How UPES is delivering world-class education in the time of pandemic

How UPES is delivering world-class education in the time of pandemic

How UPES is delivering world-class education in the time of pandemic

Sahil Dahal

The year 2020 brought unprecedented challenges, particularly in the realm of higher education, as the world grappled with the Covid-19 pandemic. However, the University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (UPES) demonstrated resilience and adaptability, ensuring a seamless continuation of world-class education through innovative teaching and assessment methods.

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2021 Graduates Witness Over 2001 Unique Placements

Despite the disruptions caused by the global pandemic, UPES excelled in providing exceptional education. Leveraging virtual labs, an immersive academic learning framework, and an unwavering commitment to quality, the university achieved remarkable success, securing over 2001 unique placements for the 2021 graduating batch.

A Solid Structure for Continuous Education

UPES developed a robust framework to support students' learning experiences, guaranteeing the delivery of the exceptional quality of education the university is renowned for, irrespective of the delivery model. This approach allowed the university to conduct online classes seamlessly, maintaining the original schedule and ensuring a comprehensive learning experience.

Safety and Hygiene Measures Certified by Bureau Veritas

Prioritizing the safety of its community, UPES aligned its safety protocols with global standards, earning certification from Bureau Veritas. This certification reaffirms UPES's commitment to providing a secure learning and working environment for students, faculty, and staff.

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Embracing Virtual Labs and Collaborative Learning

Virtual Labs for Practical Learning

UPES took a proactive approach to provide remote access to labs, organizing virtual labs across disciplines. These virtual labs facilitated practical learning for undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as research scholars. The university is actively expanding its virtual lab offerings to encourage remote experimentation.

Global Collaborations Enhance Learning

UPES partnered with Coursera, a global online learning platform, enriching students' learning experiences with access to over 3,900 courses and nearly 400 specializations. Students can acquire university-branded certificates upon completing these courses, enhancing their skill set and employability.

Promoting Well-being and Support in the Community

UPES implemented an Immersive Academic Learning Framework for the batch of 2020, incorporating induction, pre-semester learning, and the start of the semester. The university continued its efforts to bridge the academia-industry gap through online master classes and webinars conducted by industry experts.

School for Life and 'UPES Cares' Counseling Service

To equip students for personal and professional success, UPES established the School for Life, offering interdisciplinary courses and life-skills training. Additionally, the university launched 'UPES Cares,' a 24/7 counseling service for emotional well-being, addressing concerns related to uncertainties and the ongoing pandemic.

Nurturing Creativity and Innovation

UPES fostered a conducive environment for research and innovation, resulting in remarkable student and faculty achievements. Innovations such as the COVID Fabric Helmet, Multi-Patient Ventilator, and Automatic Hand Sanitizer Dispensing Machine were developed, showcasing UPES's commitment to making a positive impact during challenging times.

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Enriching Campus Life Amidst Uncertainties

To bring joy and a sense of belonging among students, UPES organized various engaging activities, including 'Bring Your Own Coffee,' 'Quarantine Tales,' online sports tournaments, and workshops on diverse subjects. These initiatives aimed to foster a vibrant campus life despite the uncertainties.

In conclusion, UPES's proactive and innovative approach to education during challenging times has not only ensured academic continuity but has also empowered students with skills and experiences that transcend traditional boundaries. The university's commitment to excellence and adaptability positions it as a beacon of transformative education in the ever-evolving landscape of higher education.


How did UPES manage to secure over 2001 unique placements for the 2021 graduating batch?

UPES adapted to the evolving circumstances by implementing virtual labs, an immersive academic learning framework, and a robust safety protocol aligned with global standards. These measures facilitated uninterrupted education, ensuring graduates were well-prepared for successful placements.

What steps did UPES take to ensure the safety and well-being of its students?

The university received certification from Bureau Veritas for its safety and hygiene program. UPES implemented comprehensive safety protocols, ensuring a secure learning and working environment. Additionally, a 24/7 counseling service, 'UPES Cares,' was introduced to address emotional well-being concerns.

How did UPES leverage virtual labs and online collaborations to enhance the learning experience for students?

UPES organized virtual labs across disciplines, providing remote access for practical learning. The university also collaborated with Coursera, offering over 3,900 courses and nearly 400 specializations, enriching students' skill sets and employability.

What initiatives did UPES undertake to bridge the academia-industry gap during the pandemic?

The university continued efforts to bridge the academia-industry gap through online master classes and webinars conducted by industry experts. This included sessions on various topics such as the post-Covid economy, sustainable design, and insights from space exploration.

How did UPES contribute to nurturing creativity and innovation among its students and faculty during challenging times?

UPES fostered a conducive environment for research and innovation, resulting in significant achievements such as the development of the COVID Fabric Helmet, Multi-Patient Ventilator, and Automatic Hand Sanitizer Dispensing Machine. 

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