10 must-read non-fiction books

10 must-read non-fiction books

10 must-read non-fiction books
Saru Niraula

Books are magical. They take us to beautiful locations and expose us to unexpected, perhaps limitless, moments in the past or future.

Although reading fiction may seem like the best option for an innovative mind, non-fiction holds its own in this category and, given a chance, is just as fascinating and devouring as its fanciful fictional counterpart. Ninety per cent of the books listed among the 100 All-Time Best Sellers in the UK are fiction. 

This flagrant omission of nonfiction books from the list shows how little is thought of and valued about nonfiction. Even nonfiction books may be captivating and captivating. But don't be deceived by the figures.

Here is a list of the Top 10 non-fiction books of all time:


"Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind" is a book by Yuval Noah Harari that explores the history of the human species from the earliest civilisations to the present day. The book covers a wide range of topics, including the evolution of Homo sapiens, the development of agriculture and the rise of empires, the impact of religion on human history, and the future of humankind. "Sapiens" has been widely praised for its engaging narrative style and ability to make complex historical concepts accessible to a general audience. It has become a bestseller in many countries and has been translated into over 50 languages.

Bad Blood

"Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup" is a book by John Carreyrou that chronicles the rise and fall of Theranos. This startup company claimed to have developed revolutionary blood testing technology. The book details the background of the company's founder, Elizabeth Holmes, and her business partner, Sunny Balwani, and how they deceived investors, partners, and the public about the true capabilities of their technology. "Bad Blood" has been widely praised for its thorough investigative reporting and gripping narrative and has won several awards. It has also been adapted into a documentary film and a miniseries.

Thinking, Fast and Slow

"Thinking, Fast and Slow" is a book by Daniel Kahneman that explores the psychological processes that shape how we think, make decisions, and behave. The book is divided into two parts, corresponding to the two systems of thinking that Kahneman identifies in the human brain: "System 1" is fast, intuitive, and emotional, while "System 2" is slower, more deliberative, and more logical. Kahneman uses examples from his research and the analysis of others to illustrate how these systems operate and how they can lead to errors in judgment. "Thinking, Fast and Slow" has been widely praised for its insights into human psychology and has won numerous awards. It has been translated into over 50 languages and has become a bestseller.

The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined

"The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined" is a book by Steven Pinker that argues that violence has declined throughout human history and that today we live in the most peaceful time in history. Pinker supports his argument with a wide range of data and evidence from fields such as psychology, economics, history, and anthropology. He identifies several factors that he believes have contributed to the decline of violence, including the growth of government and institutions of justice, the spread of democracy and human rights, and the increasing interconnectedness of the world through trade and communication. "The Better Angels of Our Nature" has been widely discussed and has generated significant debate among scholars and the general public.

The Death and Life of Great American Cities

"The Death and Life of Great American Cities" is a book by Jane Jacobs that critiques mid-20th century urban planning policies and a defence of the city neighbourhood. The book argues that the urban areas that are most livable and vibrant have a mix of uses, a mix of buildings of different ages and types, and a mix of people from different backgrounds and income levels. Jacobs contends that the planning policies of the time, which emphasised the separation of land uses and the creation of large, monolithic housing projects, were destructive to city neighbourhoods and contributed to the decline of many cities. "The Death and Life of Great American Cities" has significantly influenced urban planning and is considered a classic in the field.

The Right Stuff

"The Right Stuff" is a book by Tom Wolfe that tells the story of the early days of the American space program, with a focus on the first seven astronauts selected to fly for NASA. The book covers the selection process for the astronauts, their training, their flights, and the broader cultural and political context in which the space program was situated. "The Right Stuff" is known for its immersive narrative style and colourful portrayal of the astronauts as heroic figures. It was a bestseller and won the National Book Award for Nonfiction. It has also been adapted into a film and a miniseries.

The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

"The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment" by Eckhart Tolle aims to help readers find peace and fulfilment in the present moment. The book argues that the source of suffering is the mind's identification with thoughts and feelings and that the key to happiness is to become more aware of the present moment and to let go of the past and the future. The book also discusses the nature of consciousness and the role of enlightenment in spiritual growth. "The Power of Now" has been widely popular and translated into over 50 languages. It has also inspired several follow-ups works by Tolle.

The Myth of Sisyphus

"The Myth of Sisyphus" is a book by Albert Camus that presents a philosophical essay on the Absurd, which is the idea that humans search for meaning and value in a world that is ultimately meaningless. The book takes its name from the ancient Greek myth of Sisyphus, who the gods punished to roll a boulder up a hill forever, only for it to move back down again. Camus uses the myth of Sisyphus as a metaphor for the human condition, arguing that we must accept the Absurd and find meaning in the struggle itself. "The Myth of Sisyphus" is considered a philosophy classic and has significantly influenced existentialist thought.

The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness

"The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness" is a book by Michelle Alexander that examines the racialised origins and consequences of the "war on drugs" in the United States. The book argues that the war on drugs, which began in the 1980s and has disproportionately targeted Black and Brown communities, has effectively created a new racial caste system in the United States that functions similarly to the method of Jim Crow segregation that existed before the civil rights movement. Alexander contends that the war on drugs has contributed to the mass incarceration of people of colour, particularly Black men, and has devastatingly impacted communities of colour. "The New Jim Crow" has been widely praised for its analysis and has significantly impacted the national conversation about race and justice.

The Road to Wigan Pier

"The Road to Wigan Pier" is a book by George Orwell that is a memoir of his time spent living and working in the impoverished industrial towns of northern England in the late 1930s. The book is divided into two parts. The first part is a sociological study of the living and working conditions of the poor in the region, and the second part is a personal reflection on the author's own experiences and observations. "The Road to Wigan Pier" is known for its vivid and compassionate portrayal of the lives of the working poor, and it has had a lasting impact on how these issues have been understood and discussed.

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