Implement senior professorship without ‘discrimination’, DU Faculty urges VC

Implement senior professorship without ‘discrimination’, DU Faculty urges VC

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Implement senior professorship without ‘discrimination’, DU Faculty urges VC
Sailesh Sitaula

In the hallowed halls of Delhi University (DU), where academic excellence meets tradition, there lies a growing concern among its esteemed members regarding the fair and unbiased implementation of senior professorship appointments across various departments. In terms of academics, they have sent a joint appeal to Professor PC Joshi, the Acting Vice-Chancellor, asking for a review of existing procedures and a reaffirmation of the university's dedication to meritocracy and equality.

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Firm Demand for Reform

This isn't the first time such concerns have been voiced. In fact, members of DU's Academic Council, Executive Council, and Finance Committee have consistently raised alarms over the past years. Referencing previous correspondence, they have reiterated their worries regarding the selective nature of senior professorship appointments within the university.

Need for a Merit-Based Approach

At the heart of the matter lies a traditional approach that links senior professorship eligibility primarily to an individual's proximity to retirement. However, this paradigm is under scrutiny. The collective voice of concerned stakeholders argues that such an approach lacks merit and fails to acknowledge the intrinsic value of recognition and responsibility associated with the designation throughout a professor's tenure, not just in their final years of service.

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Current Patterns of Appointment Practices

Recent developments have only served to intensify these concerns. Allegations of a "pick and choose" approach in recent senior professorship appointments have cast a shadow over the institution's commitment to fairness. It is argued that such practices are inconsistent with established regulations outlined by both the University Grants Commission (UGC) and the Ministry of Education, further eroding trust and morale among eligible professors.

Demoralization and Discontent

The repercussions of these actions extend far beyond mere administrative oversight. They strike at the heart of DU's academic community, sowing seeds of demoralization and discontent among eligible professors. Such discord not only undermines individual aspirations but also jeopardizes the collaborative spirit and collegial environment that are essential for academic excellence.

Integrity and Transparency

In light of these concerns, the collective plea to the Vice-Chancellor's office is not merely a request for administrative compliance but a rallying cry for the restoration of integrity and transparency in senior professorship appointments. It is an appeal to uphold the principles of fairness, equity, and academic excellence that form the bedrock of Delhi University's esteemed reputation.

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As Delhi University navigates the complexities of modern academia, it stands at a crossroads. Will it cling to outdated practices that undermine its core values, or will it embrace change and pave the way for a brighter, more equitable future? The answer lies not just in administrative action but in the collective commitment of its members to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity and excellence. Only then can DU truly fulfill its mission of enlightenment and empowerment for generations to come.

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What sparked the faculty's plea to the Vice-Chancellor regarding senior professorship appointments?

The plea was prompted by growing concerns among faculty members about the perceived unfairness and discrimination in the process of senior professorship appointments at Delhi University. Faculty members are urging the Acting Vice-Chancellor, Professor PC Joshi, to reevaluate current practices to ensure equality and meritocracy.

Why is there a demand for reform in the senior professorship appointment process at Delhi University?

Over the years, members of DU's Academic Council, Executive Council, and Finance Committee have consistently raised alarms about the selective nature of senior professorship appointments. Faculty members argue that the traditional approach, which primarily considers proximity to retirement, lacks merit and fails to recognize the continuous contributions and responsibilities of professors throughout their tenure.

What are the concerns regarding current patterns of appointment practices for senior professorship at Delhi University?

Recent allegations suggest a "pick and choose" approach in senior professorship appointments, raising doubts about the institution's commitment to fairness. Such practices are seen as inconsistent with established regulations outlined by the University Grants Commission (UGC) and the Ministry of Education, leading to erosion of trust and morale among eligible professors.

How do demoralization and discontent among eligible professors affect the academic community at Delhi University?

The demoralization and discontent stemming from unfair senior professorship appointments extend beyond administrative issues. They disrupt the collaborative spirit and collegial environment crucial for academic excellence, undermining individual aspirations and tarnishing DU's esteemed reputation.

What does the faculty's plea to the Vice-Chancellor aim to achieve?

The plea seeks not only administrative compliance but also the restoration of integrity and transparency in senior professorship appointments. It calls for upholding principles of fairness, equity, and academic excellence, emphasizing the collective commitment of faculty members to uphold DU's core values and ensure a brighter, more equitable future for the institution.

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