Bovine Reproduction DBR

24 Month
Tuition Fee


This two year part-time Masters level programme is known as the Diploma in Bovine Reproduction continuing the tradition started when the programme commenced in the 1980’s and reflects the academic comparability to Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) Diploma qualifications. The qualification is recognised by both the RCVS and European College of Animal Reproduction (ECAR). It provides postgraduate education in an important aspect of the bovine health. The overall aims of the programme are to enable veterinary surgeons in regular contact with cattle to:

Visit the  official programme website  for more information.
Study Load: Part Time
Course Category: Medicine & Health
Degree Level: Master
Location: Foundation Building, Liverpool, England, null, uk.

Compulsory modules

The Non-pregnant Cow (DBRM611)
Credit level15
SemesterWhole Session
Exam:Coursework weighting10:90

The aim of this module is to develop a comprehensive and systematic understanding of the reproductive physiology of the non-pregnant cow;   The candidate will be able to critically evaluate their own standards of practice and develop strategies for continuous improvement in the future.

Learning Outcomes

(LO1) Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the research evidence underpinning reproductive endocrinology of non-pregnant females

(LO2) Demonstrate a critical awareness of the practical and clinical aspects of herd  fertility in cattle and utilise this to critically assess herd fertility in beef and dairy cattle;

(LO3) Critically evaluate on-farm fertility records and key performance indicators of fertility generated from them in beef and dairy cattle herds;

(LO4) Critically interpret hormone profiles and fertility key performance indicators;

(LO5) Integrate the above to produce a technically accurate and managerially useful report assessing fertility on a beef and dairy farm designed to communicate the findings and advice to a farmer.

(S1) Critical Judgement:•Deal with complex issues in an organised and creative manner, make sound judgements in the absence of complete data, and communicate their conclusions clearly to veterinary colleagues and to non-veterinary audiences, including clients;•The ability to define and critically analyse problems;•The ability to apply critical reasoning to issues through independent thought and informed judgement;•The ability to evaluate opinions, make decisions and to reflect critically on the justifications for decisions.

(S2) Independence and creativity:•Demonstrate self direction and originality in tackling and solving problems, and act autonomously in planning and implementing tasks in their professional area of work;•Demonstrate initiative and personal responsibility;•Demonstrate decision-making in complex and unpredictable situations; and•Continue to advance their knowledge and understanding, and to develop new skills to a high level.

(S3) Ethical and social understanding•An understanding of professional responsibility to the client, animal, veterinarian and other professionals involved in the care of a patient.•Knowledge and respect of ethics and ethical standards in relation to veterinary practice, particularly with respect to animal welfare.

(S4) Effective communication•The ability to collect, analyse, and organise information and ideas, and to convey those ideas clearly and fluently, in both written and spoken forms.•The ability to interact effectively with others in order to work towards a common outcome.•The ability to select and use the appropriate level (specialist and non-specialist), style and means of communication.•The ability to engage effectively and appropriately with information and communication technologies.

Nutrition and Fertility (DBRM612)
Credit level15
SemesterWhole Session
Exam:Coursework weighting10:90

The aim of this module is to develop a comprehensive and systematic understanding of nutrition and its interaction with fertility in beef and dairy cattle, building upon the students' understanding of fertility monitoring learnt in DBRM611; The candidate will be able to critically evaluate their own standards of practice and develop strategies for continuous improvement in the future.

Learning Outcomes

(LO1) Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the research evidence underpinning the interaction between nutrition and fertility in cattle;

(LO2) Demonstrate a critical awareness of the practical and clinical effects of diet on fertility in cattle and utilise this to critically assess rations for beef and dairy cattle;

(LO3) Critically evaluate on-farm indicators of nutrition and fertility such as ration presented and condition and faecal score of beef and dairy cattle;        

(LO4) Critically interpret metabolic profiles and other nutrition-based laboratory diagnositc information;

(LO5) Integrate the above to produce a technically accurate and managerially useful report assessing nutrition and fertility on a beef and dairy farm designed to communicate the findings and advice to a farmer.

(S1) Critical Judgement:• Deal with complex issues in an organised and creative manner, make sound judgements in the absence of complete data, and communicate their conclusions clearly to veterinary colleagues and to non-veterinary audiences, including clients;• The ability to define and critically analyse problems;• The ability to apply critical reasoning to issues through independent thought and informed judgement;• The ability to evaluate opinions, make decisions and to reflect critically on the justifications for decisions.

(S2) Independence and creativity:• Demonstrate self direction and originality in tackling and solving problems, and act autonomously in planning and implementing tasks in their professional area of work;• Demonstrate initiative and personal responsibility;• Demonstrate decision-making in complex and unpredictable situations; and• Continue to advance their knowledge and understanding, and to develop new skills to a high level.

(S3) Ethical and social understanding• An understanding of professional responsibility to the client, animal, veterinarian and other professionals involved in the care of a patient.• Knowledge and respect of ethics and ethical standards in relation to veterinary practice, particularly with respect to animal welfare.

(S4) Effective communication• The ability to collect, analyse, and organise information and ideas, and to convey those ideas clearly and fluently, in both written and spoken forms.• The ability to interact effectively with others in order to work towards a common outcome.• The ability to select and use the appropriate level (specialist and non-specialist), style and means of communication.• The ability to engage effectively and appropriately with information and communication technologies.

Post-partum Cow (DBRM613)
Credit level15
SemesterWhole Session
Exam:Coursework weighting10:90

To develop a comprehensive and systematic understanding of the postpartum cow. C ritically evaluate their own standards of practice and develop strategies for continuous improvement in the future.

Learning Outcomes

(LO1) Demonstrate an in depth understanding of lactation physiology.  

(LO2) Critically evaluate reproductive aspects of cattle behaviour.

(LO3) Critically evaluate the impact of uterine infection on fertility and interpret laboratory reports

(LO4) Systematically assess farm buildings with respect to fertility.

(LO5) Critically examine cattle in the post partum period in order to establish reproductive status.

(LO6) Advanced interpretation of ultrasonograms of the reproductive tract.

(LO7) Diagnose and effectively treat ovarian and uterine disorders using an evidence based approach .

(LO8) Critical evaulation of herd fertility data and assessment of herd performance.

(S1) Critical Judgement: •Deal with complex issues in an organised and creative manner, make sound judgements in the absence of complete data, and communicate their conclusions clearly to veterinary colleagues and to non-veterinary audiences, including clients; •The ability to define and critically analyse problems; •The ability to apply critical reasoning to issues through independent thought and informed judgement; •The ability to evaluate opinions, make decisions and to reflect critically on the justifications for decisions.

(S2) Independence and creativity: •Demonstrate self direction and originality in tackling and solving problems, and act autonomously in planning and implementing tasks in their professional area of work; •Demonstrate initiative and personal responsibility; •Demonstrate decision-making in complex and unpredictable situations; and •Continue to advance their knowledge and understanding, and to develop new skills to a high level.

(S3) Ethical and social understanding •An understanding of professional responsibility to the client, animal, veterinarian and other professionals involved in the care of a patient. •Knowledge and respect of ethics and ethical standards in relation to veterinary practice, particularly with respect to animal welfare.

(S4) Effective communication •The ability to collect, analyse, and organise information and ideas, and to convey those ideas clearly and fluently, in both written and spoken forms. •The ability to interact effectively with others in order to work towards a common outcome. •The ability to select and use the appropriate level (specialist and non-specialist), style and means of communication. •The ability to engage effectively and appropriately with information and communication technologies.

The Bull (DBRM614)
Credit level15
SemesterWhole Session
Exam:Coursework weighting10:90

This module aims to provide students with comprehensive scientific and theoretical background with which participants develop their knowledge and critically assess aspects of cattle reproduction related to bulls.

Learning Outcomes

(LO1) Critically assess methods of collection, preservation, distribution and insemination of semen including advice regarding technician and DIY AI.

(LO2) Carry out systematic and detailed clinical examination of bulls and semen.

(LO3) Demonstrate an in depth understand how to carry out surgical procedures on male reproductive tract, including preparation of teaser males and castration

(LO4) Advise client on management strategies for bulls (beef, dairy and sweepers).

(S1) Critical Judgement: •Deal with complex issues in an organised and creative manner, make sound judgements in the absence of complete data, and communicate their conclusions clearly to veterinary colleagues and to non-veterinary audiences, including clients; •The ability to define and critically analyse problems; •The ability to apply critical reasoning to issues through independent thought and informed judgement; •The ability to evaluate opinions, make decisions and to reflect critically on the justifications for decisions.

(S2) Independence and creativity: •Demonstrate self direction and originality in tackling and solving problems, and act autonomously in planning and implementing tasks in their professional area of work; •Demonstrate initiative and personal responsibility; •Demonstrate decision-making in complex and unpredictable situations; and •Continue to advance their knowledge and understanding, and to develop new skills to a high level

(S3) Ethical and social understanding •An understanding of professional responsibility to the client, animal, veterinarian and other professionals involved in the care of a patient. •Knowledge and respect of ethics and ethical standards in relation to veterinary practice, particularly with respect to animal welfare.

(S4) Effective communication •The ability to collect, analyse, and organise information and ideas, and to convey those ideas clearly and fluently, in both written and spoken forms. •The ability to interact effectively with others in order to work towards a common outcome. •The ability to select and use the appropriate level (specialist and non-specialist), style and means of communication. •The ability to engage effectively and appropriately with information and communication technologies.

Genetics of Cattle (DBRM615)
Credit level15
SemesterWhole Session
Exam:Coursework weighting10:90

1.To give a comprehensive scientific and theoretical background with which participants will be able to assess and enhance their knowledge concerning genetic and genomic selection.

2.The candidate will be able to critically evaluate their own standards of practice and develop strategies for continuous improvement in the future.

Learning Outcomes

(LO1) Provide long-term advice to an animal industry about genetics and breeding

(LO2) Evaluate and interpret sire proofs including linear assessments

(LO3) Sytematically approach producing recommendations for appropriate bulls for a farm client depending on farm system and current animal phenotype and genotype.

(LO4) Investigate a suspected genetic abnormality and take appropriate action

(LO5) Critically assess the amount of in-breeding and line-breeding within a population

(LO6) Critically assess tests for freemartinism and parentage

(S1) •Critical Judgement: •Deal with complex issues in an organised and creative manner, make sound judgements in the absence of complete data, and communicate their conclusions clearly to veterinary colleagues and to non- veterinary audiences, including clients; •The ability to define and critically analyse problems; •The ability to apply critical reasoning to issues through independent thought and informed judgement; •The ability to evaluate opinions, make decisions and to reflect critically on the justifications for decisions.

(S2) •Independence and creativity: •Demonstrate self direction and originality in tackling and solving problems, and act autonomously in planning and implementing tasks in their professional area of work; •Demonstrate initiative and personal responsibility; •Demonstrate decision-making in complex and unpredictable situations; and •Continue to advance their knowledge and understanding, and to develop new skills to a high level.

(S3) •Ethical and social understanding •An understanding of professional responsibility to the client, animal, veterinarian and other professionals involved in the care of a patient. •Knowledge and respect of ethics and ethical standards in relation to veterinary practice, particularly with respect to animal welfare.

(S4) •Effective communication •The ability to collect, analyse, and organise information and ideas, and to convey those ideas clearly and fluently, in both written and spoken forms. •The ability to interact effectively with others in order to work towards a common outcome. •The ability to select and use the appropriate level (specialist and non-specialist), style and means of communication. •The ability to engage effectively and appropriately with information and communication technologies.

Early Pregnant Cow (DBRM616)
Credit level15
SemesterWhole Session
Exam:Coursework weighting10:90

This module aims to provide students with comprehensive scientific and theoretical background with which participants will be able to assess and develop their knowledge concerning fertilization, early pregnancy and pregnancy diagnosis in cattle including assisted reproductive technologies.

Learning Outcomes

(LO1) Be able to advise clients about the use of IVF/ET (including legal & welfare aspects) and interpret results in order to improve success for clients.

(LO2) Choose and carry out the most appropriate methods of pregnancy diagnosis given specify herd circumstances.

(LO3) Be able to interpret the significance of endocrine profiles from early pregnancy.

(LO4) Diagnose and reduce early embryonic death in an animal population.

(LO5) Be able to advise regarding treatment of repeat breeders effectively.

(S1) Problem solving skills

(S2) Communication skills

(S3) Commercial awareness

(S4) Organisational skills

(S5) Ethical awareness

Late Pregnancy and Parturition in Cattle (DBRM617)
Credit level15
SemesterWhole Session
Exam:Coursework weighting10:90

This module aims to provide students with comprehensive scientific and theoretical background with which participants will be able to assess and develop their knowledge concerning late pregnancy and parturition in cattle.

Learning Outcomes

(LO1) Determine the best sampling strategy to increase the likelihood of diagnosis of cause of abortions.

(LO2) Assess age of aborted fetuses.

(LO3) To be able to discuss and advise clients on factors affecting neonate survival before and after birth

(LO4) Use a systematic approach to determining the cause or perinatal mortaility

(LO5) Be able to give structured advice about induction of parturition and approach to obstetrical cases, including surgical techniques.

(S1) Problem solving skills

(S2) Organisational skills

(S3) Communication skills

(S4) Lifelong learning skills

The Future of Cattle Reproduction (DBRM618)
Credit level15
SemesterWhole Session
Exam:Coursework weighting25:75

·        To give a comprehensive scientific and theoretical background with which participants will be able to assess and enhance their knowledge concerning topics of planing for the future on cattle farms. It requires synthesis of all the material covered in the whole programme (BRDA) and apply to planning for future situations. ·        To introduce candidates to the ethical and legal considerations they need to be aware of when developing consultancy work in the area.

Learning Outcomes

(LO1) Critically reflect on recent advances in reproductive technology and young animal rearing

(LO2) To demonstrate advanced consultation skills (at level of second opinion) in the area of cattle reproduction

(LO3) Critically evaluate the effect of fertility on economics of animal populations

(LO4) Critically evaluate clinical research material

(S1) Problem solving skills

(S2) Commercial awareness

(S3) Communication skills

(S4) Ethical awareness

(S5) Lifelong learning skills

Dbr Research Dissertation (DBRM621)
Credit level60
SemesterWhole Session
Exam:Coursework weighting10:90

The aim of this module is for candidates to develop research skills, review the literature around a specific area, undertake independent research, critically evaluate research findings, and implement research results in practice.

Learning Outcomes

(LO1) Demonstrate critical thinking skills in formulating research questions related to the postgraduate students field of practice;

(LO2) Show in-depth knowledge and understanding of their subject area through critical review of evidence in the relevant field;

(LO3) Engage critically with methodological and professional concepts to write a feasible dissertation study proposal;

(LO4) Demonstrate in-depth understanding, and appropriate application, of ethical and data protection issues in veterinary research projects;

(LO5) Demonstrate a critical understanding of the utility of different research approaches in addressing a professional issue;

(LO6) Interpret critically the findings of the dissertation investigation and relate these to the relevant professional and theoretical contexts;

(LO7) Develop strategies to explain and defend study design and findings to fellow professionals;

(S1) Skills in organising, and effectively managing, independent learning.

(S2) The application of research skills to professional issues.

(S3) Practical skills in accessing and appraising published evidence.

(S4) Logical and creative thinking skills.

(S5) Effective use of web-based literature search applications

(S6) An ability to communicate professional and scientific ideas, both orally and in writing.

Visit the official programme website  for more information.
Visit the official programme website  for more information.
£19,700 /Year 
International 2021
Visit the  official programme website   for more information.

Course participants are in employment as veterinary surgeons and most become employed in specialist private practice. Some have moved to academia internationally.

Many practices are using the fact they have DBR holders and support such study when advertising for new staff and to gain farmer clients. Candidates use the qualification as a springboard to specialisation.

Visit the official programme website  for more information.
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