10 Mistakes You Should Avoid Making on Tests like GMAT and GRE

10 Mistakes You Should Avoid Making on Tests like GMAT and GRE

10 Mistakes You Should Avoid Making on Tests like GMAT and GRE

Sahil Dahal

The United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Germany are among the top destinations for students who want to study abroad. These countries have some of the best universities and educational institutions in the world, and many students from around the globe aspire to study there. Admissions to these institutions are competitive, and applicants are typically required to take exams like the GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) or the GRE (Graduate Record Examination) to demonstrate their academic skills and potential. In addition, many institutions require applicants to take English language exams like the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) to ensure they have sufficient English proficiency.

While most applicants are fully aware of the test format and curriculum for exams like the GMAT and GRE, many still make common mistakes during their preparation and on the day of the exam. These mistakes can range from not understanding the questions or not managing their time effectively to making careless mistakes or not reviewing their work before submitting it. These errors can significantly impact an applicant's performance and may even result in them needing to be accepted into their desired institution. To avoid making these mistakes, it is essential for applicants to be well-prepared, manage their time effectively, and stay focused during the exam.

Students can prevent many errors and achieve high GRE and GMAT scores by doing their research in advance. Here are ten mistakes students should avoid making on tests like GMAT and GRE.

Choosing the Wrong Study Material

The GRE and GMAT tests can be prepared for using a variety of books and internet resources. Students must be sure to select appropriate and accurate practice materials, though.

Selecting the wrong study material can be a significant obstacle to success on tests like the GMAT and GRE. It would help if you took the time to research different study options and choose materials that align with your learning style and goals.

To acquire a sense of the structure and subject matter of the test, official resources, such as those provided by the test developers, old questions might be highly beneficial. Choosing suitable study materials for competitive exams like GRE and GMAT can help students score better.

Not Following a Proper Study Plan

Following the proper study, the plan is essential to score well on exams like the GRE and GMAT. This will help you stay focused and motivated during your preparation and increase your chances of success on the exam. One key element of a good study plan is setting clear goals. This will help you stay motivated and focused on what you want to achieve on the exam. In addition, it is crucial to create a schedule that allows you to study consistently and progressively rather than trying to cram all of your studying into a short period. Reviewing the exam format and content is also crucial, as this will help you understand what to expect on test day and allow you to focus your studying on the most critical areas. Practice materials like sample questions and practice exams can also be beneficial in preparing for the GRE and GMAT.

Also, don't hesitate to seek help if you are struggling with specific areas of the exam or need additional support. A tutor or study group can provide valuable guidance and support during preparation. By following these tips and creating a well-structured study plan, you can increase your chances of success on exams like the GRE and GMAT.

Not Taking Enough Mock Tests

Taking enough mock tests can help you score well on exams like the GRE and GMAT. Mock tests are practice exams designed to simulate the actual exam as closely as possible.

By taking mock exams, you may understand the structure, time constraints, and question types you will encounter on the exam. This can assist you in identifying any knowledge gaps or test-taking shortcomings, allowing you to concentrate your study efforts on the areas that require the most significant development.

Not Doing Analysis of Mock Tests

Practising mock exams is like finishing half the work without a thorough analysis after the examination. After each mock exam, it is vital to review errors to determine strengths and weaknesses.

Practising mock examinations is equivalent to doing half the work without a complete analysis at the end of the test. Analyzing errors after every mock exam is crucial to identify strengths and weaknesses.

Practising mock examinations is equivalent to doing half the work without a complete analysis at the end of the test. Analyzing errors after every mock exam is crucial to identify strengths and weaknesses.

Spending Too Much Time on a Question

Spending too much time on a question can refer to a situation where a person is devoting an excessive amount of time and effort to solving a problem or answering a question to the point where it becomes detrimental to their productivity or well-being. This can happen for various reasons, such as feeling overwhelmed by the complexity of the task, feeling a sense of pressure to come up with the correct answer, or being too invested in the outcome.

To avoid spending too much time on a question, set limits on the amount of time you are willing to devote to it and take breaks or switch to other tasks if necessary. It can also be helpful to seek help or input from others, such as a mentor or a colleague.

Not Reading the Questions Carefully

Taking exams like the GRE and GMAT can be stressful, and it is common for candidates to feel rushed or anxious during the exam. In this type of situation, it is easy to overlook important details or to misread the instructions or questions.

By reading and understanding the instructions and questions carefully, the candidate can increase their chances of selecting the correct answer. It is also essential to manage your time effectively during the exam so that you have enough time to read and consider all of the questions and options.

Confirming the Answer Without Cross-Checking

Students often rush through GRE and GMAT questions because they are pressed for time, so they sometimes need to double-check the correct answer. Some difficult GRE and GMAT questions are made to assess a candidate's mental focus. Sometimes, the decision that appears to be the best at first isn't. Therefore, it's crucial to double-check the choice once each applicant confirms their selection. They will be able to do better on the test and avoid stupid blunders.

Avoiding Proper Rest

Taking the GRE or GMAT can be a stressful experience, as it involves a lot of preparation, and the test results can significantly impact a person's academic and professional career. Therefore, candidates must take good care of their physical and mental health before the test day.

It is also essential for candidates to avoid last-minute planning and to focus on relaxation in the weeks leading up to the test. This can help to prevent anxiety and restlessness, which can harm performance.

Not Preparing Enough

Lack of study time is a mistake applicant make when preparing for the GMAT or GRE. To improve your chances of passing the test, ensure you allot adequate time for studying and preparation. This might entail reviewing pertinent course content, working through sample questions, and taking practice exams.

Lack of preparation may cause applicants to perform poorly on the test since they may not be as familiar with its format and content. It's critical to dedicate the appropriate time and energy to preparation if you want to perform well on the GMAT or GRE. This may entail designating specific study periods each day or each week and, if necessary, requesting assistance.


The timer that appears on the screen throughout the GRE and GMAT exams might cause anxiety for certain applicants. It is normal to have pressure to do well and finish the exam in the allowed time. It's crucial to keep your cool and avoid panicking, though.

Candidates should avoid stressing out about running out of time by being calm and concentrated during the test. Additionally, it's critical to use caution while resolving issues. This entails reading the question attentively, comprehending it completely, and not hurrying through the problem-solving process.

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