13 Must Do Things to Crack GD-PI-WAT

13 Must Do Things to Crack GD-PI-WAT

13 Must Do Things to Crack GD-PI-WAT
Sahil Dahal

Group Discussion (GD), Personal Interview (PI), and Written Ability Test (WAT) are vital components of the selection process for many graduate and post-graduate programs. These rounds are designed to assess the candidates' communication, reasoning, and problem-solving skills.

Group Discussion: In a GD round, a group of candidates is given a topic and asked to discuss it. The topics for GD can vary widely and may include current events, social issues, business, and more. Candidates need to be aware of current events and be able to form an opinion on them, practice public speaking and build teamwork skills. The GD is typically conducted to assess the candidate's ability to think on their feet, express their thoughts clearly, and work in a team.

Personal Interview: The PI round is a one-on-one conversation between a candidate, an interviewer, or a panel. This round aims to assess the candidate's fit for the program and the college or university. During the interview, candidates may be asked about their academic achievements, career aspirations, and other relevant experiences. It's essential to research the college and program beforehand and have well-crafted answers to common interview questions. Being well-groomed and dressed professionally would also be necessary.

Written Ability Test: The WAT round assesses the candidate's writing skills and ability to express their thoughts clearly and concisely. The candidates are usually given a topic or a prompt and asked to write an essay within a specific word limit. The report is typically evaluated based on content, grammar, and organization. It's essential to practice writing and to stay within the given word limit.

In summary, getting ready for the GD-PI-WAT requires various knowledge and abilities, including writing, reasoning, active listening, public speaking, and more. Candidates can perform well in these rounds and improve their chances of selection by practising these abilities and keeping up with current events.

Cracking the Group Discussion (GD), Personal Interview (PI), and Written Ability Test (WAT) rounds can be challenging for many candidates. The difficulty level varies depending on the college or university and the program you are applying for. Here are 13 must-do things to crack GD-PI-WAT.

Practising Public Speaking and Communication Skills

Practising public speaking and communication skills is essential to preparing for a Group Discussion (GD) round. Public speaking and communication skills are vital to effectively express one's thoughts and ideas and to persuade others to agree with your perspective.

Come Up with Relevant Examples and Points Quickly

Developing the ability to think on your feet and come up with relevant examples and points quickly is an important skill when participating in a Group Discussion (GD). In a GD, candidates are given a topic to discuss, and they are expected to think on their feet, analyze it, and come up with relevant examples and points quickly; this can be challenging.

Understanding the Format and Structure of GD

Understanding the format and structure of the Group Discussion (GD) round is essential for preparing effectively and performing well. Knowing the design and construction of a GD would help the candidate to be ready for it. It's vital to be aware of current events, practice public speaking, develop your ability to think on your feet, and come up with relevant examples and points quickly. Preparing to listen actively, participate in the discussion, and build confidence is also vital.

Being Aware of Current Events

Being aware of current events and being able to form an opinion on them is an essential aspect of preparing for a Group Discussion (GD) round. Group Discussion topics can vary widely, but many are based on current events and social issues, so being well-informed about what is happening worldwide can give you an edge in the GD.

Prepare Responses to Common Interview Questions

Personal Interview (PI) is an integral part of the selection process for many graduate and post-graduate programs. One of the key things to consider when preparing for a PI is to prepare responses to common interview questions.

Some common interview questions include:

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Why did you choose this program/college/university?
  • What are your career goals?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • How do your experiences and skills align with the program/college/university?
  • What are your accomplishments and achievements?
  • Why should we choose you for this program/college/university?

Be Honest and Authentic in Your Responses

Be Honest and Authentic in Your Responses applies to any situation where you're being interviewed, including a personal interview (PI) during the recruitment process. It means that you should be true to yourself and answer questions as accurately and candidly as possible, rather than trying to present a false image or impress the interviewer with what you think they want to hear.

Being honest and authentic in your responses can help the interviewer understand your strengths, weaknesses, and how you might fit into the role or the company culture. It can also help to build trust and establish credibility with the interviewer. It can lead to negative consequences such as termination or damaging your reputation. On the other hand, if you are dishonest or inauthentic in your responses, it may be discovered later.

Be Aware of Your Body Language

During a PI, it's essential to be aware of your body language and to use it to your advantage. For example, maintaining good eye contact, sitting straight, and smiling can convey confidence, interest, and engagement. On the other hand, slouching, avoiding eye contact, or fidgeting can mean a lack of confidence, disinterest, or nervousness.

It's also important to be aware of your tone of voice and pace of speech, as these can also convey a lot of information to the interviewer.

Additionally, it's essential to consider how you are dressed, as it is also a form of nonverbal communication. A neatly dressed, polished appearance can convey professionalism, while a more casual or unkempt appearance can convey a lack of care or respect.

Take Time to Reflect on Your Answers

When answering questions during a PI, it's important to take a moment to consider your answer before responding. This can help you to articulate your thoughts clearly and to avoid rambling or giving incomplete or irrelevant answers. It can also help you to think about how the interviewer will perceive your solution and to adjust your response accordingly.

Reflecting on your answers can also help you to highlight your qualifications, experiences, and skills in the best possible light and to demonstrate how they align with the role or the company's values and goals. This can make you a more attractive candidate and increase your chances of getting the job.

Taking time to reflect on your answers also shows that you are thoughtful and deliberate and have put effort into the interview. It also allows you to correct any mistakes or incomplete sentences.

Use Appropriate Vocabulary and Grammar

When participating in a Written Ability Test (WAT), it's important to use appropriate vocabulary and grammar to convey your thoughts and ideas effectively. This means using words and phrases that are suitable for the audience and purpose of the essay, as well as adhering to the rules of grammar and punctuation.

Proper grammar and vocabulary are essential components of effective communication, as they enable the reader to understand the meaning and intent behind the written words. Using appropriate vocabulary and grammar allows you to convey your ideas and arguments clearly and cohesively, improving the essay's overall quality.

Don't Deviate From the Topic

The topic or prompt for a WAT is given for a reason, and the evaluator wants to see how well you can analyze and respond to it. If you deviate from the topic, you risk straying from the main point, weakening your argument and making it difficult for the evaluator to understand your perspective.

To avoid deviating from the topic, it's essential to clearly understand the issue or prompt and to brainstorm ideas before you start writing. Planning your essay structure and outlining your arguments can help you stay focused on the matter.

Avoid Using Cliche or Overused Phrases

Using cliche or overused phrases can make your essay sound bland and unoriginal. It can also make it difficult for the evaluator to understand your perspective, as it can give the impression that you cannot come up with your thoughts or ideas.

One way to avoid using cliche or overused phrases is by brainstorming and coming up with your original ideas and words. Additionally, it would be helpful to read widely and expose yourself to various written works; this way, you'll learn and appreciate different writing styles and techniques.

Another way to avoid cliche is by being mindful of the words you are using and replacing them with more exciting and specific terms. This can make your writing more vivid and engaging to read.

Plan the Structure Before Starting to Write

When taking a Written Ability Test (WAT), it's crucial to lay out your essay's structure before you begin writing. Making a plan for organising your ideas and thoughts makes it simpler to maintain concentration on the subject, which is essential for effective communication.

A well-organized essay contains a clear introduction, logical body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Background information, the primary contention, and a summary of the essential arguments should all be included in the introduction. The body paragraphs should provide particular instances and facts to support the central thesis. The conclusion should reiterate the main argument, summarise the critical points, and offer advice or suggestions for further action.

Use Simple and Direct Language

In WAT, using straightforward language has several advantages. It makes your essay easier to read and grasp for the examiner, increasing the likelihood that they will be interested in your argument. Additionally, straightforward language can help prevent misunderstandings and uncertainty, which can be crucial in a formal evaluation.

Choosing words that are widely understood and avoiding terminology that is difficult or foreign are both examples of using simple language. For instance, you may substitute the terms "spread" or "improve" for phrases like "proliferate" or "ameliorate," respectively. The reader will be able to understand and follow your argument.

Writing clearly and concisely is crucial, minimizing extraneous or superfluous details and using plain language. This can strengthen your case and increase the likelihood that the assessor will comprehend your point of view.

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