Difference Between Scholarship and Fellowship

Difference Between Scholarship and Fellowship

Difference Between Scholarship and Fellowship
Prashant Thapa

In today's competitive world, pursuing higher education often requires financial assistance. Scholarships and fellowships are two common avenues that provide financial support to students. 

While they share some similarities, it is important to understand their key distinctions. This article sheds light on the difference between scholarships and fellowships, addressing their definitions, eligibility criteria, application processes, benefits, and more.

Difference Between Scholarship and Fellowship Explained

What is a Scholarship?

A scholarship is a financial award given to students based on their academic achievements, talents, or other specific criteria. Scholarships are typically provided by educational institutions, private organisations, foundations, or government agencies. They aim to support students in their pursuit of education by alleviating the burden of tuition fees and other educational expenses.

Applying for a Scholarship

To apply for a scholarship, students often need to submit an application that includes academic records, recommendation letters, essays, and sometimes additional requirements specific to the scholarship. The application process may vary depending on the scholarship provider's criteria.

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Scholarship Benefits

Scholarships offer numerous benefits to students. Besides financial assistance, they can enhance a student's resume and provide recognition for their achievements. Scholarships may also come with opportunities for mentorship, networking, and participation in exclusive events or programs. Additionally, some scholarships may offer non-monetary perks such as access to resources, internships, or study abroad opportunities.

What is a Fellowship?

A fellowship is a prestigious financial award granted to individuals with exceptional skills, expertise, or potential in a particular field. Organisations, research institutions, government agencies, or foundations typically provide fellowships. Unlike scholarships, fellowships are not limited to students and can be awarded to professionals, researchers, or experts in various domains.

Applying for a Fellowship

The application process for fellowships is often highly competitive and rigorous. Applicants are required to submit detailed proposals, research plans, and letters of recommendation. The selection committee evaluates candidates based on their past achievements, potential for future contributions, and alignment with the objectives of the fellowship program.

Fellowship Benefits

Fellowships offer several advantages to recipients. Beyond financial support, they provide opportunities for advanced research, professional development, and collaboration with renowned experts in the field. Fellowships often provide access to exclusive resources, laboratories, or libraries that facilitate groundbreaking work. Furthermore, being awarded a fellowship can significantly enhance one's reputation and open doors to future career prospects.

Differences Between Scholarships and Fellowships

To provide a clearer understanding, let's compare the key differences between scholarships and fellowships in the table below:



Primarily awarded to students based on academic achievements or specific criteria.

Granted to individuals based on exceptional skills, expertise, or potential in a particular field

Aimed at supporting students in their pursuit of education

Designed to advance research, professional development, and collaboration

Offered by educational institutions, private organisations, foundations, or government agencies

Provided by organisations, research institutions, government agencies, or foundations

The application typically includes academic records, recommendation letters, essays, and other requirements

The application process involves submitting detailed proposals, research plans, and letters of recommendation

Benefits include financial assistance, resume enhancement, recognition, mentorship, networking, and access to resources

Benefits encompass advanced research opportunities, professional development, collaboration, access to exclusive resources, and enhanced reputation

Similarities Between Scholarships and Fellowships

While scholarships and fellowships have distinct characteristics, they also share some similarities. Here's a table highlighting the common aspects between them:



Provide financial support to recipients

Provide financial support to recipients

Help alleviate the burden of tuition fees and educational expenses

Help alleviate the financial constraints related to research or professional pursuits

Can be highly competitive with a limited number of awards

Can be highly competitive with a limited number of awards

Enhance the recipient's academic or professional profile

Enhance the recipient's academic or professional profile

Offer opportunities for personal growth and development

Offer opportunities for personal growth and development

Can have specific eligibility criteria and requirements

Can have specific eligibility criteria and requirements

Top Countries Providing Scholarships and Fellowships

Several countries are known for their robust scholarship and fellowship programs. Here are some of the top countries providing such opportunities:

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United States: The United States is renowned for its extensive scholarship and fellowship programs offered by universities, government agencies, and private organisations. Institutions like Fulbright, Rhodes, and Gates Cambridge offer prestigious awards for academic and research pursuits.

United Kingdom: The United Kingdom is home to renowned scholarships and fellowships, including the Chevening Scholarship, Commonwealth Scholarship, and various university-specific awards. These programs attract international students and researchers from across the globe.

Australia: Australia offers various scholarships and fellowships for domestic and international students. The Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) and Endeavour Scholarships are highly sought-after opportunities in the country.

Germany: Germany is known for its strong commitment to research and offers numerous scholarships and fellowships to international students and researchers. The DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) provides a range of funding options for different fields of study.

Canada: Canada's universities and government organisations offer scholarships and fellowships to attract top talent worldwide. The Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships, Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships, and Canada Graduate Scholarships are among the prestigious awards available.

Sweden: Sweden is recognised for its high-quality education system and generous funding opportunities. The Swedish Institute, Karolinska Institutet, and Chalmers Scholarships are well-regarded options for international students and researchers.

New Zealand: New Zealand provides various scholarships and fellowships for students and researchers. The New Zealand Commonwealth Scholarships, Fulbright New Zealand Scholarships, and New Zealand International Doctoral Research Scholarships are notable offerings.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: What is the main difference between a scholarship and a fellowship?

A: The main difference lies in the target recipients. Scholarships are primarily awarded to students based on their academic performance or specific criteria. At the same time, fellowships are granted to individuals who have demonstrated exceptional skills or potential in a particular field, regardless of their student status.

Q2: Can scholarships and fellowships be used for any educational institution?

A: Yes, scholarships and fellowships can be utilised at various educational institutions, including universities, colleges, and sometimes even vocational or technical schools, depending on the specific terms and conditions of the award.

Q3: Are scholarships and fellowships taxable?

A: The taxability of scholarships and fellowships depends on various factors, including the purpose of the funds and the recipient's tax status. In some cases, scholarships and fellowships used for tuition and related expenses may be tax-free, while amounts used for other purposes may be subject to taxation. It is advisable to consult a tax professional for accurate guidance.

Q4: Can international students apply for scholarships and fellowships?

A: Yes, many scholarships and fellowships are open to international students. However, eligibility criteria may vary, and some awards may be specific to domestic applicants or restricted to certain countries. International students are encouraged to explore opportunities through educational institutions, government agencies, and relevant scholarship databases.

Q5: How can scholarships and fellowships benefit career development?

A: Scholarships and fellowships provide financial support and recognition, which can enhance one's resume and academic portfolio. Additionally, the opportunities for mentorship, networking, and advanced research or professional experiences that often accompany scholarships and fellowships can contribute significantly to career development and open doors to future opportunities.

Q6: Can scholarships and fellowships be combined?

A: In some cases, scholarships and fellowships can be combined, depending on the policies and regulations of the awarding organisations. However, it is essential to review the terms and conditions of each award to determine if combining them is permissible.


While scholarships and fellowships offer financial assistance, they cater to different target audiences and have distinct selection processes and benefits. Scholarships primarily support students based on their academic achievements or specific criteria, while fellowships recognise exceptional skills and potential in various fields. 

Understanding the differences between these two financial aid forms is crucial for students, professionals, and researchers. By exploring the opportunities provided by scholarships and fellowships, individuals can pursue their educational and career aspirations more easily and confidently.

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