Types of Reasoning Questions in Competitive Exams

Types of Reasoning Questions in Competitive Exams

Types of Reasoning Questions in Competitive Exams

Nikita Shakya

The reason is the ability to intentionally employ logic by concluding both new and existing knowledge to seek the truth.

The reason is the ability to intentionally employ logic by concluding both new and existing knowledge to seek the truth. It is frequently seen as a defining trait of humans and is intimately related to unique humans.

Reasoning includes employing one's mind and is connected to thinking and cognition. The study of logic focuses on how people may construct logically sound arguments using formal reasoning.

The reasoning may be divided into various forms

  1. Deductive reasoning
  2. Inductive reasoning
  3. Abductive reasoning

One of the ways that thinking transitions from one thought to a similar idea is through reasoning, much like habit or intuition.

As a component of executive decision-making, reasoning is intimately linked to the capacity for freedom and self-determination and the power to self-consciously modify one's objectives, beliefs, attitudes, traditions, and institutions.

Reasoning is an integral portion of most competitive and ability-testing exam patterns. Reasoning questions aid institutions in gauging problem-solving, critical thinking, and calculation and the ability to connect different elements and series prediction skills.



It may be thought of simply as a sequence of questions based on particular concealed rules, identifying which pupils must decipher the message and provide the correct response. 

  1. In a particular code language, “YEARLY” is written as “BVZIOB.” What will be the code for “ANNUAL” in the same language?
  1. The symbol for COMPUTER in one specific code language is RFUVQNPC. How will the word MEDICINE be written in that code?
  1. In a code, TRIPPLE is written as SQHOOKD. How is DISPOSE written in that code?
  1. If DELHI is coded as 73541 and CALCUTTA as 82589662, how can CALICUT be coded?
  1. 5279431
  2. 5978213
  3. 8251896
  4. 8543691

Seating Arrangement

A seating arrangement question usually involves an arrangement, and you need to arrange the pattern to fulfil the conditions that the question demands. You are given 4 to 5 inquiries related to the arrangement.

You are shown both direct and indirect information, which will help you understand how to arrange the arrangement in an orderly manner. 

Statement: Messi, Hazard, Neymar, Robben, Gerrard, Ronaldo, Son, and Zainab are sitting in a line facing north. Zainab sits third to the left of Robben. Zainab sits end of the row. Only one people sit between Robben and Hazard. Only two people sit between Hazard and Son, 

  1. Who is the closest neighbour of Messi? Ronaldo sits third to the left of Neymar.
  2. Ronaldo, Neymar
  3. Messi, Son
  4. Hazard, Neymar
  5. Zainab, Messi
  6. Hazard, Ronaldo

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Data Sufficiency Test

Questions about data sufficiency gauge your analytical skills, identify relevant information and decide whether you have sufficient information to solve the problem. Our Data Sufficiency practice questions are challenging, so make sure you read through them very carefully. Detailed explanations are provided after you submit your answer.

  1. How many ewes (female sheep) in a flock of 50 sheep are black?


  1. I) The herd consists of 10 rams (male sheep).
  2. II) 40 per cent of the animals are black.
  1. Statement 1 alone is capable of answering the question. However, statement 2 alone is insufficient.
  2. Statement 1 by itself is insufficient, whereas Statement 2 alone is Sufficient.
  3. Both statements are enough to answer the question, but neither information alone is sufficient.
  4. Each statement alone is sufficient.
  5. Statements 1 and 2 are insufficient; additional data is needed to answer the question.

Alphanumeric Series

Alphanumeric series consists of alphabets and numbers, including letter variations such as @, &, and *, etc. Alphanumeric series questions are critical in the reasoning section. Don't ignore this topic for a better score in competitive exams. 

  1. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way about their position in the above arrangement. Which one does not fall under that category
  1. GUI
  2. W64
  3. 7J#
  4. HMR
  5. BVT

Ranking or Direction Test

Test ranking means tests in logical reasoning that depend on the students finding the specific rank or order of a given question or set. There are two kinds of ranking available. There can also be a series.

  1. Vertical ranking and ordering of a series
  2. Horizontal ranking and ordering of a series
  1. A line of pupils is standing during assembly. Arjun comes in at number 21 on both ends. In the class, how many boys are there?
  1. 31
  2. 41
  3. 40
  4. 42

Logical Reasoning Questions

The logical reasoning tests may include verbal or nonverbal components: Questions requiring verbal logical reasoning explain concepts and issues verbally.

The concepts and issues in non-verbal logical reasoning questions are presented as figures, illustrations, or diagrams.

  1. Look at this series: 2, 1, (1/2), (1/4), … What number should come next?
  1. (1/3)
  2. (1/8)
  3. (2/8)
  4. (1/16)

Blood Relations

In this question, a round-about description of certain small relationships is given, and a direct relationship between the persons concerned is to be found.

  1. How is A related to F in the given expression? 

A + B × C ÷ D * E # F 

  1. Son
  2. Son-in-law
  3. Brother
  4. Father-in-law

Puzzle Test

This category contains questions that ask candidates to categorize and evaluate the provided information to answer the questions correctly. The offered information may be divided into many categories or possess various features.

Statement: Five friends, A, Q, R, S & U, have different heights. U is the 2nd tallest person in the group. A is taller than only S. R and U are taller than Q. P is taller than S but shorter than 

  1. Who is the tallest person of all?
  1. R & U
  2. U
  3. R
  4. Q
  5. None of the above

Syllogism Questions

In the question, statements are given, followed by conclusions. You have to decide which of the given conclusions, if any, follows from the given statements. You must consider the statements factual even if they seem at variance from commonly known facts.

  1. Statements: All Carrots are birds. All bedsheets are telephone. Some telephones are Carrots.


  1. All bedsheets are birds
  2. Some bedsheets are birds
  3. Some birds are telephone
  4. All telephones are birds

Choose the correct

  1. Only I follow
  2. Only II follows
  3. Only I and III follow
  4. Only III follows

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