
4.0 Semester


Geography is the science that deals with the surface of the earth and combines human and scientific perspectives. Examine water samples, evaluate satellite maps or take part in excursions abroad: At the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (CAU) you can study geography as a two-subject master’s course with the profile of business education and get to know the subject in a variety of ways. You will deepen the basic knowledge you have acquired in the bachelor’s degree in the master’s degree: In human geography, you deal with the teaching of surface forms (geomorphology) as well as with soil science, hydrology, climatology and biogeography (animal and plant geography). In physical geography you will encounter the disciplines of economic, settlement, population and social geography. It is about the description, explanation and prognosis of spatial structures and spatial processes that are caused directly or indirectly by people. This also includes consciously influencing geographical areas through planning measures, taking into account economic, social, political, technological and cultural aspects that change over time and region. The aim is to give you the broadest possible overview and in-depth knowledge of geography, which you can apply in numerous practical exercises for spatial observation, remote sensing, mapping, measuring point networks, surveys or area statistics. In addition, you work with subject-specific programs such as geographic information systems. Didactic seminars prepare you for your future work environment in school. You will learn practical knowledge at school in practical modules, with intensive supervision from the Center for Teacher Education. The completed master’s degree qualifies you for a legal clerkship at a school. However, you have other professional options: For example, you can work in urban and regional planning, tourism management, nature and environmental protection or journalism. The door to a scientific career is also open to you.
Visit the  official programme website  for more information.
Course Category: Agriculture & Environmental Studies
Degree Level: Master
The two-subject master’s course with the business education profile includes the study of economics with 25 credit points and a school subject with 33 credit points (including at least 10 credit points (CP) for subject didactics, including 3 credit points for the didactic preparation of the school internship ), the preparation of a master's thesis with 16 credit points and the study of the business education profile with 46 credit points. The didactic preparation of the school internship and parts of the economics profile make up the internship semester. The module examination determines whether the student has achieved the learning objectives of a module. The module examinations take place during the course and can consist of one or more examinations. The type and number of examinations to be performed are based on the subject examination regulations. The master’s examination is passed if all module examinations required by the subject examination regulations and the thesis have been passed and the required number of credit points has been earned. The standard period of study for the two-subject master’s course with the profile business education is 4 semesters.
Visit the official programme website  for more information.
Visit the official programme website  for more information.
Visit the  official programme website   for more information.
The two-subject master’s course with the business education profile is aimed at students who, after completing a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in business education, aim to teach economics at vocational schools and upper secondary schools. With the master’s degree in the business education profile, it is possible to begin the legal traineeship and pass the second state examination. With the second state examination, you can be accepted into the school service. The Ministry of Education, Science and Culture points out that a practical activity of 12 months related to the vocational subject is required for access to the preparatory service.In addition, there are a number of other fields of activity: Company education and human resources (training and further education) Private educational institutions Education administration, management, policy, advice Economic fields of activity (e.g. controlling) Academic research & teaching
Visit the official programme website  for more information.
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