How the pandemic has changed teaching methodology forever

How the pandemic has changed teaching methodology forever

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How the pandemic has changed teaching methodology forever
Sailesh Sitaula

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about a rapid shift in teaching methodology, as many schools and universities have been forced to move to online or remote learning due to the pandemic. This means that students are not physically present in the classroom and that teachers must deliver their instruction remotely. To accomplish this, educators have had to rely on technology to bridge the gap between the physical classroom and the remote learning environment.

Tools for video conferencing, such as Zoom and Google Meet, are one of the technologies that have been widely embraced. These tools enable instructors to hold one-on-one sessions, virtual office hours, and live classes with their pupils. This has made it easier to maintain the close relationship that students and teachers need to study and teach effectively.

Learning management systems like Blackboard and Canvas is another technology that has seen widespread adoption. With these platforms, professors may give their students access to course materials, assignments, and evaluations, and students can turn in their work and interact with their instructors. This has helped to maintain the student's interest in the material and has given the learning process a feeling of order and continuity.

The shift to remote learning has highlighted the importance of flexibility and adaptability in teaching. With students learning from home, teachers have had to adapt their teaching styles and methods to accommodate different learning environments and the unique needs of their students. This has required teachers to be more creative and innovative in their teaching approaches and to find new ways to engage their students and keep them motivated.

For example, teachers have had to find ways to make online learning interactive and engaging and provide students with meaningful feedback on their work. They have also had to find ways to create a sense of community and connection among students, even when they are not physically present in the same room. This has required teachers to be more adaptable and responsive to the needs of their students and to be able to adjust their teaching methods as needed.

Additionally, the shift to remote learning has also highlighted the need for teachers to be able to design and deliver effective online instruction. This has required teachers to develop new skills and knowledge in online course design, e-learning pedagogy, and technology in the classroom. For example, teachers have had to learn how to design and deliver online lessons that are engaging, interactive and effective. They have also had to learn how to use different tools and platforms to provide instruction and create interactive activities for their students.

Despite the many challenges the pandemic has brought, some experts believe that many changes brought about by remote learning will become permanent fixtures in education.

One change that will likely become permanent is the increased use of technology in the classroom. The pandemic has accelerated the adoption of technology in education, and it has been widely recognised that technology can significantly improve the learning experience for students. For example, online resources and tools can provide students with more opportunities to learn at their own pace and access a broader range of learning materials. Technology can also make education more accessible to students in remote or underserved areas by removing geographical barriers.

Another change that is likely to become permanent is the increased focus on flexibility and adaptability in teaching. The pandemic has forced teachers to be more flexible and adaptable in their teaching methods, highlighting the importance of personalised approaches to education. Teachers can better cater to their student's unique needs and learning styles by being more flexible and adaptable. This may lead to developing more effective and personalized approaches to education.

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