Business Analytics v/s MS in Data Science: Which is Better?

Business Analytics v/s MS in Data Science: Which is Better?

Business Analytics v/s MS in Data Science: Which is Better?

Ashma Shrestha

The explosion of big data and technological advancements have led to the emergence of new fields, such as business analytics and data science. Business analytics involves using statistical methods and data analysis to help businesses make better decisions. On the other hand, data science focuses on collecting, processing, and analyzing large amounts of data to uncover insights and solve complex problems. 

Both fields have become increasingly popular in recent years, with many students and professionals seeking to enhance their skills in these areas. However, when choosing between a business analytics degree and a master's in data science, there are many factors to consider. 

In this article, we will compare the two options and determine which is better suited for your career goals.

Overview of Business Analytics and Data Science

Before we dive into the comparison, let's look at each field closer.

Business Analytics

Business analytics uses data, statistical methods, and quantitative analysis to make better business decisions. It involves collecting and analyzing data from various sources, such as customer feedback, market trends, and internal operations, to identify patterns and insights. Business analytics aims to help organizations make data-driven decisions that improve their performance and profitability. Business analytics professionals may work in various industries, such as healthcare, finance, and marketing.

Data Science

Data science is a field that combines statistics, computer science, and domain-specific knowledge to extract insights from large and complex datasets. It involves collecting, processing, and analyzing large amounts of data using various tools and techniques such as machine learning, data mining, and natural language processing. The insights derived from data science can be used to solve complex problems, such as predicting customer behavior or detecting fraud. Data scientists may work in the healthcare, finance, and technology industries.

Master of Data Science in Australia

Master of Data Science in the UK

Business Analytics vs MS in Data Science: Comparison

Now that we better understand what each field entails let's compare the two regarding curriculum, skills, job opportunities, and salary.


Data Science courses typically cover various topics, including statistics, machine learning, data visualization, data mining, and database systems. Data Science courses focus on developing the technical skills required to manipulate and analyze large data sets and the ability to apply these skills to solve real-world problems.

On the other hand, business analytics courses tend to have a more business-focused curriculum, emphasizing the application of data analysis techniques to make informed business decisions. Business Analytics courses may cover topics such as marketing analytics, financial analytics, and supply chain analytics, as well as courses on business strategy and management.


A business analytics degree focuses on skills such as data analysis, statistical modeling, and business intelligence. In contrast, a master's in data science requires proficiency in programming languages such as Python or R, machine learning, and data visualization. Therefore, if you prefer a more technical role and enjoy programming, data science may be better for you. However, a business analytics degree may be more appropriate if you like working with data and statistical models.

Job Opportunities

Both business analytics and data science are in high demand, with many job opportunities available in various industries. However, the job titles and responsibilities differ slightly between the two. 

Business analytics professionals may work as data analysts, business intelligence analysts, or data scientists. 


Both business analytics and data science offer excellent salary potential, with median salaries ranging from $80,000 to $120,000 annually. However, data science roles pay slightly higher due to the technical nature of the work.

Data science professionals may work as data scientists, machine learning engineers, or data analysts. While there is some overlap in job titles, data science roles tend to be more technical, requiring more programming skills.

Other Comparison


MS in Data Science

MS in Business Analytics

Admission Requirements

Bachelor's degree in a related field (such as computer science, statistics, mathematics, engineering, or physics), GRE/GMAT scores, statement of purpose, letters of recommendation

Bachelor's degree in any field, GMAT/GRE scores, statement of purpose, letters of recommendation

Core Courses

Machine Learning, Data Mining, Statistical Modeling, Big Data Analytics, Data Visualization, Natural Language Processing

Business Intelligence, Predictive Analytics, Data Warehousing, Data Governance, Business Process Management, Data Visualization

Learning Outcomes

Ability to extract insights from complex and unstructured data, ability to develop and deploy machine learning models, proficiency in programming languages such as Python and R, ability to communicate results to stakeholders

Ability to use data to make informed business decisions, proficiency in tools such as Tableau and SQL, ability to identify trends and patterns in data, ability to develop and implement data-driven strategies

Master of Business Analytics in Canada

Master of Business Analytics in the UK

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What Does a Data Scientist Do?

Data scientists specialise in collecting, analysing, and interpreting complex data sets to inform business decisions. Their role includes using statistical and programming skills to make sense of the data and provide insights to improve decision-making. 

Here are some critical tasks a data scientist typically performs:

Collecting and cleaning data: Data scientists are responsible for collecting data from various sources and ensuring that it is accurate and complete. This process may involve cleaning, processing, and formatting the data for analysis.

  • Analysing data: Data scientists use statistical and machine learning techniques to analyse and identify patterns or trends once the data is collected and cleaned. They may use tools like R, Python, or SQL to conduct this analysis.
  • Building predictive models: Data scientists often use machine learning algorithms to build predictive models that can be used to make business decisions. These models may be used to predict customer behavior, sales trends, or other important metrics.
  • Communicating insights: After analysing the data, data scientists are responsible for communicating their findings to stakeholders clearly and understandably. They may use visualisations, dashboards, or reports to present their findings.
  • Maintaining and updating models: Data scientists must regularly maintain their models to remain accurate and relevant. This may involve monitoring performance metrics and adjusting the models as needed.
  • Collaborating with other teams: Data scientists often work closely with other teams, such as marketing or product development, to help them make data-driven decisions.

Overall, the role of a data scientist is to help organizations make better decisions by analyzing data and providing insights that can inform business strategies.

What Does a Business Analyst Do? 

Business analysts are professionals who help organizations improve their business processes and operations by analyzing data and identifying areas for improvement. Here are some critical tasks a business analyst typically performs:

  • Gathering and analysing data: Business analysts collect data from various sources, including customer feedback, market research, and internal company data. They use this data to identify trends and patterns that can inform business decisions.
  • Developing business plans: Business analysts help organisations develop plans for improving their operations, such as reducing costs, increasing revenue, or improving customer satisfaction. They may work with other teams within the organisation to develop these plans.
  • Identifying opportunities for improvement: Business analysts identify areas where the organization can improve its business processes or operations. This may involve conducting process analysis, identifying inefficiencies, or finding opportunities to streamline operations.
  • Conducting feasibility studies: Business analysts evaluate the feasibility of proposed business solutions and make recommendations to stakeholders. They consider the cost, time, and resources required to implement the solution.
  • Creating reports and presentations: Business analysts develop reports and presentations to communicate their findings and recommendations to stakeholders. They use visualizations, charts, and graphs to present complex data in an easy-to-understand format.
  • Managing projects: Business analysts may also manage projects related to process improvement or new business initiatives. This may involve coordinating with other teams, managing budgets and timelines, and overseeing project implementation.

Which One is Better for You?

Pursuing a business analytics degree or a master's in data science ultimately depends on your career goals and preferences. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Career Goals: A business analytics degree may be the better option if you want a career involving statistical analysis and modeling. On the other hand, if you are more interested in working with large datasets, machine learning, and data visualization, a master's in data science may be more suitable.
  • Programming Skills: Data science may improve if you enjoy programming and have experience with languages like Python or R. However, a business analytics degree may be better if you are uncomfortable with programming.
  • Industry Preference: Both business analytics and data science are in high demand across various industries, but some may favor one. For example, healthcare and finance tend to have more job opportunities for business analytics professionals, while technology and e-commerce may have more job opportunities for data science professionals.
  • Cost: A business analytics degree and a master's in data science can vary widely. A business analytics degree may be more affordable, with tuition costs ranging from $10,000 to $50,000, depending on the program and location. A master's in data science, on the other hand, can cost anywhere from $20,000 to $100,000, depending on the program and location.

Both business analytics and data science offer promising career paths with high earning potential. The decision to pursue a business analytics degree or a master's in data science ultimately depends on your career goals, programming skills, industry preferences, and financial situation. 

Consider your strengths and interests before deciding, and research the programs and job opportunities available to determine the best fit for you. Regardless of your chosen path, a career in data analytics is a good and rewarding choice in today's data-driven world.


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