Diploma in Business Administration



The two-year diploma in Business Administration will provide graduates with foundational business and professional skills, a solid grounding in economics, and a foundation in calculus appropriate for advanced studies and/or research in economics, finance and operations.   The program is designed to give graduates a developed portfolio of job-ready skills and a wide range of business principles and concepts to expand the graduate's career options.

Visit the  official programme website  for more information.
Course Category: Business & Management
Degree Level: Certificate & Diploma
Business Foundation Courses
BUSI 1215Organizational Behaviour3
BUSI 2390Business Law3
BUSI 2405Operations Management3
BUSI 2425Enterprise Development and Business Planning3
MRKT 1199Introduction to Marketing3
Select one of the following groups:3-6
Group A
Accelerated Introductory Financial Accounting
Group B 1
Introductory Financial Accounting I
Introductory Financial Accounting II
Select one of the following:3
Cost and Management Accounting I 2, 3
Applied Decision Analysis 4
Securities Analysis 4
Breadth Education Courses
CBSY 2205Management Information Systems3
CMNS 1140Introduction to Professional Communication3
ECON 1150Principles of Microeconomics3
ECON 1250Principles of Macroeconomics3
ECON 2350Intermediate Microeconomics3
ENGL 1100Introduction to University Writing3
MATH 1140Calculus I (Business Applications) 53
Select one of the following:3
Money and Banking
Environmental Economics
Labour Economics
Globalization in an Economic Framework
Select one of the following:3
Reading and Writing about Selected Topics: An Introduction to Literature
Reading and Writing About Genre: An Introduction to Literature
Introduction to Philosophy
Confronting Moral Issues: Introduction to Ethics
Critical Thinking
Select one of the following:3-4
Business Statistics
Quantitative Data Analysis I
Statistics I
Introduction to Statistics for Business
Applied Statistics
Introduction to Social Research Statistics
Select two breadth electives from Courses numbered 1100 or higher in any area of study except ACCT, BUSI, ENTR, HRMT, or MRKT.6
Select one General Elective from Courses numbered 1100 or higher in any area of study.3
Total Credits60-64
Visit the official programme website  for more information.
Visit the official programme website  for more information.
Visit the  official programme website   for more information.
Visit the official programme website  for more information.
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