Urban Design

12.0 Month
Tuition Fee


Recent data and predictions on the forthcoming rate of urbanisation make cities the most common living environment now and in the future. What kind of life will it be for the seven billion people who will live in existing or developing cities? Cities hold tremendous potential, but at the same time are sources of stress, inequalities and pollution.In 2015, the United Nations recognised this through the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which included 17 new Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Goal 11 is dedicated to urban settlements, with the aim to 'Make Cities Inclusive, Safe, Resilient and Sustainable'.This means that getting the design of cities right has never been so important. The questions are: what kind of design should we adopt, and who should be in charge? Our course explicitly addresses these questions, and teaches how to design responsive, resilient, sustainable cities for all their inhabitants, thus preparing socially responsible urban design professionals of the future.
Visit the  official programme website  for more information.
Study Mode: On Campus
Study Load: Full Time,Part Time
Course Category: Architecture, Building & Design
Degree Level: Master
Location: 16 Richmond St, Glasgow, Scotland, null, uk.
Compulsory classes Studio Urban Design History Development Process Urban Theory Sustainability Elective classes Cultural and Behavioural Factors in Architecture and Urbanism Urban Landscape Design Urban Design Representation Dissertation Dissertation Project
Visit the official programme website  for more information.

English requirements

Visit the official programme website  for more information.
£18,100 /Year 
International 2021
Visit the  official programme website   for more information.
Graduates leave us with a detailed knowledge and innovative skills in an area now in great demand. Our graduates are now working in: large practices (eg Rogers and Associates, Llewelyn & Davies) government academia, as teachers and researchers local non-governmental organisations local authorities their own practices
Visit the official programme website  for more information.
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