How to beat board exam stress

How to beat board exam stress

How to beat board exam stress
Sahil Dahal

Board exams can make even the most composed students a bit jittery. As the exam dates draw near, the pressure to perform well and meet parental expectations can lead to stress and anxiety. Here are ten simple yet effective tips to help you deal with stress and keep calm before those crucial board exams. Following these tips can boost your confidence and make your exam preparation healthier and more manageable.


Morning Exercise Routine

Take a breather from the study desk and indulge in some morning exercise. Allocate at least 30 minutes daily to connect with nature and yourself. It's a simple yet effective way to relax and rejuvenate, setting a positive tone for the day.

Time Management

Plan your study schedule according to the syllabus and exam timetable. Ensure you have some spare time for other activities at the end of each day. This helps avoid last-minute cramming and provides a balanced approach to exam preparation.

Studying at Your Pace

Don't force yourself to study if your mind and body aren't cooperating. Study at a steady pace without rushing. This approach and hard work can keep stress at bay and contribute to adequate exam preparation.

Avoid Overthinking

Overthinking about exams only adds unnecessary tension. Stay focused on your preparation without dwelling too much on the potential outcomes. A positive mindset can significantly reduce stress levels.

Prioritize Quality Sleep

Ensure you get sound sleep every night. While the idea of overnight study sessions may seem tempting, it's better to study during the day and reserve the night for restful sleep. A well-rested mind performs better during exams.

Also Check: How to score good marks in exams?

Healthy Diet Habits

Resist the urge to binge on unhealthy snacks while studying. A nutritious diet keeps your body and mind in good shape, providing the energy needed to stay active. Opt for balanced meals to fuel your study sessions.

Positive Affirmations and Relaxation Techniques

Boost your self-esteem and positivity. When stress kicks in, take 10 minutes for slow breathing or meditation. These simple techniques can help relax your mind and keep anxiety in check.

Strategic Study Breaks

Avoid continuous studying without breaks. Taking short breaks between study sessions helps you regain lost energy and keeps you focused. Breaks can be an opportunity to refresh your mind and maintain productivity.

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Study with a Friend

Make studying more enjoyable by partnering with a friend. Having a study companion makes the process engaging and helps ward off boredom. Discussions can enhance understanding and create a more dynamic study environment.

Conceptual Learning over Rote Memorization

Avoid rote memorization. Instead, focus on understanding concepts and creating summaries. This approach not only shortens study time but also facilitates a faster completion of the syllabus. Understanding the material makes studying more enjoyable and effective.

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How can morning exercise help in reducing exam stress?

Morning exercise for at least 30 minutes provides a refreshing break from studying, helping you relax and rejuvenate. It sets a positive tone for the day, reducing overall stress.

How do I balance studying and other activities in my daily schedule?

Time management is key. Plan your study schedule according to the syllabus and exam timetable, ensuring spare time at the end of each day. This approach avoids last-minute cramming and allows for a more balanced lifestyle.

What should I do if I find it challenging to study at a steady pace?

If your mind and body aren't cooperating, don't force yourself. Opt for a steady study pace without rushing, ensuring a healthier approach to exam preparation. Remember, there is no substitute for hard work at your own pace.

How can I avoid overthinking about the upcoming exams?

Overthinking can increase tension. Stay focused on your preparation, and cultivate a positive mindset. Avoid dwelling excessively on potential outcomes, as maintaining a positive outlook can significantly reduce stress.

Is it necessary to study overnight for effective exam preparation?

While overnight study sessions might seem tempting, it's better to study during the day and reserve the night for restful sleep. Quality sleep is crucial for optimal exam performance, and a well-rested mind is more effective in retaining information.

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