50 New English Words with Meaning and Sentences

50 New English Words with Meaning and Sentences

50 New English Words with Meaning and Sentences
Bishal Rana

We use many English words daily when communicating, but we may need to learn the meaning of some words or have never even heard of them. Some words have multiple synonyms, yet we may use them sparingly.

Resources such as vocabulary books can help people improve their vocabulary skills and knowledge. Furthermore, many exams include sections designed to test a person's vocabulary abilities.

Even though we use many English words in our daily lives, we may need to be made aware of the meaning of certain words or may have never even heard them before. Many words have synonyms that we may not use in our daily lives.

However, there are resources such as vocabulary books that can assist individuals in expanding their vocabulary and knowledge. Many standardised tests also include sections assessing a person's vocabulary abilities.

Learning new words in the English language can be challenging, as they may have unique pronunciations and spelling, making them difficult to remember. This can be especially difficult for students and can present challenges in competitive exams. These words can be difficult to learn and place, and their use can sometimes be tricky when speaking or writing.

Additionally, these new words may have different meanings and connotations than commonly used words, which can further complicate understanding and usage. It is essential to approach learning new words methodically and consistently, such as through practice and repetition. Here are 50 English words with meanings and sentences.

Abandon - to leave behind or forsake

Example: She abandoned her old life and moved to a new city.

Abundant - having a plentiful amount

Example: The forest was abundant with wildlife.

Admire - to look at with pleasure or approval

Example: He admired the beautiful sunset.

Adore - to love deeply and strongly.

Example: She adored her newborn baby.

Aggressive - tending to attack or confront

Example: The dog was aggressive towards strangers.

Agitate - to disturb or trouble emotionally

Example: The news agitated him greatly.

Agreeable - pleasant or acceptable

Example: The weather was agreeable for a picnic.

Alert - attentive and watchful

Example: The guard was alert for any signs of danger.

Align - to bring into a line or the proper position

Example: The wheels of the car were aligned.

Allocate - to set aside for a specific purpose.

Example: The company allocated funds for research and development.

Alter - to change or modify.

Example: He altered his plans and decided to stay home.

Amaze - to fill with wonder or surprise

Example: The magic trick amazed the audience.

Ambition - a strong desire to achieve something

Example: Her ambition was to become a doctor.

Amuse - to entertain or make someone laugh

Example: The comedian amused the crowd with his jokes.

Analyse - to study or examine in detail

Example: He analysed the data and concluded.

Anger - a strong feeling of displeasure or hostility

Example: Her words filled him with anger.

Angle - a particular viewpoint or perspective

Example: He looked at the situation from a different angle.

Animate - to bring to life or give motion

Example: The animator animated the cartoon characters.

Annoy - to cause irritation or frustration

Example: The constant noise annoyed her.

Anticipate - to expect or look forward to

Example: He anticipated the arrival of his guests.

Appreciate - to be grateful for or to value highly

Example: She appreciated his help and thanked him.

Approve - to give formal consent or agreement.

Example: The board of directors approved the proposal.

Arrange - to put in order or organise

Example: He arranged the furniture in the room.

Arrive - to reach a destination

Example: They arrived at the airport on time.

Articulate - to speak clearly or express oneself well

Example: He was an articulate speaker and captivated the audience.

Aspire - to have a strong desire to achieve something

Example: He aspired to be a successful businessman.

Assume - to take on or take over.

Example: He assumed the responsibilities of the manager.

Attract - to draw or bring in by the appeal.

Example: The beautiful garden attracted many visitors.

Authentic - true or genuine

Example: The painting was authenticated as a masterpiece.

Authorise - to give permission or power

Example: She was authorised to sign the contract.

Automatic - operating without conscious thought

Example: The automatic doors opened when she approached.

Available - able to be used or obtained.

Example: The tickets for the concert were available for purchase.

Awea feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder

Example: The grandeur of the mountains filled him with awe.

Balance - a state of equilibrium or stability

Example: He tried to maintain a balance between work and play.

Beautiful - pleasing to the senses, especially the sight

Example: She was beautiful in her wedding dress.

Believe - to accept as true or real.

Example: He believed in the power of positive thinking.

Beneficial - helpful or useful

Example: The exercise was beneficial for his health.

Bother - to cause inconvenience or annoyance

Example: The constant noise bothered him.

Brave - possessing or displaying courage

Example: The soldiers were brave in the face of danger.

Brilliant - extremely bright or intelligent

Example: The scientist had a brilliant mind.

Build - to construct or erect

Example: They built a new house on the land.

Burst - to break open suddenly.

Example: The balloon burst with a loud pop.

Calculate - to determine or compute mathematically.

Example: He calculated the cost of the project.

Calm - free from agitation or disturbance.

Example: The lake was calm and peaceful.

Capable - having the ability or qualifications to do something

Example: He was capable of solving complex problems.

Careful - taking care to avoid mistakes or errors.

Example: She was careful to follow the instructions.

Carry - to transport or convey.

Example: He carried the heavy box up the stairs.

Challenge - to confront difficulty or opposition

Example: The hike was a challenging experience.

Change - to make or become different.

Example: He changed his mind and decided to go.

Charge - to accuse or blame.

Example: He was charged with embezzlement.

Clumsy: Awkward in movement or handling things

Example: He was so clumsy that he kept dropping the plates.

Coincidence: A remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection

Example: It was just a coincidence that they both wore the same dress.

Commemorate: To honour a person's memory or event by a ceremony or other observance.

Example: They commemorate the veterans every year on Memorial Day.

Commence: To begin

Example: The ceremony will commence at 10 am.

Compassion: A feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune or misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering

Example: She felt a great deal of compassion for the homeless man.

Concede: To admit to being valid.

Example: He had to concede that his opponent had made a valid point.

Conclusive: Settling an issue or producing a definite result

Example: The evidence is conclusive and proves his guilt.

Condone: To overlook, forgive or tolerate an action or behaviour without taking action against it.

Example: He couldn't condone her cheating on the test.

Confirm: To make certain or establish the truth or validity of something

Example: The test results confirmed that she was pregnant.

Confront: To face or deal directly, especially in a challenging way.

Example: She had to confront her fear of heights to jump bungee.

Congenial: Agreeable in nature; pleasant and likeable

Example: She found her new coworkers congenial and easy to work with.

Conjecture: A conclusion or opinion reached by guessing or speculation

Example: He made a conjecture about the cause of the fire, but it was later proven incorrect.

Convenient: Suitable to one's comfort, purpose or needs; easy to use or do

Example: The new store location is more convenient for her to shop.

Convince: To persuade or cause to believe by presenting evidence or argument.

Example: He convinced her to invest in the stock market.

Coordinate: To bring various elements into a harmonious or efficient relationship.

Example: She coordinated the efforts of the different departments to complete the project on time.

Corroborate: To confirm or support with additional evidence

Example: The witness's testimony corroborated the victim's account of the incident.

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