Sahil Dahal

The IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is a widely recognized examination that assesses an individual's proficiency in the English language. The Reading section poses unique challenges for test takers among the different sections of the IELTS test. One particular question type that often perplexes candidates is the TRUE/ FALSE/ NOT GIVEN format. This article will delve into the intricacies of the IELTS Reading section, specifically focusing on the TRUE/ FALSE/ NOT GIVEN questions. We will explore strategies, tips, and common pitfalls to help you master this question type and boost your overall IELTS score.

Understanding IELTS Reading

IELTS Reading evaluates your ability to comprehend written texts, identify main ideas, grasp detailed information, and understand the logical structure of passages. The Reading section consists of three passages, which may come from various sources such as newspapers, magazines, books, or academic journals. Each passage is followed by questions to assess your understanding of the text.


The TRUE/ FALSE/ NOT GIVEN question type is a popular format in the IELTS Reading section. This question format assesses your ability to locate specific information, understand nuances, and differentiate between statements supported by the text and those not. In these questions, you are presented with a series of statements, and you must determine whether each statement is true or false or if the information is not given in the passage.

Effective Strategies for IELTS READING- TRUE/ FALSE/ NOT GIVEN

It is crucial to employ effective strategies to excel in the TRUE/ FALSE/ NOT GIVEN questions. Here are some strategies that can help you approach these questions with confidence:

Effective Strategies for IELTS READING- TRUE/ FALSE/ NOT GIVEN

Skim the Passage

Before diving into the questions, briefly skim the passage to get an overview of its content and structure attention to headings, subheadings, topic sentences, and any highlighted or bolded text. Skimming helps you familiarize yourself with the main ideas and locate relevant information more efficiently.

Read the Statements Carefully

Thoroughly read each statement in the question, ensuring you understand the meaning and implications. Look for keywords, such as "always," "never," "sometimes," or "rarely," that may indicate the degree of truthfulness of the statement.

Locate the Relevant Section

Once you've read the statements, refer back to the passage and locate the section that pertains to each statement. Scan the text carefully and identify keywords, synonyms, or paraphrases corresponding to the statement. Remember, the answer may not be in the same words as the statement, so be attentive to context.

Analyze the Statement and Passage

Now that you've found the relevant section analyze the statement in conjunction with the passage. Determine whether the information aligns with what is explicitly mentioned in the text. Be cautious of statements that contain qualifiers or exaggerations, as they may be false even if they contain some elements of truth.

Differentiate between NOT GIVEN and FALSE

One common stumbling block for test takers is distinguishing between "NOT GIVEN" and "FALSE." If the information in the statement is not mentioned or implied in the passage, the answer is "NOT GIVEN." However, if the passage contradicts or disproves the statement, the answer is "FALSE." Take care to evaluate the relationship between the statement and the passage accurately.

Manage Your Time Effectively

In the IELTS Reading section, time is of the essence. Allocate a reasonable amount of time for each passage and its corresponding questions. If you encounter a particularly challenging TRUE/ FALSE/ NOT GIVEN question, don't spend too much time on it. Move on and come back to it later if time permits.

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Are TRUE/ FALSE/ NOT GIVEN questions more difficult than other types?

Not necessarily. The difficulty level of IELTS Reading question types can vary depending on individual strengths and weaknesses. However, TRUE/ FALSE/ NOT GIVEN questions can be tricky due to the need for precise comprehension and the potential presence of subtle nuances in the passage.

How can I improve my reading speed for the IELTS Reading section?

To enhance your reading speed, practice extensively. Engage in regular reading activities, such as reading newspapers, articles, or books in English. Implement skimming and scanning techniques to locate information in a passage quickly. Over time, your reading speed will improve.

Should I read the entire passage before attempting the questions?

Reading the passage is unnecessary for answering TRUE/ FALSE/ NOT GIVEN questions. Skimming the passage and locating the relevant sections will often suffice. However, if you have ample time, reading the entire passage can provide a deeper understanding of the context.

What if I need clarification about the answer to a TRUE/ FALSE/ NOT GIVEN question?

If you need more clarification about the answer, eliminate the obviously incorrect options. Then, carefully analyze the statement and the corresponding section of the passage. Make an educated guess based on the available information. Remember, there are no negative marks for incorrect answers, so it's worth making an educated guess rather than leaving it blank.

Are there common traps to watch out for in TRUE/ FALSE/ NOT GIVEN questions?

Yes, there are a few common traps in TRUE/ FALSE/NOT-GIVEN questions. One such trap is when the passage presents information that supports part of the statement but not the whole statement. Another trap is when the passage contains similar information, but the context or degree of truthfulness differs. Stay vigilant and carefully evaluate the information presented.

How can I best prepare for the IELTS Reading section?

To prepare effectively for the IELTS Reading section, practice using authentic IELTS reading materials regularly. Familiarize yourself with different question types and develop strategies for each. Expand your vocabulary and improve your reading speed through consistent reading practice.

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