How To Study For GRE In Two Months

How To Study For GRE In Two Months

How To Study For GRE In Two Months

Nikita Shakya

Embarking on a two-month GRE preparation journey requires meticulous planning to ensure success. Let's delve into the key considerations to make your study plan foolproof:

Establish Measurable Targets

Creating a robust GRE study plan extends beyond mere time allocation; it involves setting measurable targets to gauge your progress effectively. Consider incorporating the following strategies:

Mastering Vocabulary

Set a specific and achievable target for mastering a certain number of GRE words daily. This ensures that you not only cover the necessary vocabulary but also do so with efficiency.

Read More: How To Prepare for GRE Verbal

Efficiency and Progress

Measure your efficiency by tracking the number of words mastered daily. This approach allows you to monitor your progress, identify areas for improvement, and ensure a consistent and effective study routine.

Set Small, Attainable Goals

Breaking down your study goals into manageable components is crucial for sustained progress. Adopt the following practices to foster a structured and productive approach:

Daily Study Hours

Define the number of hours you commit to studying each day. Considering your other commitments and responsibilities, ensure this is a realistic and attainable goal.

GRE Mock Tests and Specific Drills

Set targets for the number of GRE mock tests and specific test drills you aim to complete weekly. This diversifies your study routine and provides a tangible measure of your preparation.

Realistic Goal Setting

Setting realistic goals is fundamental to effective GRE preparation. Beyond the quantity of words studied, focus on understanding and retention. Consider the following aspects:

Retention of Word Meanings

Evaluate how many words you can study and how well you retain their meanings. This holistic approach ensures that your vocabulary acquisition is quantitative and qualitative.

Accuracy Improvements

Track improvements in accuracy as you engage in GRE drills. This real-time assessment allows you to adapt your study methods, emphasizing areas where refinement is necessary.

Commit to the Plan

Creating a study schedule is the initial step; true success lies in unwavering commitment. Acknowledge the importance of adhering to your outlined GRE study schedule:

Scheduled Mock Test Dates

Commit to scheduled mock test dates in advance. This commitment fosters consistency and ensures you treat these assessments with the same seriousness as the GRE.

Essential Materials for Your 2-Month GRE Study

Ensuring you have the right resources is paramount for an effective GRE preparation. Consider utilizing a comprehensive set of materials:

GRE Manual

A detailed guide covering various aspects of the GRE. Leverage this resource for a deep understanding of the exam structure and content.

Supplement to the GRE Manual

Additional resources are designed to enhance your comprehension. Use these supplements to reinforce key concepts and strategies.

ETS GRE Official Guide

A reliable source for practice questions and invaluable insights into the GRE. Incorporate this guide into your study routine for a comprehensive preparation experience.

GRE Flash Cards

Essential tools for vocabulary building. These cards provide a tangible and interactive way to reinforce and expand your word bank.

Online GRE Student Portal

An interactive platform offering additional support. Utilize this resource to complement your study materials, engage with interactive content, and seek clarification on challenging topics.

Time Management is Crucial

Efficiently dividing your available time over the two-month study period is vital for success. Adopt a strategic approach to each month:

The First Month

Concentrate on building a solid foundation by mastering GRE quant and GRE verbal strategies. Utilize tools like FlashCards and online platforms to enhance your vocabulary. Allocate time for at least two GRE practice tests to gauge your progress accurately.

The Second Month

Shift your focus to timed drills, challenging vocabulary, and multiple GRE practice tests. Familiarize yourself with a full-length GRE test format, ensuring mental preparedness for the actual exam. This targeted approach ensures a gradual yet comprehensive preparation leading to the exam day.

Strategies to Excel in Your GRE Study Plan

Navigate Within GRE Sections

Maximize your efficiency by strategically navigating through GRE sections. Prioritize answering easy questions first, utilize scratch paper for quantitative and verbal sections, and strategically mark challenging questions to revisit without wasting precious time.

Prioritize Accuracy Before Speed

Emphasize accuracy during the initial stages of your preparation. Gradually transition to improving speed while maintaining precision.

Review is Key

Devote substantial time after each GRE test for a comprehensive review. Leverage resources like The Princeton Review Student GRE Portal to gain detailed insights into your performance. Take notes to understand your mistakes and identify areas of strength and weakness.

Embrace Systematic Study

A systematic approach to your GRE study plan is more effective than a rushed one. Recognize that 60 days may seem extensive, but consistent, focused study for at least six days a week is key to success.

Week-by-Week Study Plan for a Successful GRE Journey

Weeks 1-2 (First Month)

Immerse yourself in GRE video lessons, noting strategies and Point of Elimination (POE) tools. Learn 10 words daily, practicing related GRE questions to apply your newfound techniques immediately.

Weeks 3-4 (First Month)

Identify and focus on weak areas. Utilize resources like the Manual, online portal, and Official Guide for targeted drills. Take GRE practice tests, emphasizing time management, strategy implementation, and global techniques.

Weeks 5-6 (Second Month)

Strengthen areas of weakness, giving special attention to enhancing your GRE vocabulary. Engage with challenging drills from the online portal, Official Guide, and GRE Supplement.

Weeks 7-8 (Second Month)

Conduct comprehensive assessments by taking GRE tests at the beginning and end of the seventh week. Prioritize remaining questions from the Official Guide, GRE Supplement, and Student Portal. Take ETS Power-prep tests without distractions.

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AWA Section in the GRE 2-Month Study Plan

The Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) section is often overlooked but integral to your overall GRE score:

  • Incorporate the AWA section in every practice test.
  • Utilize resources like the GRE Supplement and Official Guide to enhance your writing skills.
  • Practice two weekly essays, following a structured plan for brainstorming, organizing, typing, and proofreading.

Enhance Your Vocabulary with Manya GRE WordsApp

If vocabulary proves to be a challenge, leverage the Manya GRE WordsApp:

  • Access over 1300 GRE words categorized by difficulty.
  • Utilize clear meanings, pictorial representations, synonyms, antonyms, quizzes, and rewards for effective learning.

By meticulously following this comprehensive two-month GRE study plan and leveraging valuable resources, you are equipped to meet and exceed the challenges posed by the GRE exam.

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