need, or diversity. Indian students can research and apply for these scholarships to reduce the cost of education.
  • Loans: Indian students can also apply for education loans from banks or financial institutions. These loans often have favourable interest rates and repayment options.
  • Personal savings: Indian students can also finance their education through personal savings or family contributions.
  • Part-time jobs: Indian students can also work part-time while studying abroad to earn money and gain valuable work experience.


Applying to top universities abroad can be a challenging but rewarding experience for Indian students. However, it's important to avoid common mistakes and seek expert guidance to increase your chances of admission. 

By planning, writing effective essays, meeting the eligibility criteria, showcasing your strengths, and demonstrating your passion, you can stand out in a competitive pool of applicants. Remember, the application process is just the beginning of your journey, and studying abroad can offer you new opportunities, experiences, and perspectives.

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