5 GMAT Preparation Best Practices In 2023

5 GMAT Preparation Best Practices In 2023

5 GMAT Preparation Best Practices In 2023
Saru Niraula

Everybody has unique talents. As a result, each person's GMAT preparation period is different. 

You can complete your GMAT preparation more quickly if you are well-versed in the fundamental ideas and only need to practice the GMAT-style questions. 

On the other hand, you would need more time and effort to achieve your target score if you need help understanding fundamental verbal or mathematical ideas.

The GMAT exam has a fee of USD 250, and the results are valid for five years. Therefore, it is best to prepare for the GMAT in advance. 

Here are five best practices you can employ to make the most of your time and effort if you have opted to take the GMAT.

Start with a diagnostic test

Before preparing for the GMAT, assessing your skill level and identifying your strengths and weaknesses is essential. Taking a full-length practice test can help you do so. The diagnostic test will give you a baseline score that you can use to gauge your progress. By taking a practice test, you'll become more familiar with the format and pacing of the exam. This can help you feel more confident when taking the test.

The diagnostic test will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses to create a study plan tailored to your specific needs. This can save you time and help you focus your energy on the areas where you need the most improvement. For example, if you're already strong in math, you mighonlyot need to spend less time reviewing those concepts. Instead, you can focus on improving your verbal skills. By starting with a diagnostic test, you'll be able to create a more efficient and effective study plan tailored to your specific needs.

Create a study plan

Once you have taken a diagnostic test and identified your strengths and weaknesses, it's time to create a study plan. A study plan is a detailed outline of what you need to study, how you will learn it, and when you will check it. Based on the results of your diagnostic test, you can create a personalised study plan that includes focused practice on your weakest areas and reviewing concepts you already know.

When creating your study plan, setting realistic goals and creating a schedule that works for you is essential. Everyone's schedule and learning style are different, so creating a plan that fits your needs is critical. If you work full-time, you might need to study in the evenings or on the weekends. Make sure to allocate enough time to each test section and include breaks in your study plan.

Your study plan should also include resources and materials that you will use to study. This includes GMAT prep books, online resources, and practice tests. You can also consider enrolling in a GMAT prep course or working with a tutor. Whatever help you choose, make sure they are high-quality and aligned with the current format of the GMAT.

A well-crafted study plan can help you stay organised, motivated, and confident as you prepare for the GMAT. By creating a study plan based on your diagnostic test, you'll be able to focus your energy on the areas where you need the most improvement. Your study plan should be personalised to fit your schedule and learning style and should include high-quality resources that align with the current format of the GMAT.

Use official GMAT prep materials

When preparing for the GMAT, it's essential to use high-quality study materials that are aligned with the current format of the exam. The best way to prepare for the GMAT is to use official prep materials provided by GMAC, such as the Official Guide for GMAT Review. These materials are designed specifically for the GMAT and include practice questions, detailed explanations, and strategies for success.

The Official Guide for GMAT Review is an essential resource for test-takers, including over 1,000 practice questions, answer explanations and exam tips. In addition to the Official Guide, GMAC offers additional materials, such as the GMATPrep software, including two free practice exams that simulate the actual test-taking experience.

Using official GMAT prep materials can help you prepare more effectively for the exam, as these materials are created by the same organisation that develops and administers the GMAT. You can be confident that the questions and strategies included in these materials are aligned with the current format of the GMAT and are based on years of research and experience. By using official GMAT prep materials, you'll be able to familiarise yourself with the exam and gain confidence in your test-taking abilities.

Practice time management

The GMAT is a timed exam, which means you need to manage your time effectively to succeed. During your preparation, you must practice time management by pacing yourself appropriately and not spending too much time on any question. This can be challenging, especially if you're not used to working under time pressure, but it's an essential skill for success on the GMAT.

To practice time management, you can start by setting a timer and working through practice questions or sections of the exam. Try to work quickly and efficiently, but make sure you're not sacrificing accuracy for speed. If you're spending too much time on a question, move on and return to it later.

It's also important to take practice exams under realistic testing conditions, including time constraints. This will help you build endurance and confidence for the 3.5-hour exam. By practising time management, you'll be able to use your time more effectively on the GMAT and avoid wasting time on any particular section.

Using official GMAT prep materials can help you prepare more effectively for the exam, as they are created by the same organisation that administers the GMAT. Practising time management is also essential for success on the GMAT, as it is a timed exam. By pacing yourself appropriately and not spending too much time on any one question, you can improve your accuracy and efficiency on the exam.

Take practice tests regularly

Take multiple practice tests throughout your preparation to gauge your progress and get comfortable with the format and pacing of the exam. This will also help you build endurance for the 3.5-hour test.

Taking practice tests regularly is an essential part of preparing for the GMAT. Practice tests provide an opportunity to gauge your progress, identify areas for improvement, and get comfortable with the format and pacing of the exam. They also help you build endurance for the 3.5-hour test, which can be mentally and physically exhausting.

The GMAT is a challenging exam that tests many skills, including critical reasoning, analytical writing, and quantitative analysis. Taking multiple practice tests will help you become more familiar with the different question types and the overall structure of the exam. This can help you feel more confident and less anxious on test day, improving your overall performance.

When taking practice tests, it's important to simulate the testing conditions as closely as possible. This includes taking the test in a quiet environment, timing yourself, and avoiding distractions. You should also review your practice test results carefully to identify areas for improvement. Use this information to adjust your study plan and focus on your weakest areas.

In addition to full-length practice tests, you can take shorter practice quizzes or drills to target specific skills or question types. This can help you build confidence and improve your accuracy in specific exam areas.

Taking practice tests regularly is an essential part of preparing for the GMAT. It can help you gauge your progress, get comfortable with the format and pacing of the exam, and build endurance for the 3.5-hour test. By simulating the testing conditions as closely as possible and carefully reviewing your results, you can identify areas for improvement and adjust your study plan accordingly.        

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