IELTS Speaking- Pronunciation

IELTS Speaking- Pronunciation

IELTS Speaking- Pronunciation
Saru Niraula

Are you preparing for the IELTS speaking test? Do you want to boost your chances of scoring higher? One crucial aspect you must focus on is your pronunciation and fluency. This article will explore effective strategies to improve your spoken English skills, helping you speak clearly and naturally while enhancing your fluency. Let's dive in!

Key Elements of Pronunciation

Pronunciation plays a vital role in effective communication. It encompasses various aspects, including clear pronunciation of individual sounds, connected speech, rhythm, word and sentence stress, chunking, and intonation. To ensure that the listener easily understands you, consider the following key elements:

  1. Clear Enunciation: Articulate each sound distinctly, avoiding mumbling or slurring. Focus on proper mouth and tongue positioning to achieve clarity in your speech.
  2. Word and Sentence Stress: Understand the importance of word stress and sentence stress. Practice stressing the correct syllables and emphasising important words in sentences to convey meaning effectively.
  3. Chunking: Group words into meaningful chunks or phrases to create a smooth flow of speech. This technique allows you to avoid unnecessary pauses and enhances overall fluency.
  4. Intonation: Master the skilful use of rising and falling intonation patterns to convey different meanings, attitudes, and emotions. Intonation can help you express questions, statements, or comments more effectively.

Overcoming Pronunciation Challenges

Many IELTS candidates face pronunciation difficulties due to their mother tongue's influence. For example, speaking English with a strong Punjabi or Hindi accent can hinder clarity. Here are some common challenges and strategies to overcome them:

  1. Minimalize Mother Tongue Influence: Aim to minimise interference from your native language (L1) to ensure clear communication. While imitating a British or American accent is unnecessary, the correct pronunciation is crucial. Focus on speaking clearly and naturally instead.
  2. Avoid Speaking Too Fast or Slow: Speaking too quickly can lead to unnatural speech and make it easier for listeners to understand you. On the other hand, speaking too slowly with excessive pausing, hesitations, false starts, or retractions can indicate difficulties in accessing language. Strive for a moderate pace that allows for clear pronunciation and natural flow.
  3. Tackle Silent Letters: In English, certain letters in words are silent and not pronounced. Be aware of these silent letters, such as "b" in "comb" or "k" in "knee," and practice pronouncing words correctly.

Focus on Problematic Sounds

English consists of approximately 44 to 48 individual sounds known as phonemes. Some of these sounds may be absent in your mother tongue, making them challenging to pronounce. Identifying and practising these sounds using a phonemic chart can significantly improve your pronunciation. Here are a few examples of frequently mispronounced phonemes:

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  1. S: School, race, sock
  2. Sh: Chef, dash, she
  3. Z: Rise, zip, was
  4. Homophones: Beware of homophones, which are words that sound similar but have different spellings and meanings. Examples include "him" and "hymn," or "fined" and "find." These can be confusing, so pay attention to their distinct pronunciation and usage.

Mastering Intonation and Fluency

Intonation is crucial for conveying the right meaning and tone in spoken English. You can enhance your fluency by understanding how to use rising and falling intonation. Practice the following examples to improve your intonation skills:

Rising Tone Examples:

  • Are you scared?
  • Is this yours?
  • Where are you from?

Falling Tone Examples:

  • This is the end of the news.
  • Stop talking.
  • Nice to meet you.

Strategies for Improvement

Now that we have explored the key aspects of pronunciation let's delve into some practical strategies to improve your spoken English:

  1. Immerse Yourself in Authentic English: Watch English movies, news programs, and other content. Listen to the radio while driving or working. Follow native and international speakers on social media platforms like YouTube, where they discuss various topics and engage in debates. Pay attention to stress, intonation, correct pronunciation, and the pace of speech.
  2. Practice with Others: Identify friends, family members, or colleagues who can help you practice speaking English daily for a few hours. Additionally, join Facebook groups focused on learning English or make international friends on social media platforms to converse.
  3. Record and Self-Correct: Practice speaking on everyday topics for one to two minutes and record yourself. Listen to the recordings, identify your mistakes, and self-correct. This process lets you become more aware of your pronunciation and fluency challenges.
  4. Seek Expert Guidance: Consider working with an English teacher who can provide guidance and help you correct your mistakes. Alternatively, practice by reading passages aloud to improve your pronunciation. Even repeating lines from TV shows can be beneficial.
  5. Utilise Mirror Practice: Practice speaking in front of a mirror to observe your facial expressions, mouth movements, and overall body language. This technique helps you become more aware of how you present yourself while speaking and allows for self-correction.
  6. Use Online Dictionaries: Always refer to reputable online dictionaries like the Cambridge English Dictionary for correct spelling, meaning, usage, and pronunciation of new words. This will ensure you maintain accuracy and clarity in your spoken English.
  7. Organise Your Thoughts: To sound fluent and coherent, organise your thoughts before speaking. Structure your sentences, ensuring they flow naturally without unnecessary pauses, hesitations, false starts, or retractions. Make a mental map of your speech, considering all topic aspects. You can also use mind maps or jot down your thoughts on paper.

Persist and Succeed

Remember, learning a language requires consistent exposure and practice. You can make remarkable progress by investing a little effort and utilising the abundance of online resources available. Initially, it might feel challenging, but with determination and practice, you will soon acquire the right sounds and become a confident English speaker. So, keep practising and embrace the journey to fluency!


Improving your pronunciation and fluency in English is crucial for success in the IELTS speaking test. You can enhance your communication skills by focusing on clear enunciation, word and sentence stress, chunking, intonation, and addressing pronunciation challenges. 

Additionally, practising intonation patterns, immersing yourself in authentic English, seeking expert guidance, and organising your thoughts before speaking will contribute to your overall improvement. Remember, consistent practice and exposure are key to mastering spoken English. Embrace the journey, stay dedicated, and watch yourself excel in the IELTS speaking test.


Is having a native accent important for the IELTS speaking test?

No, imitating a native accent is unnecessary for the IELTS speaking test. Focus on clear pronunciation and natural speech rather than copying a specific accent. The goal is to be easily understood by the listener.

How can I overcome pronunciation challenges related to my mother tongue influence?

Minimise the influence of your mother tongue by practising English pronunciation separately. Focus on the sounds that are different from your native language and use resources such as phonemic charts and pronunciation drills to improve those specific areas.

What are homophones, and why are they important to consider?

Homophones are words that sound the same but have different spellings and meanings. It's important to be aware of them as they can create confusion in communication. Pay attention to the correct pronunciation and usage of homophones to ensure accurate and clear speech.

How can I practice intonation and fluency?

Practice intonation patterns by speaking aloud and recording yourself. Respond to rising and falling tones in questions, statements, and other speech patterns. Immersing yourself in authentic English through movies, news programs, and social media, and engaging in conversations with others, will also improve your fluency.

What should I do if I make pronunciation mistakes?

Record yourself speaking and listen for any mistakes or areas that need improvement. Self-correct by practising those specific sounds or words. Seeking guidance from an English teacher or language partner can help identify and correct pronunciation mistakes.

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