Biological Oceanography

4.0 Semester


Marine animals, marine plants and humans have one thing in common: They use the ocean either as a habitat or as a valuable resource. Nevertheless, the ocean is the largest and largely unknown habitat on earth, which still contains many new discoveries and is of great importance for the function of the entire earth system. It is also becoming increasingly interesting as a resource for many different services and products, for which appropriate technologies must be developed. The increasing human use of the oceans leads directly and indirectly to serious changes in the marine environment, with far-reaching consequences for the entire ecosystem and for society. At the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (CAU) you can study the natural system of the ocean, its usage potential and its changes in the field of Biological Oceanography as a single-subject master’s degree. The language of instruction is English. The course enables you to master complex tasks and research questions in biological oceanography. You will learn to develop an understanding of the natural ecosystem of the ocean. In addition, you acquire the necessary basics to recognize possible changes in the living communities. In addition to interdisciplinary content, you will also get to know the neighboring marine studies subjects in order to be able to work on complex research topics. In addition, you will learn methodical skills in both the analysis and the critical interpretation of data. Additional courses on interdisciplinary teamwork or the communication of scientific content train you in important key skills. The aim is to make you competitive on the international job market. With this goal in mind, you can expect a basic introduction to oceanography and fish economics. This includes fields of work such as maritime environmental monitoring. You set your priorities in the increasing human use of the sea or in the possible changes in the ecosystem of the ocean. To do this, you will learn methods of investigation, prognosis, avoidance and adaptation. The course enables you to start your career in marine science institutes and universities, in maritime environmental monitoring, in environmental management, in the private sector (e.g. maritime technology, food industry and pharmaceuticals) or in science journalism.
Visit the  official programme website  for more information.
Course Category: Maths & Sciences
Degree Level: Master
The course in Biological Oceanography with a Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree imparts knowledge and skills in a number of disciplines that take on the consideration of the entire ocean system from a wide variety of angles. The "Biological Oceanography" course focuses on biology and provides knowledge in chemistry, geology, physics and mathematics. In the first two semesters, the theoretical and practical foundations for systemic consideration of the marine environment are laid. Building on these principles, the graduates set the individual priorities of their training in elective and compulsory elective modules, starting in the 2nd semester. Already in the 2nd semester, the graduates are introduced to and integrated into the theory and practice of current research. With preparatory modules in the third semester and the preparation of the master's thesis in the fourth semester, the graduates develop the respective technical expertise and provide evidence of this. In addition to the credit points of the compulsory and compulsory elective modules of the "Biological Oceanography" course, students earn 10 credit points from modules that can be freely selected from the entire range of modules at the CAU. Graduates are able to identify marine communities (zoology, botany, microbiology) and characterize them using the most modern methods (physiology, biochemistry, genetics, developmental biology, molecular biology, taxonomy, etc.), their physico-chemical environment, nutrient requirements and interactions with the seabed and atmosphere (inorganic chemistry and analytics, geology, physics, especially oceanography and meteorology) as well as population changes (stock assessment, statistics) and to evaluate their significance in the overall marine context. The master's thesis proves that the graduates are able to clearly structure complex scientific questions in the individual mostly biological sub-disciplines and answer them in a defined time frame, but are also able to view, evaluate and communicate in larger contexts. The ability to cross-system considerations and the use of the resulting synergies is playing an increasingly important role in presenting findings from both basic research and considering application aspects in an understandable manner and incorporating them into decision-making processes. This versatility also reflects the wide-ranging job description. The language of instruction and examination in the single-subject Master’s course in Biological Oceanography is English. For a stay abroad, the third semester is recommended for students (mobility window). The module examination determines whether the student has achieved the learning objectives of a module. The module examinations take place during the course and can consist of one or more examinations. The type and number of examinations to be performed are based on the subject examination regulations. The master’s examination is passed if all module examinations required by the subject examination regulations and the thesis have been passed and the required number of credit points has been earned. The standard period of study for the single-subject Master’s degree in Biological Oceanography is 4 semesters.
Visit the official programme website  for more information.

English requirements

Visit the official programme website  for more information.
Visit the  official programme website   for more information.
Graduates of the Master's degree in Biological Oceanography can find their professional field in the following areas: Research and teaching, e.g. B. at marine science institutes, universities maritime environmental monitoring, e.g. B. in environmental authorities or research institutes in fisheries Environmental management: Evaluation and monitoring of existing biological, energetic and mineral resources and their environmentally friendly use Private sector, e.g. B. Environmental analysis, marine consultants, maritime technology (shipping, pipeline projects, offshore wind farms, etc.), food industry (marine food supplements), pharmaceuticals (active ingredients from the sea) Science journalism, science publishers
Visit the official programme website  for more information.
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