10 Most Employable Degrees

10 Most Employable Degrees

10 Most Employable Degrees
Sahil Dahal

Some things can increase a degree's employability. First, companies will be more drawn to the degree in great demand and relevant to the current work market. This means that selecting a degree program that aligns with the market's needs for talent is crucial. Also, degrees that provide students with practical knowledge and real-world experience are frequently more marketable than solely theoretical ones. Employers often want applicants who possess both theoretical knowledge and functional abilities. Additionally, degrees with co-ops or internships can help students gain valuable work experience and improve their employability. 

Employers frequently view degrees from respected institutions and programs with solid reputations more favourably. This program and school quality are another crucial consideration. The following are the ten most employable degrees.

Dentistry and medicine

Nothing unexpected here is that within six months of graduation, 99% of graduates in medicine and dentistry find employment or continue their education. Consider a class of 200 students studying medicine or dentistry where all but one have found work. 

Even more impressive is that the average graduating wage for graduates in medicine and dentistry was £30,000 back in 2017. But do not be deceived; these graduates are in such high demand because their degrees require commitment and effort. Suppose an individual wishes to pursue a career in medicine. In that case, they should be prepared to work nonstop every day, as medical students are known to have a particularly demanding course of study.

Veterinary Science

Veterinary science is a field that is in high demand in many parts of the world, and graduates with a degree in veterinary science often have good job prospects. In the United States, for example, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects that the employment of veterinarians will grow by 16% from 2019 to 2029, which is much faster than the average for all occupations. This growth is expected to be driven by an increase in the number of pets and a growing emphasis on animal health and welfare.

Programs for veterinary schools are highly competitive, and the curriculum is demanding. To practice, veterinarians must also pass a licensing exam, which requires a significant time and money commitment. Nevertheless, a degree in veterinary science can be very marketable, but pursuing and finishing one demands a considerable time and effort investment.

Subjects Allied to Medicine

Degrees in areas Allied to Medicine, like neuroscience, drug discovery, and the biomedical sciences, are very high in demand in the modern world. Nearly all graduates with medical degrees can find employment quickly after graduation.

Early in their career, an individual will have the opportunity to specialize in medicine. This is an excellent opportunity, as it allows for developing expertise in the field. While young professionals need to establish themselves in their industry, if an individual's expertise comes first and their youth as a professional comes second, they will be able to demand better compensation in the future. Degrees in this field need a lot of effort, long hours, and a respectable starting income of £22k.

Architecture, Building and Planning

A degree in architecture, building, or planning typically prepares students for a career in the design and construction industry. These programs typically include coursework in design principles, building materials and methods, construction management, and land use planning. Students may also have the opportunity to gain practical experience through internships or co-op programs.

Architecture graduates still have excellent career prospects, with 90% enrolled in full-time jobs or higher education six months following graduation. However, it is essential to note that many architecture graduates choose self-employment and those who don't can get employment in larger organizations with a salary of about £22,000.


Teaching is a field in high demand. Approximately 90% of education graduates secure a job or continue their studies within six months of graduating. This trend is expected to continue, as teaching jobs tend to recruit at a stable level.

Teaching may not be the first career choice for some, but it offers a good starting salary of around £22,000 and a range of opportunities. Many teachers complete a separate degree before pursuing a teaching qualification, while a smaller number initially study teaching. This can make a degree in education highly sought after, as it can lead to advancement and better job prospects within the education sector. Teachers also benefit from receiving many holidays, though this means that they may work non-standard hours, including evenings and weekends.


Engineering is an extensive discipline that includes several specialities. Engineers develop, produce, and test solutions to issues in several industries using scientific, mathematical, and technological concepts, including transportation, building, manufacturing, telecommunications, and energy. Engineers are essential in the development of new technologies and products, as well as in the improvement of current systems and processes. Engineers are highly appreciated in the workforce due to their technical experience and problem-solving abilities, which are in great demand across many sectors.

Engineering jobs are often classified as either public or private sector. In terms of the job's content, they are both comparable. Generally, the private sector is more challenging to enter and pays more. Nonetheless, the average starting pay for engineering graduates is £25,000. So Engineering is one of the most employable degrees.

Computer Science

Computing is a vast and diverse discipline. Traditional topics like programming and database design are covered, as well as cutting-edge technology such as virtual reality and AI. As a result, there are several computer degrees to choose from. 

The field of computer science is a rapidly growing and evolving field that encompasses a wide range of specialities, including software development, data science, cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence. The demand for skilled computer professionals is high, as businesses and organizations rely on technology to function and compete in today's digital world. As a result, individuals with a background in computer science are in high demand, and many graduates can find employment within a short period after graduation.


Math graduates are highly employable and frequently find work in the IT or financial sectors. Following graduation, math graduates can expect to earn roughly £25,000 per year. This indicates that math graduates can expect to make a good living. Math instructors are also in high demand, so graduates who don't want to work in IT or finance may consider becoming math instructors. In either case, math graduates should have no trouble finding employment.

Business and Administrative Studies

Skilled academics are required in all industries to guarantee that firms function correctly. As a result, it's no wonder that 88% of business graduates are in a full-time job or furthering their education within six months after graduation making it one of the most employable degrees.

Business graduates have several opportunities in finance, marketing, project management, human resources, logistics, sales, and economics. Last year, on average, graduates could obtain employment earning roughly £22,500, making business-related disciplines an excellent alternative for individuals seeking a big pay-off after college.


Law is highly marketable since it is a flexible and transferable talent appreciated in a broad range of companies and professions. Many law graduates work in the legal profession, either as attorneys or paralegals. In contrast, others may apply their legal expertise in other industries such as business, government, or non-profit organizations.

Law graduates often have strong analytical and problem-solving skills and excellent communication and negotiation skills, which employers highly value. They also have a deep understanding of the legal system and the ability to interpret and apply complex legal concepts, which makes them well-suited for roles that require a high level of legal expertise. 

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