Top 10 funny engineering fundas

Top 10 funny engineering fundas

Top 10 funny engineering fundas
Nikita Shakya

Engineering is a field that requires creativity, problem-solving skills, and a sense of humour. And over the years, engineering students have come up with some of the most hilarious and creative ways to understand complex concepts. These are the engineering "funda," which are funny, clever, and often strange. This article will look at the top 10 funny engineering fundas.

The KISS principle: Keep it simple, stupid!

The KISS principle is a common engineering funda that encourages simplicity in design. It states that the best approach to a problem is often the simplest. This funda is not only funny but also practical and effective.

Murphy's Law: If anything can go wrong, it will.

Murphy's Law is an engineering funda that reminds us that things can go wrong and must plan for the worst-case scenario. It is often quoted in engineering circles and has become part of engineering culture.

The 80/20 rule: 80% of the work takes 20% of the time, and 20% takes 80% of the time.

The 80/20 rule is a funny engineering funda highlighting time management's importance. Most of the work can be done quickly, but the remaining work will take much longer. This funda is a reminder to prioritise and focus on essential tasks.

The law of conservation of energy: Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; it can only be transferred or converted from one form to another.

The law of energy conservation is a fundamental principle in physics and engineering. But engineers often funnily use this principle to explain why they are always tired, saying that they are just transferring their energy from one project to another.

The duct tape principle: If it moves, it shouldn't use it. If it doesn't move and it should use WD-40.

The duct tape principle is a funny engineering funda that suggests that duct tape can solve almost any problem. And if duct tape doesn't work, WD-40 will do the trick. This funda is not only funny but also practical and has become a part of engineering culture.

The spaghetti code principle: Spaghetti code is challenging to understand and maintain because it is tangled up like a plate of spaghetti.

The spaghetti code principle is a funny engineering funda highlighting the importance of writing clean and organised code. It suggests that code, like a plate of organised spaghetti, should be easy to read and understand.

The rubber duck debugging principle: Explain it to a rubber duck to solve a problem.

The rubber duck debugging principle is a funny engineering funda that suggests that explaining a problem to someone or something else, like a rubber duck, can help solve the problem. Programmers often use this funda, which has become a part of engineering culture.

The five-minute rule: If you can fix it in five minutes, it's worth fixing.

The five-minute rule is a funny engineering funda that suggests it is not worth fixing if a problem cannot be fixed in five minutes. This funda is a reminder to prioritise and focus on essential tasks.

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The drink-and-think principle: Sometimes, the best ideas come after a drink or two.

The drink-and-think principle is a funny engineering funda suggesting that some of the best ideas come after a drink. This funda is not only funny but also practical and effective.

The Occam's razor principle: 

When faced with multiple explanations for a problem, choose the simplest explanation, which is usually the correct one. This principle is often applied in various engineering fields, and several funny interpretations have been used over the years.

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