Computer Science Course (Diploma) accredited

10 Semester


Computer science is a structural and method science with seemingly endless application possibilities and areas of responsibility, which covers an ever wider spectrum in our daily life. As a science of the systematic processing, storage and transmission of digitally represented information, computer science deals with the development of complex artificially created systems. The investigation of suitable construction elements and methods for such systems is of great importance. Computer science combines formal methodologies and abstraction with solving complex problems. The diploma course is aimed at mathematically and scientifically gifted and particularly motivated high school graduates with the aim of enabling the students to take up a successful career as young scientists both in the university sector and in research-oriented industrial laboratories. You will get an overview of the relationships between the individual disciplines of computer science and will be able to work according to scientific methods.
Visit the  official programme website  for more information.
Study Mode: On Campus
Study Load: Full Time
Course Category: Computer Science & IT
Degree Level: Certificate & Diploma
The computer science diploma program comprises 10 semesters with a total of 300 credit points (ECTS) including a one-semester compulsory professional or international internship. Structurally, the course is divided into two areas - the basic course, which concludes with the preliminary diploma certificate and includes the compulsory subjects of the basic training, and the main course, which offers individual design options with increasing research orientation and concludes with the diploma certificate. The basic course with 123 of the total of 300 credit points (ECTS) includes mathematics as well as the analysis, conception and implementation of information processing systems. The static structure and dynamic behavior of such systems are examined using basic concepts such as algorithm, information, complexity and efficiency. In addition to the theoretical basics, application-oriented aspects, i.e. applied and technical computer science, are also taught. The well-founded training in the core areas of computer science is complemented by special content-related, didactic and methodological measures that prepare students for professional life. This includes teamwork, general basics, and languages. The main course, which accordingly accounts for 177 credit points (ECTS), is primarily characterized by elective areas. Here the students acquire fundamental knowledge in three chosen subject areas of computer science. The selected topics are examined in detail and related to current research results. The aim is to provide students with both application-related and scientific expertise in the focus area of ​​their choice. The following focal points are available: - Theoretical computer science basics as well as possibilities for formal modeling and analysis in computer science as well as for the algorithmic treatment of the resulting models - technical computer science Basics and structure, design and efficient use of technical realizations of computer systems in the range from embedded systems to parallel and high-performance computers - Artificial intelligence theories and methods for the conception, construction and programming of intelligent systems - Applied computer science methods for the design and control of application systems in all phases of life - system architecture, basics of operating systems, databases, data security and anonymization technologies, structure and properties of computer networks, systems engineering - software and web engineering, design, design, test and maintenance of complex, distributed multimedia software systems - Graphic data processing Basics of processing, analyzing and synthesizing images - Minor basic knowledge in another field of knowledge relevant to computer science - General qualifications Interdisciplinary key competencies (e.g. rhetoric, presentation, communication skills, scientific work, foreign language skills)
Visit the official programme website  for more information.
Visit the official programme website  for more information.
Visit the  official programme website   for more information.
Employment opportunities are primarily offered in research and teaching at higher education institutions, in the entire economy and in federal or state institutions. Graduates typically have a managerial role in the design and use of complex information technology systems in a wide variety of application areas, e.g. B. Development of user-friendly systems, processes and methods and their use in design, development and programming work, development of system and application software, project planning and use of electronic data processing systems, design, development and programming work on operating systems, translator programs, database operating systems , Control operating systems, processing systems and various system programs. Graduates who primarily want to work in research have the opportunity to acquire the doctoral degree in a doctoral procedure.
Visit the official programme website  for more information.
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