Advertising Vs PR Vs Corporate Communication - Courses, Scope, Jobs, Salary

Advertising Vs PR Vs Corporate Communication - Courses, Scope, Jobs, Salary

Advertising Vs PR Vs Corporate Communication - Courses, Scope, Jobs, Salary

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In today's fast-paced business world, effective communication is essential for the success of any organisation. Advertising, Public Relations (PR), and Corporate Communication are three critical fields facilitating communication between companies, stakeholders, and the public.

Advertising is creating, planning, and executing campaigns that promote products or services to potential customers. The main goal of advertising is to create brand awareness, generate leads, and increase sales.

Public Relations (PR) is the practice of building and maintaining relationships between an organisation and its stakeholders, including customers, employees, shareholders, and the media. PR aims to create a positive image of the organisation and its products or services.

Corporate Communication involves managing the internal and external communication of an organisation. It includes everything from creating newsletters and employee communications to managing crises and handling media relations.

The importance of these fields in the business world cannot be overstated. Effective communication can help organisations build strong relationships with their stakeholders, improve brand image, and drive business growth. A well-executed advertising campaign, a strategic PR plan, and a robust corporate communication strategy can help companies achieve their goals and outperform their competitors.

In the following sections, we will explore these fields in more detail, including the related courses, their scope, jobs, and salary prospects.


Advertising is a vital part of the marketing mix, and it involves creating and promoting messages to influence consumer behaviour. It can be done through various channels, including television, radio, print, online, and social media. The primary goal of advertising is to increase brand awareness, generate leads, and increase sales.

Courses related to Advertising:

  • Bachelor's degree in Advertising
  • Master's degree in Advertising
  • Certificate courses in Advertising
  • Online courses in Advertising

Scope of Advertising:

Advertising professionals can work in various fields, including advertising agencies, media companies, marketing departments, and creative agencies. They can work as account executives, media planners, copywriters, art directors, creative directors, and graphic designers.

Jobs in Advertising:

  • Account Executive: responsible for managing client relationships and ensuring that their advertising needs are met
  • Media Planner: responsible for creating media plans and identifying the best channels to reach the target audience
  • Copywriter: responsible for writing advertising copy that effectively communicates the message of the brand
  • Art Director: responsible for the visual components of advertising campaigns
  • Creative Director: responsible for overseeing the overall creative vision of the advertising campaign

Salary in Advertising:

Salaries in advertising can vary depending on the level of experience, job title, and location. According to PayScale, the average salary for an entry-level Advertising Account Executive is around $44,000 per year, while a Creative Director can earn up to $140,000 per year.

Public Relations (PR)

Public Relations (PR) is the strategic communication practice that builds and maintains positive relationships between organisations and their stakeholders, including customers, employees, investors, and the media. PR professionals work to create a positive public image of an organisation by developing and implementing communication strategies, such as press releases, media interviews, events, and social media.

Courses related to PR:

  • Bachelor's degree in Public Relations
  • Master's degree in Public Relations
  • Certificate courses in Public Relations
  • Online courses in Public Relations

Scope of PR:

PR professionals can work in various industries, including corporate, non-profit, government, and education. They can work in various roles, including PR managers, media relations specialists, event planners, crisis communication specialists, and social media managers.

Jobs in PR:

  • Public Relations Manager: responsible for overseeing the organisation's PR activities and developing communication strategies that promote a positive image of the organisation.
  • Media Relations Specialist: responsible for maintaining relationships with journalists and securing positive media coverage for the organisation.
  • Event Planner: responsible for organising events that promote the organisation's image and engage with its stakeholders.
  • Crisis Communication Specialist: responsible for developing and implementing communication strategies to manage the organisation's reputation during a crisis.
  • Social Media Manager: responsible for managing the organisation's social media presence and developing strategies to engage with its followers.

Salary in PR:

Salaries in PR can vary depending on the experience level, job title, and location. According to PayScale, the average salary for an entry-level PR Specialist is around $46,000 per year, while a Public Relations Director can earn up to $129,000 per year.

Corporate Communication

Corporate Communication is managing and coordinating an organisation's internal and external communication. It encompasses various communication strategies, including employee communication, crisis communication, branding, public relations, and investor relations. The primary goal of corporate communication is to ensure that all stakeholders clearly understand the organisation's vision, mission, and values.

Courses related to Corporate Communication:

  • Bachelor's degree in Corporate Communication
  • Master's degree in Corporate Communication
  • Certificate courses in Corporate Communication
  • Online courses in Corporate Communication

Scope of Corporate Communication:

Corporate communication professionals can work in various industries, including corporate, non-profit, government, and education. They can work in various roles, including communication managers, internal communication specialists, investor relations specialists, and media relations specialists.

Jobs in Corporate Communication:

  • Communications Manager: Managing the organisation's internal and external communication strategies, including crisis communication, branding, and public relations.
  • Internal Communication Specialist: responsible for developing and implementing communication strategies that engage employees and align them with the organisation's goals.
  • Investor Relations Specialist: responsible for maintaining relationships with the organisation's investors and communicating the organisation's financial performance and prospects.
  • Media Relations Specialist: responsible for maintaining relationships with journalists and securing positive media coverage for the organisation.

Salary in Corporate Communication:

Salaries in Corporate Communication can vary depending on the experience level, job title, and location. According to PayScale, the average salary for an entry-level Communications Specialist is around $52,000 per year, while a Corporate Communications Director can earn up to $161,000 per year.

Comparison of Advertising, PR, and Corporate Communication

The following table compares and contrasts Advertising, PR, and Corporate Communication:




Corporate Communication


Creating and promoting messages to influence consumer behaviour.

Building and maintaining positive relationships between organisations and their stakeholders.

Managing and coordinating the internal and external communication of an organisation.


Bachelor's/Master's degree, Certificate, Online courses.

Bachelor's/Master's degree, Certificate, Online courses.

Bachelor's/Master's degree, Certificate, Online courses.


Advertising agencies, media companies, marketing departments, and creative agencies.

Corporate, non-profit, government, and education.

Corporate, non-profit, government, and education.


Account Executive, Media Planner, Copywriter, Art Director, Creative Director.

PR Manager, Media Relations Specialist, Event Planner, Crisis Communication Specialist, and Social Media Manager.

Communications Manager, Internal Communication Specialist, Investor Relations Specialist, and Media Relations Specialist.


Entry-level Advertising Account Executive: $44,000/year. Creative Director: up to $140,000/year.

Entry-level PR Specialist: $46,000/year. Public Relations Director: up to $129,000/year.

Entry-level Communications Specialist: $52,000/year. Corporate Communications Director: up to $161,000/year.

Similarities between Advertising, PR, and Corporate Communication:

  • All three fields involve communication and aim to create a positive image of an organisation.
  • Professionals in all three fields must have excellent communication, creativity, and strategic thinking skills.
  • All three fields require a comprehensive understanding of the target audience and how to communicate with them effectively.

Differences between Advertising, PR, and Corporate Communication:

  • Advertising focuses on promoting products or services, while PR and Corporate Communication focus on building stakeholder relationships.
  • Advertising focuses more on external communication, while PR and Corporate Communication focus on internal and external communication.
  • Advertising uses paid media channels, while PR and Corporate Communication use paid and earned media channels.

Which one is better to study and why?

The answer to this question depends on an individual's interests and career goals. Advertising may be the right choice for those interested in creating compelling advertising campaigns. At the same time, PR may be more suitable for those interested in building relationships with stakeholders and managing crises.

Corporate Communication may be the right choice for internal and external organisational communication. Researching and considering job opportunities, salary potential, and personal interests is important before deciding which field to study.


In this article, we have discussed three fields of communication: Advertising, Public Relations (PR), and Corporate Communication. We have defined each field, outlined relevant courses, discussed the scope of each field, listed job opportunities, and provided salary information. We have also compared and contrasted the three fields and discussed their similarities and differences.

Advertising, PR, and Corporate Communication will grow in the coming years. With the rise of social media and digital marketing, there is a growing demand for professionals who deeply understand the changing communication landscape. Additionally, as organisations become more complex, there is a growing need for professionals to manage and coordinate internal and external communication.

All three communication fields offer exciting opportunities for professionals interested in communication, strategy, and creativity. Whether pursuing a career in Advertising, PR, or Corporate Communication, staying up-to-date with the latest trends and techniques is essential. Moreover, developing a diverse skill set, including excellent communication, strategic thinking, and creativity, is crucial to succeeding in these fields.


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