Dairy Science

4.0 Semester


Milk is a staple food in western countries. In Germany alone, over 22 billion euros are generated in the milk processing industry every year. Over four million dairy cows are kept for this purpose in the Federal Republic. In the single-subject Master’s degree in Dairy Science at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (CAU), which is unique in Germany, you acquire specialist knowledge along the milk value chain, from animal husbandry to consumption. How the product milk is produced, processed and marketed is a science in itself. Learn this dairy science in an interdisciplinary way and with international standards at Kiel University: In the first year of study you will deepen your existing basic knowledge in the area of ​​agricultural milk production through to the quality and processing of milk products. At the same time, you will strengthen your knowledge of scientific methods and approaches. Building on this, you set your individual focus in the second year of study. You will gain experience in all aspects of test planning and the practical implementation of scientific investigations at the university’s own test facilities, both from a conventional and an ecological perspective. For example, the large-scale project for eco-efficient pasture milk production at Versuchsgut Lindhof sets international standards for sustainable production at the beginning of the “milk” process chain. In addition, you benefit from the expertise of the Milk Competence Center (KMSH) of the Agricultural and Nutritional Science Faculty of Kiel University and the specially established endowed professorship "Economy of the Dairy and Food Industry" as well as from cooperation with the Max Rubner Institute (Federal Research Institute for Nutrition and Food) , MRI), the Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute (Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forests and Fisheries, TI), the Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN) and the IFCN Dairy Research Center in Kiel. The master’s degree in Dairy Science is designed as an international degree. All course content is offered entirely in English. To help you understand international aspects better, the Faculty of Agriculture and Nutrition recommends a semester abroad and supports you in choosing a suitable international university. Your master's degree in Dairy Science opens up a wide range of career options. These range from environmental advice and the feed industry to agricultural technology, breeding companies, operational advice and the food industry.
Visit the  official programme website  for more information.
Course Category: Agriculture & Environmental Studies
Degree Level: Master
The Dairy Science subject can be studied as part of a single-subject Master’s degree with 120 credit points. The course includes compulsory and elective modules for a one and a half year in-depth scientific study as well as the half-year writing of the master's thesis and an associated seminar. The Dairy Science master’s program comprises eleven compulsory modules (63 credit points), compulsory elective modules totaling 30 credit points and the master’s thesis (27 credit points). With a Master of Science degree, a doctorate can then be sought if the grade average is appropriate. The module examination determines whether the student has achieved the learning objectives of a module. The module examinations take place during the course and can consist of one or more examinations. The type and number of examinations to be performed are based on the subject examination regulations. The master’s examination is passed if all module examinations required by the subject examination regulations and the master’s thesis have been passed and the required number of credit points has been earned. The standard period of study for the single-subject master's degree in Dairy Science is 4 semesters.
Visit the official programme website  for more information.

English requirements

Visit the official programme website  for more information.
Visit the  official programme website   for more information.
The profile of the master’s degree in Dairy Science offers wide scope for a wide variety of professional options, depending on the focus in the second year of study, from environmental advice in intensive regions of animal refinement to the feed industry, breeding companies, agricultural and process engineering including agricultural construction, business consulting, national and international groups of companies and businesses to activities in processing, marketing, marketing and nutrition or the food industry. The graduates are therefore particularly suitable for managerial positions in companies and public institutions as well as for the next generation of academics in university and non-university research and development.
Visit the official programme website  for more information.
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