What Is An Academic Transcript

What Is An Academic Transcript

What Is An Academic Transcript

Sonam Yadav

It's common to feel burdened by the pile of paperwork required to apply to a university abroad. It's easy for the application process to feel stressful when you include the need for personal statements, letters of recommendation, transcripts, proof of language ability, and so much more.

Transcripts from high school and college are required by all universities so that admissions officers can evaluate an applicant's academic background and potential.

Transcripts or records of academic work are documents that demonstrate your academic achievement and are typically required when applying to universities abroad. This is done so that the program can evaluate your previous academic performance and determine if you are a good fit for the course of study.

When you apply to a university abroad, you must provide a lot of supporting documentation. The academic transcript is another vital record. It is a crucial document, particularly if you intend to study abroad, enroll for further education or submit an application for employment or an internship.

What are Academic Transcripts?

Academic transcripts are formal records of education that list the courses taken and the grades/marks the student received. While submitting a request for admission to an international educational institution or university, the educational institution or board offers students academic transcripts.

A student's transcript is a collection of records that details the student's academic history, including the courses taken, grades received, subject-by-subject mark distribution, and any honors or degrees earned. 

It's an official document verifying your education and accomplishments, complete with seals and signatures from each school you've attended. It is a legal record that details the courses taken, the number of credits earned, the final grades, and any exemptions received. It is printed on the organization's letterhead.

Types: Academic Transcripts

Official Transcipts

Official transcripts typically include exam credits, transfer work, and degrees earned over time. This paperwork is mailed by the university and carries the university's seal and the registrar's signature. These are only sent upon the student's desire and require the student's signature.

Unofficial Transcripts

Unofficial transcripts are photocopies of official transcripts made either digitally or manually. Besides the issuing institution's official stamp and signature, they have the student's complete academic record.

Academic Transcripts: Includes

  • Student personal information like student's name, parent's name, date of birth, and year of passing.
  • Enrollment history, grades earned, credit earned, average grade
  • Educational degree (Bachelor, Master, Doctorate)
  • List of courses studied
  • Name of the educational institution
  • Academic Institution Certification
  • Proof from the academic institution, such as transcript letterhead paper

Need for Academic Transcripts

  • The admissions committee of a university requires academic transcripts as proof of schooling.
  • It also supports them in understanding the applicant's educational attainment.
  • This is a required document without which a student cannot apply for admission to overseas universities.
  • The document is required while transferring to universities.
  • Supports Visa Application and Processing.
  • Prospects for Employment.

How to attain Academic Transcripts?

Transcripts are made available by educational institutions from which a student has graduated. Certificates earned in elementary, middle, and high school, as well as certificates for associate's, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees.

Once the transcript has been officially released, students can pick it up at the college or institution. While applying for admission, they can also submit a digital document copy. However, some universities still need a hard copy of the transcript. The student or the primary school must mail it.

Meanwhile, students still in school can request a provisional or interim academic transcript from their current school. However, admission cannot be guaranteed without a final transcript submission.

Academic Transcripts: Other names

  • Mark sheet
  • Mark list
  • Academic record
  • Report card
  • Record of achievement 
  • Cumulative record file
  • Permanent record file
  • Transcript of Records

Academic Transcripts: Accepted by Universities

  • Official transcript scanned with university stamp and registrar's approval.
  • Official electronic transcript: Third parties may send this on behalf of the institution.
  • Many universities will also accept digital pictures of your transcript if you cannot obtain a printed copy.
  • Screenshots of the transcript document
  • Medical students can submit MBBS certificates.
  • A digital copy of the provisional transcript.

Course-based Academic Transcripts

You must have your most recent course transcripts to comply with the requirements.

  • Transcripts from their undergraduate studies are required for students seeking graduate degrees.
  • Transcripts from their secondary school are required for applicants to undergraduate programs.

Academic Transcripts: Things to remember

  • Academic transcripts should be understandable and clear.
  • The information must be written in English on the transcript.
  • Official transcripts must be presented.
  • The transcript should be free of grammatical and spelling errors.
  • Verify the accuracy of the information provided in the transcript.
  • Verify whether a backlog document needs to be sent along with the transcript.

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