The Ultimate Guide to Writing The Failure Essay in MBA Applications

The Ultimate Guide to Writing The Failure Essay in MBA Applications

The Ultimate Guide to Writing The Failure Essay in MBA Applications

Dilip Chaulagain

The MBA application process can be an intense and daunting experience. One of the most critical components of an MBA application is the essay. 

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Essays allow applicants to showcase their personal and professional experiences and explain why they are a good fit for a particular program. However, one type of essay that often trips up applicants is the failure essay. 

This article will explore the ins and outs of writing a failure essay and provide tips on crafting an effective and authentic response.

What is a Failure Essay?

A failure essay is an MBA application essay that asks applicants to discuss a time when they failed or experienced a setback. The essay prompt allows applicants to reflect on their failures and demonstrate their ability to learn from their mistakes. Admissions committees want to see that applicants are resilient and can turn setbacks into opportunities for growth.

Why Do Business Schools Ask for a Failure Essay?

Business schools ask for a failure essay for several reasons. 

Why Do Business Schools Ask for a Failure Essay?
  • First, the essay gives admissions committees a sense of how applicants handle challenges and setbacks. 
  • Second, the essay demonstrates an applicant's ability to learn from mistakes and use those lessons to succeed. 
  • Finally, the essay provides insight into an applicant's character and values, essential factors in the admissions process.

How to Approach the Failure Essay?

Approaching the failure essay can be challenging. Applicants may feel uncomfortable discussing their failures or need to learn how to frame their responses. 

Here are a few tips to help you approach the failure essay:

  • Be honest: Admissions committees can sense when applicants are not being authentic. It's essential, to be honest and genuine when discussing a failure or setback.
  • Focus on the outcome: The failure essay is not about the failure itself but rather about what you learned from the experience and how it helped you grow.
  • Show resilience: Admissions committees want to see that applicants are resilient and can bounce back from setbacks.
  • Use concrete examples: Use specific examples to illustrate your points and demonstrate the impact of your failure.
  • Avoid blaming others: It's essential to take responsibility for your failure and avoid blaming others for the outcome.
  • Be concise: Stick to the word count and respond concisely. Admissions committees read hundreds of essays, so making your essay easy to read and understand is essential.
  • Focus on what you learned: The most crucial part of the failure essay is what you learned from the experience. Make sure to emphasise this in your response.
  • Be positive: While the failure essay discusses a setback, it's essential to maintain a positive tone and focus on the lessons learned and how they helped you grow.

Examples of Failure Essay Prompts

Here are a few examples of failure essay prompts:

  • Discuss a time when you failed to achieve a goal. What did you learn from the experience, and how did it shape your approach to plans?
  • Describe a time when you faced a significant challenge or setback. How did you overcome the obstacle, and what did you learn from the experience?
  • Tell us about a time when you made a mistake that hurt others. How did you take responsibility for your actions, and what did you learn from the experience?
  • Discuss a time when you failed to meet expectations in a professional setting. What did you learn from the experience, and how did you use that knowledge to improve your performance in the future?
  • Describe a time when you faced adversity in a personal or professional context. How did you respond to the challenge, and what did you learn from the experience?

Tips for Writing a Compelling Failure Essay

Here are some tips to help you write a compelling failure essay:

  • Be honest: Admissions committees can spot inauthenticity, so it's essential to be honest and genuine when discussing your failure or setback.
  • Take responsibility: It's essential to take responsibility for your failure and avoid blaming others. Admissions committees want to see that you are accountable for your actions and can learn from your mistakes.
  • Focus on the outcome: The failure essay is not about the failure itself but rather about what you learned from the experience and how it helped you grow. Be sure to emphasise the positive outcome of the experience and how it has helped shape your personal and professional development.
  • Use concrete examples: Use specific examples to illustrate your points and demonstrate the impact of your failure. This will help the admissions committee understand the situation better and make your essay more memorable.
  • Show resilience: Admissions committees want to see that applicants are resilient and can bounce back from setbacks. Highlight the steps you took to overcome the challenge and move forward.
  • Be concise: Stick to the word count and respond concisely. Admissions committees read hundreds of essays, so making your essay easy to read and understand is essential.
  • Use the STAR method: Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your essay. Start by describing the situation or task, explain your action, and describe the result or outcome.
  • Show self-awareness: Demonstrate that you have reflected on the failure and understand its impact on you. Admissions committees want to see that you can introspect and learn from your mistakes.
  • Avoid clichés: Don't use clichés or generic phrases in your essay. Admissions committees want to see original and authentic responses.
  • Seek feedback: Ask for feedback from friends, family, or colleagues to help you refine your essay. Getting an outside perspective can help you identify areas that need improvement and strengthen your writing overall.

Writing a failure essay can be daunting, but it's also an opportunity to showcase your resilience, self-awareness, and ability to learn from mistakes. 

By being honest, taking responsibility, focusing on the outcome, and using concrete examples, you can craft a compelling and authentic response highlighting your personal and professional growth. 

Remember to stay positive, use the STAR method, and seek feedback to ensure your essay is clear, concise, and impactful. Good luck!


What is a failure essay in MBA applications?

A failure essay is a type of essay question that asks applicants to discuss a time when they failed or faced a significant setback.

Why do MBA programs ask for a failure essay?

MBA programs want to see how applicants handle adversity and setbacks, and the failure essay is a way for applicants to demonstrate their resilience and ability to learn from mistakes.

What should I include in my failure essay?

In your failure essay, you should include specific examples, show self-awareness, take responsibility, focus on the outcome, and use the STAR method.

Should I choose a professional or personal failure for my essay?

Either type of failure can work if you demonstrate what you learned from the experience and how it helped you grow personally or professionally.

Should I use a failure that happened recently or in the past?

It's up to you, but choosing a failure from the past can demonstrate how you have learned from the experience and grown over time.

What if I have yet to experience a significant failure or setback?

Everyone has faced challenges and setbacks, even if they weren't major. Think about a time when you faced a difficult situation and how you overcame it.

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What would I do differently in hindsight?

Yes, mentioning what you would do differently in hindsight can be helpful to show that you have learned from the experience and have a growth mindset.

How critical is the failure essay in the MBA application process?

The failure essay is just one component of the MBA application, but it can be an opportunity to demonstrate your resilience, self-awareness, and ability to learn from mistakes.

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