How to Become a Writer?

How to Become a Writer?

How to Become a Writer?
Sahil Dahal

Becoming a writer is a journey that allows you to harness the power of words, creativity, and storytelling. Writers are the architects of narratives, crafting stories that captivate, inform, and entertain their audience. Whether you aspire to be a novelist, journalist, content creator, or technical writer, the writing world offers many exciting possibilities.

Role and Responsibilities of a Writer

Writers do many different things, depending on what they're good at. But some regular jobs they have are:

Content Creation: Writers generate various forms of content, such as articles, blog posts, novels, or technical documents, catering to different audiences and purposes.

Research: Thorough research is often necessary to produce accurate and engaging content. Writers delve into a wide range of topics to gather information and insights.

Editing and Proofreading: Ensuring their work's clarity, coherence, and grammatical correctness is a crucial aspect of a writer's role.

Meeting Deadlines: Writers are often required to work within specific timeframes, making time management a vital skill.

Adapting Style: Writers are like chameleons; they adjust their writing style to match the tone and voice of the publication or audience they're targeting. This versatility allows them to create content that resonates effectively.

Storytelling: Beyond facts and information, writers are storytellers. They weave narratives that engage readers emotionally and take them on a journey, whether a heartwarming tale, a suspenseful thriller, or a compelling case study.

Keyword Research: In the digital age, writers often work with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) principles in mind. They research and strategically incorporate keywords to improve a piece's visibility on search engines.

Interviewing: Some writers, particularly journalists and feature writers, conduct interviews to gather firsthand accounts and expert opinions, adding depth and authenticity to their work.

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Qualifications Required to Become a Writer

While there's no strict educational path to becoming a writer, having a bachelor's degree in English, journalism, or a related field can be beneficial. However, what truly matters is a passion for writing, a strong command of the English language, and the ability to express ideas effectively.

Physical and Medical Requirements for Writers (If Any)

Writing is a profession that only typically has physical or medical requirements. It is open to individuals of all backgrounds and abilities.

Path to Becoming a Writer

To embark on your journey as a writer, follow these steps:

Discover Your Niche: Determine the type of writing that resonates with you the most, whether it's fiction, non-fiction, technical, or creative writing.

Build Your Writing Skills: Practice writing regularly to hone your craft. Consider taking writing courses or workshops to enhance your skills.

Create a Portfolio: Assemble a portfolio of your best work. This will be your calling card when seeking writing opportunities.

Network: Connect with fellow writers, editors, and publishers to explore potential collaborations and job opportunities.

Start Writing: Begin writing articles, stories, or blog posts, even if they're not initially for publication. This helps you gain experience and build a body of work.

Salary of a Writer

Writers' income varies widely depending on experience, specialization, and the platform they write for. 


Average Salary Range ($)

United States

$50,000 - $60,000

United Kingdom

£25,000 - £35,000


CAD 45,000 - CAD 55,000


AUD 55,000 - AUD 65,000


₹7,00,000 - ₹12,00,000


€35,000 - €45,000


€35,000 - €45,000


¥4,000,000 - ¥6,000,000

South Africa

ZAR 20,000 - ZAR 30,000


R$30,000 - R$45,000

Advantages and Disadvantages of Becoming a Writer


  • Creative Expression: Writing allows you to unleash your creativity, bringing your unique ideas to life on the page.
  • Flexible Lifestyle: Many writers enjoy the flexibility of working from home, setting their own hours, and finding a work-life balance that suits them.
  • Impactful Communication: Your words have the power to inform, persuade, and inspire readers, making a meaningful impact on their lives.
  • Diverse Opportunities: The writing world is vast, offering opportunities in various genres like fiction, non-fiction, technical, and creative writing.
  • Evergreen Skill: Writing is a timeless skill that remains valuable in an ever-evolving job market.
  • Independent Work: Freelance writers often have the freedom to choose the projects they're passionate about and work independently.


  • Income Variability: Writer incomes can be irregular, especially for beginners, leading to financial uncertainty.
  • Rejection and Criticism: Facing rejection from publishers or criticism from readers is part of the writer's journey and can be disheartening.
  • Isolation: Writing can be a solitary profession, leading to feelings of loneliness and isolation.
  • Writer's Block: Writer's block, a creative hurdle, can be frustrating and hinder productivity.
  • Strict Deadlines: Meeting tight deadlines can be stressful and may affect the quality of your work.
  • Competitive Field: The writing industry is competitive, making it challenging to secure well-paying opportunities.

Career as a Writer


Journalists are dedicated to the art of storytelling through news. They serve as the eyes and ears of the public, tirelessly investigating and reporting on current events. They conduct interviews, collect information, and present it in a clear, unbiased, and timely manner. Journalists can be found working for newspapers, magazines, online news platforms, or even broadcast media. Their work helps keep society informed and aware of the ever-changing world around us.


Novelists are the creative visionaries behind fictional worlds. They have the remarkable ability to craft intricate plots, memorable characters, and vivid settings that transport readers into different realms of imagination. Novelists often spend significant time researching, planning, and refining their stories before putting pen to paper or typing away at a keyboard. Successful novelists may see their works published as books or e-books, and some even adapt their narratives into screenplays for movies or TV series, leaving a lasting impact on readers and viewers alike.


Copywriters are the wordsmiths of the marketing world. Their expertise lies in crafting compelling, persuasive content designed to promote products, services, or brands. They create advertisements, catchy slogans, engaging website content, product descriptions, and various marketing materials. Effective copywriting demands an in-depth understanding of consumer psychology and the ability to convey a persuasive message succinctly, making it an essential component of successful marketing campaigns.

Technical Writer

Technical writers possess the unique skill of translating complex technical information into user-friendly documentation. They are responsible for creating manuals, instruction guides, help files, and FAQs that help users navigate and understand software, hardware, and other technical products. Precision and clarity are paramount in technical writing, as it ensures that users can easily comprehend and follow instructions, enhancing the overall user experience.

Content Creator/Blogger

Content creators, often known as bloggers, are digital storytellers who share their expertise, experiences, and insights with online audiences. They maintain blogs, YouTube channels, or social media profiles where they produce written or multimedia content on various subjects. Successful content creators can monetize their work through advertising, sponsorships, or merchandise sales, turning their passion into a lucrative career in the digital age.


Screenwriters are the architects of narratives brought to life on screen. They craft scripts for films, television shows, or web series, developing compelling characters, engaging dialogue, and intricate plotlines. Collaboration with directors, producers, and actors is common in the film and television industry, as screenwriters work together to create captivating stories that captivate audiences on the big and small screens.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I find my writing niche?

Finding your niche involves exploring different writing styles and genres. Experiment until you discover what resonates with you the most.

Can I become a writer without a degree?

Yes, a degree is not mandatory. What matters most is your passion for writing and your ability to craft compelling content.

What are the best online platforms to showcase my writing?

Websites like Medium, WordPress, and LinkedIn are popular platforms for writers to share their work and gain exposure.

How do I deal with writer's block?

Writer's block is common. Try taking short breaks, changing your environment, or engaging in creative exercises to overcome it.

Are there writing communities or organizations I can join?

Yes, there are many writing groups, both online and offline, where you can connect with fellow writers, receive feedback, and stay motivated.

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