Accounting Concepts – The A to Z Guide

Accounting Concepts – The A to Z Guide

Accounting Concepts – The A to Z Guide

Rosmit Gyawali

Accounting concepts are guidelines or rules that help accountants make sense of financial information and present it in a standard way. These concepts help ensure that financial statements are accurate, reliable, and comparable between different organizations.

Several accounting concepts, such as going concerned, assume that a company will continue to operate for the foreseeable future. Another concept is the cost principle, which says that assets should be recorded on the balance sheet at their original cost rather than their current market value.

By following these concepts, accountants can provide a clear and standardized picture of a company's financial health. This helps investors, creditors, and other stakeholders make informed decisions about the company's prospects.

What are Accounting Concepts?

Accounting concepts refer to the fundamental principles and assumptions that guide financial statement preparation, presentation, and interpretation. Accounting concepts are generally accepted principles that form the basis of accounting practice and help to ensure that financial statements are comparable across companies and over time. These concepts provide a framework for financial reporting, ensuring that accounting information is consistent, reliable, and relevant. 

The objectives of accounting concepts are to ensure that financial statements are consistent, accurate, and reliable. They help to standardize accounting practices across different companies and industries, making it easier for investors, creditors, and other stakeholders to compare financial information.

There are 12 main accounting concepts, each with a specific purpose:

  • Entity Concept: The entity concept assumes the business is separate from its owners or shareholders.
  • Money Measurement Concept: The money measurement concept states that only transactions that can be measured in monetary terms should be recorded in financial statements.
  • Periodicity Concept: The periodicity concept requires that financial statements be prepared regularly, such as quarterly or annually.
  • Accrual Concept: The accrual concept states that revenue and expenses should be recognized when earned or incurred, regardless of when cash is received or paid.
  • Matching Concept: The matching image requires that expenses be matched with the revenue they help to generate in the same accounting period.
  • Going Concern Concept: The going concern concept assumes that the business will continue to operate indefinitely, allowing it to carry out its obligations and commitments.
  • Cost Concept: The cost concept states that assets should be recorded at their original cost rather than their current market value.
  • Realization Concept: The realization concept says revenue should be recognized when earned rather than when cash is received.
  • Dual Aspect Concept: The dual aspect concept requires that every transaction have two equal and opposite effects on the balance sheet, maintaining the accounting equation of assets = liabilities + equity.
  • Conservatism: The conservatism concept requires that losses and expenses be recognized immediately, while gains and revenues should only be realized when specific.
  • Consistency: The consistency concept requires that accounting methods and practices be applied consistently from one accounting period to another.
  • Materiality: The materiality concept states that only significant or material information in financial statements should be disclosed.

Importance of Accounting Concept

The importance of the accounting concept is visible in the fact that its application is involved in every step of recording a financial transaction of the entity. Following are a few important accounting concepts.

Consistency: Accounting concepts provide a consistent framework for preparing financial statements. They ensure financial statements are prepared using the same rules and principles across different organizations and countries. This consistency helps investors and stakeholders compare financial statements and make informed decisions.

Accuracy: Accounting concepts ensure that financial statements accurately reflect an organization's financial position, performance, and cash flows. By following accounting concepts such as the accrual, matching, and dual aspect concepts, organizations can record transactions accurately and present an accurate and fair view of their financial position.

Compliance: Accounting concepts help organizations comply with legal and regulatory requirements. For example, the entity concept ensures that a business's financial transactions are separate from its owners. This separation is critical for complying with tax laws and other regulatory requirements.

Decision-making: Accounting concepts provide a framework for making informed business decisions. By using accounting concepts such as the going concern concept, organizations can make decisions based on their long-term prospects and not just short-term results.

Communication: Accounting concepts provide a common language for communicating financial information. They ensure that financial statements are consistent, accurate, and comparable, making it easier for investors, stakeholders, and regulators to understand and interpret financial information.

Performance evaluation: Accounting concepts help organizations evaluate their financial performance over time. By following accounting concepts such as the cost concept and the realization concept, organizations can measure the profitability of their operations and make informed decisions to improve their financial performance.

Transparency: Accounting concepts promote transparency in financial reporting. They ensure that organizations disclose all relevant financial information to stakeholders, including risks and uncertainties. This transparency builds trust among investors and other stakeholders and helps organizations maintain their reputation.

Planning and budgeting: Accounting concepts provide a basis for planning and budgeting. By using accounting concepts such as the periodicity concept, organizations can plan for the future and make informed decisions about resource allocation and investment.

Accounting Concept vs Convention

Here is a detailed table comparing accounting concepts and conventions:


Accounting Concepts

Accounting Conventions


Basic rules, assumptions, and conditions that define the parameters and constraints within which accounting operates.

Generally accepted practices or traditions that are followed while preparing financial statements.


To provide a consistent framework for financial reporting.

To ensure the reliability and accuracy of financial statements.


Entity concept, going concern concept, accrual concept, matching concept, etc.

Consistency convention, full disclosure convention, materiality convention, conservatism convention, etc.

Mandatory or optional

Mandatory, as they are the fundamental principles of accounting.

Optional, as they are not mandatory but are followed to ensure accuracy and consistency in financial reporting.

Level of flexibility

Low, as they are fundamental principles that cannot be easily altered or manipulated.

High, as conventions can be changed or modified based on the needs of the organization.


  • Provides information about the assets and liabilities of the entity.
  • It helps the management of the entity make informed economic decisions.
  • Provides financial information to the investors and shows the entity's financial status.
  • It helps to clearly understand how every business transaction has been recorded.
  • Ensures that every transaction is registered correctly.
  • Provides a uniformly accepted financial report, which assists in a better understanding of financial information.


  • Increases the chances of omission and misstatements in financial reporting.
  • It is challenging to pinpoint the exact location of the exclusion.
  • Issues with the understanding and analysis of financial information result from incorrectly recorded financial transactions.
  • The financial report is no longer reliable.
  • Limits the potential for non-monetary transactions to be recorded.
  • It only provides for reporting of transactions that are material, which can ruin the comparability aspect of the financial statements of various entities.
  • The financial statements do not accurately depict the entity's financial situation since it is not permitted to recognize assets at their realizable values.


In conclusion, accounting concepts are accountants' rules and assumptions to prepare financial statements. These concepts are the basic building blocks of a business's financial transactions.

The main goal of following accounting concepts is to provide reliable and consistent financial information to investors and other stakeholders.

Think of accounting concepts as the framework for recording and reporting financial transactions. By following these concepts, businesses can ensure that their financial information is accurate, complete, and trustworthy.

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