Want to be a business head or lead an NGO?

Want to be a business head or lead an NGO?

Want to be a business head or lead an NGO?

Saru Niraula

When choosing a career path, many different options are available to individuals. 

Some may opt for a job in the corporate world, while others may choose to work for non-profit organisations. 

Two popular career paths in this regard are leading a business or heading an NGO. These roles require unique skill sets, but they also share some similarities. 

This article will explore what it takes to become a business head or lead an NGO, including the qualifications, skills, and traits necessary for success.

Comparison Between Business Head and NGO Head
Comparison between Business Head and NGO Head

What is a Business Head?

A business head is someone responsible for overseeing all aspects of a business. This includes managing budgets, hiring and firing employees, setting company goals, and ensuring the organisation is profitable. Business heads often report to a board of directors or a CEO, and they may have a team of managers and employees who report to them.

Qualifications to be a Business Head

To become a business head, you typically need a bachelor's degree in business administration or a related field. Some employers may require a master's degree, particularly for executive-level positions. Additionally, you'll need several years of experience in a related field, such as sales, marketing, or finance.

Skills Required to be a Business Head

Business heads need to have various skills to succeed in their role. These include:

  • Leadership Skills: As a business head, you'll manage and motivate a team of employees. This requires strong leadership skills, including delegating tasks, providing feedback, and inspiring your team to achieve a common goal.
  • Communication Skills: Effective communication is crucial to success in any leadership role. You'll need to clearly articulate your vision for the company, communicate with stakeholders, and build relationships with customers and partners.
  • Financial Management Skills: Business heads must manage budgets, analyse financial reports, and make strategic financial decisions. This requires a strong understanding of financial management principles and the ability to use financial data to inform business decisions.
  • Strategic Thinking: Successful business heads must be able to think strategically, identifying opportunities for growth and development and making decisions that will benefit the company in the long term.
  • Problem-Solving Skills: Business heads must be able to identify and solve problems that arise within the organisation. This requires the ability to think critically and creatively and to make decisions quickly and effectively.

Traits Required to be a Business Head

In addition to specific skills, successful business heads tend to have certain personality traits that help them thrive. These include:

  • Drive: Business heads are typically highly motivated individuals who are passionate about their work and driven to succeed.
  • Resilience: Leading a business can be challenging, and setbacks are inevitable. Business heads must bounce back from setbacks and continue moving forward.
  • Adaptability: The business landscape is constantly changing, and successful business heads can adapt to these changes and adjust their strategies accordingly.
  • Confidence: Business heads must be confident in their abilities and their decisions. This confidence inspires trust in others and helps to build strong relationships within the organisation.

What is an NGO Head?

An NGO head is someone responsible for managing a non-profit organisation. This includes setting the organisation's goals, managing budgets, overseeing fundraising efforts, and ensuring that the organisation's mission is being fulfilled. NGO heads may work for organisations focusing on various issues, such as healthcare, education, or human rights.

Qualifications to be an NGO Head

To become an NGO head, you typically need a bachelor's degree in a relevant field, such as social work, public health, or international relations. Some employers may require a master's degree, particularly for executive-level positions. Additionally, you will need several years of experience working in the non-profit sector as a volunteer or a paid employee.

Skills Required to be an NGO Head

Like business heads, NGO heads need to have various skills to succeed in their role. These include:

  • Leadership Skills: As an NGO head, you'll manage and motivate a team of employees and volunteers. This requires strong leadership skills, including delegating tasks, providing feedback, and inspiring your team to work towards the organisation's mission.
  • Communication Skills: Effective communication is crucial to success in any leadership role. You must clearly articulate your organisation's mission, communicate with stakeholders, and build relationships with donors and partners.
  • Fundraising Skills: Non-profit organisations fund their operations through donations and grants. As an NGO head, you'll need to be able to develop and implement successful fundraising strategies, identify new funding opportunities, and build strong relationships with donors.
  • Strategic Thinking: Successful NGO heads must be able to think strategically, identifying opportunities for growth and development and making decisions that will benefit the organisation in the long term.
  • Advocacy Skills: Non-profit organisations often work to promote social change and advocate for policy changes. As an NGO head, you must advocate effectively for your organisation's mission and build relationships with policymakers and other advocates.

Traits Required to be an NGO Head

In addition to specific skills, successful NGO heads tend to have certain personality traits that help them thrive. These include:

  • Passion: NGO heads are typically passionate about the organisation's mission and work. This passion helps to inspire others and build momentum around the organisation's goals.
  • Empathy: Non-profit organisations often work with vulnerable populations, and successful NGO heads must be able to empathise with these populations and understand their needs.
  • Persistence: Achieving the goals of a non-profit organisation can be a long and challenging process. NGO heads must be persistent and resilient, working towards the organisation's mission despite setbacks.
  • Flexibility: Like business heads, NGO heads must be able to adapt to changes in the landscape and adjust their strategies accordingly.
  • Collaboration: Non-profit organisations often work with various stakeholders, including other non-profits, government agencies, and community members. Successful NGO heads must build strong relationships and collaborate effectively with these stakeholders.

Leading a business or heading an NGO can be rewarding and fulfilling career paths, but they require different skill sets and personality traits. 

Business heads must be able to manage budgets, hire and fire employees, and make strategic decisions to ensure that the organisation is profitable.

NGO heads, on the other hand, must be able to manage budgets, fundraise, and advocate for their organisation's mission.

While the qualifications, skills, and traits required for these roles may vary, some commonalities exist. 

Successful leaders, whether in the corporate world or the non-profit sector, tend to be strong communicators, strategic thinkers, and effective collaborators. They are also passionate about their work and driven to succeed, even facing challenges.

Ultimately, choosing between leading a business or heading an NGO will depend on your interests, values, and goals. 

Both career paths offer the opportunity to impact the world and lead meaningful work positively. By developing the necessary skills and traits, you can succeed in whichever way you choose.

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