Uttarmadhyama (Certificate) in Ayurveda

3.0 Year


NSU is committed in imparting quality education from Uttermadhyama level to Ph.D degrees in different disciplines. Apart from its constituent Viddyapeethas NSU has provided affiliation to different Viddyapeethas and Campuses to conduct various Programmes. Up to Shastree levelstudents can pursue their degree in Sanskrit based subjects known as classical subjects as well as modern subjects. English Nepali Mathematics Economics General Education( one year B.Ed) Political Science So far research work is concerned NSU conducts short term and long term research on diverse fields.Around 70 scholars have been cantered on Ph.D from NSU and every year more than 60 Scholars enrollfor their Ph.D. The University publishes a Sanskrit journal ‘ Himavati’ ,Nepali news bulletins, and yearly callender, Panchanga ,where as allviddyapeethas publish their own journal.The university runs mainly three kinds of academic programmes.
Visit the  official programme website  for more information.
Study Mode: On Campus
Course Category: Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
Degree Level: Certificate & Diploma
Location: null, Bijauri, Lumbini, 22412, nepal.
Visit the official programme website  for more information.
Visit the official programme website  for more information.
Visit the  official programme website   for more information.
Visit the official programme website  for more information.
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