6 things to avoid while preparing for CAT

6 things to avoid while preparing for CAT

6 things to avoid while preparing for CAT
Bishal Rana

The Common Admission Test (CAT) is a competitive entrance examination held in India for admission into various management programs offered by the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) and other top B-Schools in the country.

The CAT is a high-stakes exam that can significantly impact an individual's future, as it opens up many opportunities for a successful career in management. Students need to prepare for the CAT in the best possible way, avoiding any mistakes that could compromise their chances of success.

This article will focus on six common mistakes students make while preparing for the CAT and provide tips on avoiding them. These six mistakes include overthinking the test, neglecting mock tests, not keeping track of progress, underestimating the importance of time management, not studying smart and not taking breaks, and overlooking the importance of mental and physical health.

Six Things to Avoid While Preparing for CAT


Procrastination is one of the biggest obstacles to effective preparation for the CAT. It can lead to a lack of focus and motivation and wasted time that could have been spent studying and improving skills. When students procrastinate, they are less likely to stay on track with their study schedule, which can significantly impact their exam performance.

To overcome procrastination during CAT preparation, students can adopt the following tips:

  • Set achievable and realistic goals
  • Create a study schedule and stick to it
  • Break down large tasks into smaller ones
  • Surround oneself with like-minded and motivated people
  • Find ways to make studying enjoyable
  • Focus on the end goal and remind oneself of the benefits of success.


Overconfidence is a common problem among students preparing for the CAT. Students overconfident in their abilities may believe they don't need to put in as much effort or study as hard as others. This can lead to complacency and a lack of motivation, which can negatively impact their performance in the exam.

To avoid overconfidence and stay motivated during CAT preparation, students can adopt the following tips:

  • Continuously assess and reassess their strengths and weaknesses
  • Seek feedback from teachers and peers
  • Stay humble and remain open to learning new things
  • Set realistic goals and celebrate small successes
  • Remain focused on the end goal and the importance of success in the exam.

Neglecting Mock Tests

Many students must pay more attention to mock tests when preparing for CAT. Taking mock tests is crucial for CAT preparation as it helps students get a sense of the type of questions and the overall format of the exam. Additionally, mock tests allow students to assess their strengths and weaknesses and make necessary improvements.

Students should take at least one mock test a week to incorporate mock tests into CAT preparation. This allows them to track their progress and adjust their preparation accordingly. Students should also simulate the real exam environment while taking mock tests to get a feel of the exam. Finally, students should analyse their performance on mock tests and identify areas where they need to improve.

Not Having a Plan

When preparing for the CAT, having a well-defined plan is essential. This can lead to a haphazard approach to your studies, hurting your performance. A lack of planning can lead to clarity and efficiency in your preparation, as you may need to know what topics to focus on or how to prioritise your time.

  • Creating a comprehensive and well-structured plan for your CAT preparation is important to avoid the negative effects of a lack of planning. This can include:
  • Setting goals and timelines: Determine what you want to achieve and set realistic timelines for when you want to reach your goals.
  • Breaking down topics: Break down your CAT preparation into manageable topics, and allocate time to each based on your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Incorporating mock tests: Regularly taking mock tests is an important part of your CAT preparation. Include mock tests in your plan and allocate time to review and analyse your results.
  • Prioritising study materials: Determine what is most important to you and prioritise them in your plan.

Not Focusing on Weak Areas

Explanation of the importance of identifying and addressing weak areas:

CAT is a comprehensive exam that tests candidates on skills such as Quantitative Aptitude, Data Interpretation, Logical Reasoning, and Verbal Ability. Identifying and addressing weak areas is essential for successful CAT preparation.

Most candidates have strengths in some areas and weaknesses in others. Focusing only on strong areas can be detrimental to the overall preparation. Thus, it is crucial to identify and address the weak areas to enhance overall performance.

Tips for identifying and addressing weak areas:

  • Take Mock Tests: Mock tests can help identify weak areas by providing a comprehensive performance analysis. The analysis helps in understanding the areas where one needs to improve.
  • Analyse Performance: Analyzing the performance in mock and sectional tests can help candidates understand their strong and weak areas. Candidates should focus on the areas where they have performed poorly.
  • Seek Help: Seeking help from mentors, peers, or coaching faculties can help address weak areas. Mentors can provide personalised guidance, while peers can help in collaborative learning.
  • Devise a Plan: Devise a plan to improve weak areas. Allocate more time for the areas where candidates need to improve.
  • Practice Regularly: Regular practice can help in strengthening weak areas. Candidates can practice through textbooks, online resources, and coaching materials.
  • Take One Step at a Time: Addressing weak areas can be daunting, but taking one step at a time is essential. Focusing on one area at a time and gradually moving towards other areas can help enhance overall performance.

Neglecting Health and Well-being

Maintaining physical and mental health is essential for successful CAT preparation. CAT is a demanding exam that requires prolonged periods of sitting and concentrating, causing physical and mental stress. Ignoring health and well-being can lead to burnout, lack of motivation, and decreased productivity, affecting overall performance in the exam.

Tips for maintaining physical and mental health during CAT preparation:

  • Sleep: Getting adequate sleep is crucial for physical and mental well-being. Candidates should aim for 7-8 hours of sleep daily.
  • Exercise: Regular exercise can help reduce stress, improve mood, and increase concentration. Candidates can incorporate a physical activity routine into their daily schedule.
  • Nutrition: Eating a healthy and balanced diet can help maintain physical and mental health. Candidates should avoid unhealthy snacks and meals and instead opt for nutrient-rich foods.
  • Mindfulness: Practicing mindfulness techniques such as meditation and deep breathing can help reduce stress and improve mental well-being.
  • Breaks: Regular breaks during study hours can help reduce physical and mental stress, improving overall productivity.
  • Social Interaction: Socializing with friends and family can help reduce stress, improve mood, and provide emotional support.
  • Hobbies: Engaging in hobbies and activities outside of CAT preparation can help reduce stress and improve mental well-being.


In the conclusion section, it is important to summarise the key points discussed in the article regarding the six things to avoid while preparing for the Common Admission Test (CAT). A summary of the six points will help the reader understand the importance of avoiding these things and how they can affect the preparation process.

Some suggestions include creating a well-structured study plan, taking mock tests regularly, and balancing work with rest and recreation. The writer could also encourage the reader to focus on their strengths and to stay positive and motivated throughout the preparation process.

Overall, the conclusion section should provide a strong finish to the article and leave the reader with a clear understanding of the importance of avoiding these six things while preparing for the CAT.

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