How to become Public Prosecutor

How to become Public Prosecutor

How to become Public Prosecutor
Rosmit Gyawali

Public prosecutors are the professionals appointed by the government to represent the state in criminal proceedings. The legal profession is one of the most crucial sectors in our society. Prosecutors, the backbone of the legal system, must represent the interests of crime victims and society in criminal proceedings. Additionally, they have obligations to protect the rights of people and maintain the rule of law.

Public prosecutors deal with complex ethical and moral issues. If becoming the gatekeeper of criminal justice excites you, becoming a public prosecutor might be a perfect choice.

This article will guide you through the process of becoming a public prosecutor along with the pros and cons of becoming one.

What is a public prosecutor?

Public prosecutors are the gatekeepers of criminal justice appointed by the state or the government to represent the state in any criminal cases. Their primary duty is to advance justice in the public's best interests. 

The role of a public prosecutor is not only limited to representing the state in criminal cases but also helping the state in defining and applying criminal policies and making sure they adapt to societal changes.

A Public Prosecutor is considered the agent of the state in the criminal justice system, who represents the interests of ordinary people. They must adhere to the rule of law and safeguard the interest of ordinary citizens. Prosecutors have the right to bring a case to court for further proceedings so it is extremely important for a public prosecutor to be unbiased and strictly adhere to the rule of law.

What are the roles and responsibilities of a public prosecutor?

Public prosecutors play an important role in maintaining the integrity of the criminal justice system. They are appointed by the state and their role and responsibilities are given by the government itself. Here we discuss some general roles and responsibilities of a public prosecutor:

Before Trial

  • To be present in court and obtain the arrest warrant against the accused.
  • To obtain police custody remand for interrogation of the accused.
  • To record the evidence and testimony of the accused objectively

During Trial

  • To represent the state and examine all the facts and witnesses objectively
  • To withdraw from prosecution if there is a lack of evidence.
  • To achieve proper responsibility for the perpetrator's punishment.
  • To ensure a speedy and smooth trial
  • To ensure justice is done.

Qualifications required to become a public prosecutor

Becoming a public prosecutor can be a prestigious career. However, one must meet different criteria as it is a huge responsibility. The qualifications may vary depending on what area you want to practice law in. 

Some general qualifications are described below:

  • Have no criminal background. Prosecutors are the gatekeepers of criminal justice so you must have a clean background to be able to practice as one.
  • Exceptional writing and reading skills. As a prosecutor, you have to prepare and interpret different legal documents so it is essential to have great communication skills to properly convey meaning.
  • As a prosecutor, you have to work under tight deadlines so you must be able to manage your time in an efficient manner.
  • Strong organization skills and confidence is required to make your case in the courtroom.
  • Collaboration skills to coordinate with different members of the justice department and legal teams to present your case.

Steps to being a public prosecutor

  • Obtain a law degree from an accredited university. This can be a 3-year or a 5-year degree program.
  • Clear all the exams with at least a 50% aggregate score.
  • Gain relevant experience as an advocate( This can differ depending on the area you want to work in)
  • Get License

Salary of a public prosecutor

The salary of a public prosecutor varies from one country to another with the US and Europeans providing higher salaries on average than other countries. In India, a public prosecutor typically makes 57,105 rupees. According to Payscale, the average annual salary of a prosecutor in the United States is 66,476 USD.

In the US, an entry-level Prosecutor with less than a year of experience can expect to earn an average total compensation (tips, bonus, and overtime pay) of $54,305, an early career Prosecutor with 1-4 years of experience earns an average total compensation of $64,138 and a  mid-career Prosecutor with 5-9 years of experience earns an average total compensation of $66,932. 

Training Courses for Public Prosecutors

To become a public prosecutor you follow a similar path to that of other legal professions.

First and foremost,  you must complete your undergraduate in the field of law. Various programs from different universities are available for this purpose. This is usually followed by post-graduate programs. The training courses are:

  • Integrated Law Courses such as BA LLB
  • Bachelor of law (L.L.B)
  • Masters of Law(LLM)
  • M.Phil in Law

Advantages and disadvantages of becoming a public prosecutor


  • Lucrative Career

Becoming a public prosecutor can be a lucrative career choice as it offers stable job growth and a good salary.

  • Intellectual Development and Stimulation

Prosecutors have to deal with complex ethical and philosophical issues. For example, understanding complex legal and philosophical theories and determining the possible outcomes in a case provides intellectual development opportunities.

  • Prestige in Society

Lawyers, especially prosecutors are one of the most respected professionals around the globe as they are the gatekeepers of our criminal justice system. They are responsible for providing justice to not only the victim but society as a whole.

  • Opportunity to help society

Public prosectors help victims get justice and upheld the rule of law. As a prosecutor, you have the opportunity to provide justice and help the victims of different types of crimes.


  • Stressful work life

Public prosecutors work under tight deadlines and devote significant time to research and processing information related to a case. As a result, work life can be hectic and stressful.

Career as a Public Prosecutor

A career as a public prosecutor can be both rewarding and challenging. Public prosecutors are employed by the federal, state, and local governments. Public prosecutors play an important role in the legal system, serving as the gatekeepers of criminal justice. You are in charge of criminal trials, appeals, and other critical processes as a prosecutor.

The primary goal of a public prosecutor is to assist the court by presenting all relevant aspects of the case to the court. You must work with various agencies within the justice department to coordinate your endeavors. The role of the public prosecutor is critical both before and during the trial. 

Prosecutors are often placed in high-pressure situations with short deadlines. Because the prosecutor is so important in reaching a verdict, you should expect to spend a significant amount of time researching and analyzing all relevant information about the case.

The primary responsibility of a public prosecutor is to balance the interests of the accused, the victim, and the State. As a result, working as a public prosecutor can be extremely stressful. However, the recognition and prestige that comes with becoming a prosecutor far outweigh the difficulties you will face.


What is a public prosecutor?

Public prosecutors are the professionals appointed by the government to represent the state in criminal proceedings. A Public Prosecutor is considered the agent of the state in the criminal justice system, who represents the interests of ordinary people.

How to prepare for a career as a public prosecutor?

To be a prosecutor, you must obtain a law degree. After this, you must pass the bar to get qualified to practice law. Depending on the place you want to practice law you will need a few years of experience as an advocate before you can qualify for becoming a prosecutor.

What are the skills required to become a good prosecutor?

A good prosecutor must have exceptional research abilities to present a proper case in court. In addition to this, you must also possess extraordinary written skills as any slight errors in legal documents can break your case. Along with these, you should also have the confidence to present yourself in court.

Are public prosecutors well paid?

Salaries of public prosecutors vary from one county to another. In the US, average salaries are usually between 65000-66000 USD. Salaries depend upon your level of experience with those with more experience earning more. Moreover, compensation also includes bonuses and overtime pay

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