
4.0 Semester


Everything is chemistry - our food, our clothes, our environment, ourselves. What we and the world are made of and how substances change and transform into one another when we cook, heat, dye, glue or build, you will learn in the two-subject Master's degree in chemistry with the profile of teaching at grammar schools at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (CAU). Chemistry is the natural science in which the properties, the composition and the transformation of substances and compounds are researched. During your studies you will learn how and why chemical reactions take place and how you as a prospective chemistry teacher can pass this knowledge on to your students. In your bachelor's degree you have already received basic training in the technical systematics of the subject and in the fields of inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry and physical chemistry. Your master’s degree focuses on developing your didactic skills. To do this, you will complete a course on the conception of chemistry lessons and, using practical examples, learn how to design your chemistry lessons successfully. A school internship is also part of your curriculum. You will be closely supervised by the Center for Teacher Education (ZfL) at the CAU. The Chemistry Didactics Department of the Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education (IPN) at the University of Kiel examines the learning and teaching of chemistry and natural sciences in the context of various educational institutions, for example in day care centers, schools and universities, but also in extracurricular teaching-learning environments. The research knowledge gained will be integrated directly into your curriculum. In the Kiel Research Workshop, a joint institution of the CAU, the IPN and the Schleswig-Holstein Research Forum, you have further options to gain practical experience for your later work as a chemistry teacher.
Visit the  official programme website  for more information.
Course Category: Maths & Sciences
Degree Level: Master
The two-subject master’s program leading to the Master of Education degree includes the study of two subjects with a total of 33 credit points each (of which at least 10 credit points (CP) for subject didactics, of which 3 in turn are for didactic preparation of the school internship), the preparation of one Master's thesis of 18 LP as well as the study of the profile in grammar school education i m of 36 credits. The didactic preparation of the school internship as well as parts of the teaching post at grammar schools make up the internship semester. The module examination determines whether the student has achieved the learning objectives of a module. The module examinations take place during the course and can consist of one or more examinations. The type and number of examinations to be performed are based on the subject examination regulations. The master’s examination is passed if all module examinations required by the subject examination regulations and the thesis have been passed and the required number of credit points has been earned. The standard period of study for the two-subject master’s course with the profile of teaching at grammar schools is 4 semesters. By studying the Masters of Education, on the one hand, students should acquire the scientific knowledge and methods required for teaching at grammar schools and community schools and, on the other hand, they should strengthen and expand their subject-related didactic skills. The practical and theoretical specialization takes place in the three core subjects of inorganic, organic and physical chemistry. In addition, experiments are worked out and presented which are particularly suitable for use in schools and which reflect the subject matter to be treated. The didactic skills of the students are strengthened and expanded in subject-related lectures and seminars. The master’s thesis, which is completed in the 4th semester, concludes the master’s program. You can find more information on the modules of the two-subject master's program in chemistry under "Course plan". Information on the second subject can be found in the relevant study information sheet .
Visit the official programme website  for more information.
Visit the official programme website  for more information.
Visit the  official programme website   for more information.
The two-subject master’s degree with the profile teaching qualification at grammar schools is aimed at students who, after completing a bachelor’s degree and a two-subject master’s degree, aim to become a teacher in secondary levels I and II at grammar schools and community schools. In addition, teachers who are qualified to teach at grammar schools in the subjects studied can be employed in a suitable course of study at vocational schools.
Visit the official programme website  for more information.
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