How to Save Money During Study Abroad – Top 10 Hacks

How to Save Money During Study Abroad – Top 10 Hacks

How to Save Money During Study Abroad – Top 10 Hacks

Sahil Dahal

While going to college abroad might be an exciting experience, it can also provide financial difficulties. As an international student, managing expenses while studying abroad can seem daunting, especially when you're away from the comforts of home. However, with the right strategies and mindset, you can save money and make the most of your international study experience.

This article will share tried-and-tested tips to help you stretch your rupees and navigate the financial landscape of studying abroad.

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Top 10 Money-Saving Hacks for Students Abroad

Choose Shared Accommodation

Living with roommates is a budget-friendly option that significantly reduces your housing costs. Instead of renting an entire apartment or house, you can split the rent and utility bills with others. This way, you'll save a substantial amount of money and have the opportunity to meet new people, learn about different cultures, and build a supportive social circle. When searching for shared accommodation, communicate clearly with potential roommates about rules, responsibilities, and expectations to ensure a harmonious living situation.

Cook at Home

Dining out can be tempting, but it can quickly drain your budget. Instead, embrace the art of cooking and prepare your meals at home. Create a weekly meal plan and grocery list to avoid impulsive purchases and reduce food waste. Take advantage of local markets and grocery stores that offer discounts or bulk items. Cooking at home saves you money and allows you to maintain a healthier diet and explore new recipes from different cultures.

Utilize Student Discounts

As a student, you can access many discounts and special offers. Many businesses, from retailers and restaurants to entertainment venues and transportation services, offer discounted rates or promotions for students. Make sure to carry your student ID with you at all times, and always inquire about available discounts. You can also join student associations or organizations that provide exclusive deals and offers for their members.      

Buy Second-Hand

Textbooks, furniture, and other essential items can be expensive when purchased new. To save money, consider buying second-hand goods from thrift stores, online marketplaces, or student communities. You can often find gently used items in excellent condition at a fraction of the cost. Additionally, buying second-hand is an environmentally friendly choice that reduces waste and promotes a more sustainable lifestyle.

Use Public Transportation

Owning and maintaining a car can be a substantial expense, especially in a foreign country. Instead, use public transportation options like buses, trains, or even cycling. Many cities offer discounted or specialized transportation passes for students, making it an affordable and environmentally friendly way to get around. Not only will you save money on fuel and maintenance costs, but you'll also contribute to reducing your carbon footprint.

Apply for Scholarships and Grants

Scholarships and grants can be a game-changer when financing your education abroad. Take the time to research and apply for as many opportunities as possible, including those offered by your host institution, government agencies, and private organizations. Even small scholarships can add up and help alleviate the financial burden of studying abroad. Be sure to start your scholarship search early and follow all application instructions carefully to increase your chances of success.

Similar Topic: How to Open a Student Bank Account While Studying Abroad?

Limit Credit Card Use

While credit cards can be convenient, they can also lead to overspending and debt accumulation. Try to limit their use to emergencies or essential purchases and prioritize paying with cash or debit cards. This will help you maintain better control over your spending and avoid unnecessary interest charges or fees. If you use a credit card, pay off the balance in full each month to avoid accruing interest.

Seek Part-Time Employment

Taking on a part-time job can provide an additional income stream to help cover your living expenses. Many universities offer on-campus employment opportunities specifically designed for students, allowing you to work flexible hours around your class schedule. Additionally, part-time work can be a valuable opportunity to gain real-world experience, develop transferable skills, and build your resume. Before accepting a job, check your student visa requirements and ensure you comply with any work restrictions.

Create a Budget and Stick to It

The foundation of wise financial management is creating a budget. Track your earnings and outgoings first, then make a reasonable budget that includes money for necessities like housing, food, and education. To keep on target, evaluate your budget frequently and make any necessary adjustments. Making a budget will assist you in handling your money and provide you with useful money management skills that you can use in the future. To keep organized and streamline the process, think about utilizing spreadsheets or budgeting applications.

Prioritize Needs over Wants

It's easy to get carried away with discretionary spending when you're in a new and exciting environment. However, it's crucial to differentiate between your needs and wants. Prioritize essential expenses, such as housing, food, and educational materials. Once you've covered your basic needs, you can allocate funds for non-essential items or activities if your budget allows. Practice mindful spending by asking yourself if a purchase is necessary or simply a temporary desire.

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Accepting the Journey Toward Financial Freedom

Studying abroad is not just about academics; it's also an opportunity to develop invaluable life skills, including financial responsibility.

By following these money-saving tips, you'll alleviate financial stress and cultivate habits that will serve you well throughout your life. Embrace the challenge of managing your finances, and you'll emerge from your international study experience with a newfound sense of independence and preparedness for the future.

Do Not Miss: 6 Strategies to Lower Your Cost of Studying Abroad


How can I find affordable shared housing options while studying abroad?

Search for listings near campus, join online student communities, check university housing boards, and contact the international student office for assistance in finding roommates to split costs.

Are international students allowed to work part-time in their host country?

Yes, but regulations vary. Check your student visa guidelines, consult the international student office, and be mindful of work-hour limits and eligible job types. On-campus jobs are often a convenient option.

What are some practical ways to save money on textbooks and course materials?

Rent textbooks, buy used copies, share with classmates, borrow from the library, use free online or open educational resources (OERs), and look for student discounts or promotions.

How can I create and maintain a realistic budget while studying abroad?

Track all income and expenses, set budget limits for essential and discretionary spending, prioritize essentials, use budgeting apps or spreadsheets, and identify areas to reduce non-essential costs.

What are some tips for finding and applying for scholarships and grants?

Start your search early and explore opportunities from universities, government agencies, private organizations, and online databases. Follow all requirements carefully, tailor applications, and seek guidance from the financial aid office.

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