How much money can international students earn in Australia?

How much money can international students earn in Australia?

How much money can international students earn in Australia?

Saru Niraula

International students looking to pursue higher education frequently choose Australia as their location. 

Australia provides possibilities for students to work while studying in addition to providing high-quality education.

Working while studying is an excellent opportunity for international students to supplement their income and obtain work experience.

However, many students are curious about how much money they can make while studying in Australia. The earning potential of international students in Australia will be discussed in this article.

Working Rights for International Students

International students in Australia can work up to 40 hours every fortnight (two weeks) throughout the academic year. Students are allowed to work full-time during the holidays. 

It is essential to remember that engaging in illegal employment or working more hours than permitted might have adverse effects, including visa cancellation and deportation.

The minimum Wage in Australia

Australia's hourly minimum wage is AUD 21.38, so students can earn up to $855.20 per fortnight during the school term and more during school breaks. However, this rate may change based on the sector and the nature of the work. 

For example, because casual workers do not receive benefits like sick and yearly leave, their minimum wage is higher than that of permanent employees.

How Much Can International Students Earn in Australia?

The amount of money international students can earn in Australia depends on various factors, such as the type of work, the number of hours worked, and the industry. 

Here are some typical jobs for international students in Australia and their earning potential:

Retail and Hospitality

International students frequently work in the retail and hospitality industries. The hourly minimum pay for these positions is AUD 21.38. On the other hand, certain firms might provide better pay based on experience and qualifications. International students can earn between AUD 21.38 and AUD 30 per hour working in retail and the service industry.

Administration and Office Jobs

Also, international students can work in administrative and office positions, including customer service agents, data entry clerks, and receptionists. With an average hourly wage between AUD 22 and AUD 35, these positions are more rewarding than those in the retail and hospitality industry.


International students can also earn money by tutoring other students. Tutoring jobs can pay between AUD 25 to AUD 50 per hour, depending on the subject and the student's level.

Delivery and Driver Jobs

International students are often attracted to driving and delivery occupations. Some jobs include delivering meals, driving for ride-sharing companies, and delivering packages. International students can often make between AUD 21.38 and AUD 35 per hour at these jobs, though hourly pay can vary.

Construction and Labouring Jobs

Physically demanding well-paying jobs yet include those in construction and labour. These careers include labourer work in warehouses or on construction sites. These jobs can have hourly pay ranging from AUD 22 to AUD 35.

Working Full-Time During Holidays

International students can work full-time, or up to 38 hours a week, during the holidays. Working full-time over holidays is an excellent way for international students to supplement their income.

The potential earnings for working full-time throughout the holidays are summarised as follows:

Retail and Hospitality

International students working full-time in retail and hospitality can earn between AUD 600 to AUD 1,000 per week.

Administration and Office Jobs

International students working full-time in administration and office jobs can earn between AUD 800 to AUD 1,200 per week.


International students working full-time as tutors can earn between AUD 1,000 to AUD 2,000 per week.

Delivery and Driver Jobs

International students working full-time in delivery and driver jobs can earn between AUD 800 to AUD 1,500 per week.

Construction and Labouring Jobs

International students working full-time in construction and labouring jobs can earn between AUD 800 to AUD 1,500 per week.

These figures are estimates and can vary depending on the employer, industry, and location.

Taxation in Australia

Taxes are imposed on international workers studying or working in Australia. However, the tax rates for international students differ from those for Australian citizens.

For tax purposes, international students are considered non-residents, and the tax rates they pay are based on their income. An overview of Australia's tax rates for non-resident international students is provided below:

  • Income up to AUD 45,000 – 32.5% tax rate
  • Income between AUD 45,001 to AUD 120,000 – 37% tax rate
  • Income over AUD 120,000 – 45% tax rate

International students must be aware of their tax responsibilities and ensure they follow Australian tax regulations. Penalties and fines may only apply if this is done.

Average Earnings for International Students by Job Type

Job Type

Average Hourly Rate (AUD)

Retail and Hospitality

21.88 - 30

Administration and Office

22 - 30


25 - 40


21.38 - 30

Construction and Labouring

25 - 45

Average Earnings for International Students by Location


Average Hourly Rate (AUD)


22 - 38


21.88 - 32


21.88 - 30


21.88 - 30


21.88 - 28

Gold Coast

21.88 - 28

Challenges faced by International students while working and earning in Australia

While working and earning in Australia can be an excellent way for international students to supplement their income and gain valuable work experience, there may be some challenges.

Some challenges that international students may face while working and earning in Australia are as follows:

  1. Balancing work and study: It can be challenging for international students to manage their professional commitments and academic responsibilities when studying abroad in Australia. Managing time successfully and ensuring students can complete their assignments while working to generate money can be challenging.
  2. Finding a job that suits you: Because of language barriers or visa constraints, some employers may be reluctant to hire international students, and international students may need assistance finding a job that suits them. Also, it could be challenging to locate a career that is a good fit because some industries might be more competitive than others.
  3. Language barriers: Finding jobs can be challenging for international students who need to speak English better. Employers may require strong language abilities, and overseas students still honing their language skills may need assistance obtaining employment in particular fields.
  4. Understanding tax obligations: It can be challenging for international students to comprehend their tax responsibilities and adhere to Australian tax regulations because they are subject to taxation when working in Australia. International students must seek advice and direction on tax-related issues to prevent fines or penalties.
  5. Managing cultural differences: For international students, it may be challenging to adapt to the cultural variations in the workplace, which may impact their productivity and job happiness. It could be challenging for them to negotiate various workplace traditions, communication methods, and expectations.
  6. Overcoming homesickness and isolation: Working and earning in Australia can be a lonely and alienating experience for overseas students who are distant from home. They could miss their loved ones and friends, and adjusting to a new environment and culture can be difficult while juggling the demands of a job and school.

International students should be aware of these challenges and ask for assistance if needed. Universities and other support services in Australia provide various resources and programs, such as career counselling, language assistance, and cultural adjustment programs, to assist overseas students in coping with the difficulties of working and earning in Australia.

International students can make the most of their time in Australia and accomplish their academic and professional goals by seeking support and taking action to manage the challenges.

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