Things to do on the first day of the university in Australia

Things to do on the first day of the university in Australia

Things to do on the first day of the university in Australia
Prashant Thapa

So you're about to start your journey at a university in Australia – how exciting! 

Beginning your university career may be both an exciting and stressful time.

As you begin this exciting new phase in your life, there will be many opportunities for exploration and growth. You will meet new people, explore new interests, and develop your skills and knowledge in your chosen field.

Here are some things to do on your first day of university in Australia that will make it memorable and fun.


Attend orientation:  

Attending orientation on the first day is a great way to kick-start your university experience. It's an opportunity to network, adapt to the campus, and become aware of all the services and assistance offered. From finding your way around the buildings to figuring out your timetable and class schedules, orientation is the perfect opportunity to settle in and feel at home. So be sure to mark it on your calendar and get ready to have some fun!

Collect your student ID card: 

Collecting your student ID is another crucial task to complete on your first day of university in Australia. Your ID card will be the key to several on-campus facilities, including the computer labs, gym, and library.  You'll also need it for exams and to prove your identity during various administrative tasks. So, check where to collect your student ID and bring any necessary documents, such as your offer letter and passport, to get it sorted. 

Meet your professors and classmates: 

It's wonderful to meet new people on your first day of university in Australia, including your professors and classmates.

You'll get to know the people teaching and studying with you throughout your degree. This is a chance to meet classmates and lecturers, introduce yourself, and ask any questions.

Be bold and ask questions or share your ideas and opinions. Remember, everyone is starting fresh and eager to learn and make connections. Therefore make the most of this chance to meet and network with other students at your new university.

Find your way around campus: 

Finding your way around campus on your first day of university might be challenging, but it's an important part of getting started on the right foot. 

Grab a campus map and familiarise yourself with the essential locations, such as the library, student centre, and your department's building. 

Stroll around the campus to get a sense of where everything is. Don't hesitate to ask for directions or help from fellow students or staff members - they'll likely be happy to assist you! 

Knowing your way around campus will help you feel more comfortable and confident as you navigate your new academic journey.

Checking your calendar: 

Another vital thing to consider on your first day of uni in Australia is checking your calendar.

Take time to review your calendar to make sure you are aware of the classes, lectures, or events you have scheduled for the day. It's quite simple to lose sight of your schedule, especially when new to university life.

This will help you stay on top of things and avoid confusion or missed opportunities. 

Also, you don't want to choose the wrong class or skip a social event, do you? Check your calendar now and mentally note what's coming up.

Find out about support services: 

It's essential to take the time to learn about the support services you have access to. This covers counselling, academic help, and services for those with disabilities. 

To start, check out the university's website or ask at the student services desk. Many universities offer orientation sessions or workshops that provide information about the different support services available. 

These sessions may be a fantastic opportunity to learn about the available services and meet other students dealing with similar issues.

Remember, there's no shame in asking for help when you need it – it's a sign of strength. So take some time on your first day to familiarise yourself with the support services available, and don't hesitate to reach out if you need assistance.

Join Student Clubs and Societies: 

Checking out the student organisations and clubs on campus is another activity you should take advantage of.

These organisations are a great way to meet new people who share similar interests and can provide you with many opportunities to develop new skills outside the classroom. 

Visit the student centre on your first day and look at the clubs and organisations present. Who knows, you could discover a new hobby!

Last but not least, be yourself. Don't try to be someone you're not or pretend to like something you don't. Be genuine, honest, and self-assured about what you desire. If you stay true to yourself, you'll discover that others appreciate and like you more.  And you'll also feel happier and more comfortable in yourself.

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