Aviation Safety

3 Year
Tuition Fee


In this three-year advanced diploma program, you will receive a comprehensive education in a variety of essential safety techniques relevant to the aviation industry. You will learn Canadian aviation industry regulations, and business, leadership and technical skills required to implement policies and procedures to begin your career in a variety of aviation companies including commercial airlines, flight schools, insurance companies and airports.

Visit the  official programme website  for more information.
Course Category: Engineering & Technology
Degree Level: Certificate & Diploma
Location: 1750 Finch Ave. East , Toronto, Ontario , M2J 2X5, canada.
Semester 1
ACA121 Aviation Computer Applications
AER121 Aeronautics I
AVM121 Aviation Management I
AVS121 Aviation Studies I - History and Standards
COM101 or
Communicating Across Contexts or
Communicating Across Contexts (Enriched)
MTH120 or
AVO/ASE Math Bridge or
Semester 2
FDP221 Flight Dispatch I
FLP221 Flight Planning I
MET321 Meteorology
MTH221 Mathematics
SMS221 Safety Management Systems I - Documentation and Implementation
plus: General Education Course
Semester 3
ASO321 Airside Operations
AVM321 Aviation Management II
FPD321 Flight Planning and Dispatch
HAS321 Health and Safety
TEC400 Technical Communications
WTP100 Work Term Preparation (Work-Integrated Learning option only)
plus: General Education Course
Work-Integrated Learning Term 1
ASE331 Aviation Safety, Co-op (Work-Integrated Learning option only)
Semester 4
ALO421 Airline Operations
EPP421 Emergency Planning and Preparedness
SEC421 Aviation Security
SMS421 Safety Management Systems II - Quality Control and Assurance
TPL421 Transport Logistics - International Customs and Freight
plus: General Education Course
Semester 5
ALE521 Aviation Leadership and Ethics
AVM521 Aviation Management III
DDM521 Database Development and Management
HUM521 Human and Organizational Factors
MTH521 Mathematics III - Statistics
SMS521 Safety Management Systems III Program Development
Work-Integrated Learning Term 2
ASE332 Aviation Safety, Co-op II (Work-Integrated Learning option only)
Semester 6
AII621 Accident and Incident Investigation
AVP621 Aviation Project Course
HAS621 Health and Safety
PPM621 Project and Finance Management in Aviation
SAF621 Airport Operations and Safety
SMS621 Safety Management Systems IV: Risk Assessment
Visit the official programme website  for more information.
Visit the official programme website  for more information.
CA$15,133 /Year 
International 2022
Visit the  official programme website   for more information.
  • Aviation safety officer
  • Flight dispatcher
  • Emergency response co-ordinator
  • Safety management system co-ordinator
  • Accident investigator
Visit the official programme website  for more information.
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