Best Free Online Education Resources

Best Free Online Education Resources

Best Free Online Education Resources
Sonam Yadav

In the digital age, online education has become increasingly popular, and with good reason. It allows students to learn at their own pace, in their own time, and often for free. 

Whether you're a student looking to supplement your studies or a lifelong learner seeking new knowledge, countless online education resources are available. 

In this article, we'll explore the best free online education resources and what they have to offer, and they are listed below:

Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a non-profit organisation that offers free online education courses for students of all ages. The website features a vast library of video lessons, exercises, and assessments in subjects ranging from math and science to humanities and history. Khan Academy's mission is to provide free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere, and its resources have been used by millions of students worldwide.

One of the standout features of Khan Academy is its personalised learning experience. The website offers a practice dashboard that allows students to track their progress, identify areas where they need additional help, and receive recommendations for personalised learning plans. In addition to their core subject areas, Khan Academy also offers courses in test preparation, computer science, and economics and finance.


Coursera is an online education platform that partners with top universities and organisations worldwide to offer free online courses. The website provides courses in various subjects, including business, computer science, engineering, humanities, and more. A top instructor teaches each class, including video lectures, readings, quizzes, and assignments.

One of the critical features of Coursera is the ability to earn a certificate upon completion of a course. While the certification does come with a fee, many courses are still free to audit, meaning that students can access all course materials without paying anything. In addition to their courses, Coursera also offers specialisations and online degrees in fields such as data science, computer science, and business.


edX is a non-profit online education platform that offers free courses from top universities worldwide, including Harvard, MIT, and Berkeley. The website features various courses in computer science, engineering, humanities, and social sciences courses. Like Coursera, edX can earn a certificate upon course completion, although this also comes with a fee.

One of the unique features of edX is the ability to join a global community of learners. The website offers discussion forums where students can connect with other learners worldwide, share their knowledge, and collaborate on projects. In addition to their courses, edX also offers MicroMasters programs and online Master's degrees in data science, business, and engineering.

Open Culture

Open Culture is a website that offers free online courses, audiobooks, and eBooks from top universities worldwide. The website features various courses in subjects such as art, business, history, literature, and more. In addition to their courses, Open Culture also offers a collection of over 800 free eBooks and over 1,000 free audiobooks. in addition to ope+ n, Culture's standout features are the depth and breadth of its offerings. The website features courses from top universities such as Stanford, Yale, and Oxford and astronomy, film, and philosophy courses. While the courses on Open Culture are less structured than those on other online education platforms, they offer an excellent resource for lifelong learners seeking new knowledge and skills.

MIT OpenCourseWare

MIT OpenCourseWare is a website that offers free online courses from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The website features a vast library of courses in subjects such as engineering, mathematics, computer science, and more.

One of MIT OpenCourseWare's standout features is its courses' depth and rigour. These courses are the same ones taught to MIT students, including video lectures, assignments, and exams. While the courses do not have a certificate, they offer an excellent resource for individuals seeking to deepen their knowledge in a particular subject.


TED-Ed is a website that offers free educational videos on a wide range of topics. The videos are short, animated lessons designed to engage and educate viewers. The website also provides a library of resources for educators, including lesson plans and quizzes.

TED-Ed is an excellent resource for individuals seeking to expand their knowledge and gain a deeper understanding of various subjects. The videos are designed to be entertaining and informative, and they often use animation and storytelling to bring complex concepts to life. One of the standout features of TED-Ed is its ability to engage and inspire learners.


Codecademy is an online education platform that offers free courses in programming languages such as Python, JavaScript, and SQL. The website features interactive lessons and projects that allow learners to practice their coding skills in real time. In addition to their free courses, Codecademy offers a paid Pro version that includes additional features such as quizzes, projects, and support.

One of the standout features of Codecademy is its hands-on approach to learning. The website features interactive coding environments that allow learners to practice coding in real time, making it an excellent resource for individuals seeking to develop practical coding skills.


Duolingo is a language-learning platform that offers free courses in over 30 languages. The website features interactive lessons and exercises to help learners develop their reading, writing, and speaking skills. In addition to their language courses, Duolingo also offers courses in other subjects such as mathematics and history.

One of the standout features of Duolingo is its gamified approach to learning. The website features a point-based system and rewards learners for completing lessons and exercises. This gamification makes learning a language more engaging and enjoyable, making it an excellent resource for individuals seeking to learn a new language.


Udacity is an online education platform offering free artificial intelligence, data science, and machine learning courses. The website features interactive lessons and projects that are designed to help learners develop practical skills in their chosen fields. In addition to its free courses, Udacity offers a paid Nanodegree program with additional features such as mentorship and career support.

One of the standout features of Udacity is its focus on practical skills development. The website features hands-on projects that allow learners to practice their skills in real-world scenarios, making it an excellent resource for individuals seeking to develop practical skills in their chosen field.


While YouTube may not be a traditional online education platform, it has become an excellent resource for individuals seeking to learn new skills and gain knowledge. The website features a vast library of educational videos, from cooking and DIY to science and technology.

One of the standout features of YouTube is the diversity of its offerings. The website features videos from experts in various fields, making it an excellent resource for individuals seeking to learn from multiple perspectives. While the quality of the videos may vary, YouTube offers an excellent resource for individuals seeking to supplement their learning and gain new knowledge and skills.

In conclusion, countless free online education resources are available for individuals seeking to expand their knowledge and skills. 

Whether you're seeking to learn a new language, develop practical skills in coding, or deepen your understanding of a particular subject, online resources are available to meet your needs. The ten resources outlined above are just a few of the many excellent options available.

When selecting an online education resource, it is essential to consider your individual needs and learning style. 

Some resources may be better suited for visual learners, while others may be more engaging for individuals who prefer a hands-on approach to learning. It is also essential to consider the quality of the resources, as not all online education platforms offer the same level of rigour and depth.

Ultimately, the best free online education resource for you will depend on your individual goals and preferences. 

However, by exploring the resources outlined above, you will find an excellent resource that will help you expand your knowledge and skills without breaking the bank. With the wealth of free online education resources available, the possibilities for learning and growth are endless.

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