5 tips for CAT revision strategy

5 tips for CAT revision strategy

5 tips for CAT revision strategy
Rojina Raut

The CAT (Common Admission Test) is an entrance exam for admission to the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) and other top-ranked business schools in India. The CAT exam tests a candidate's aptitude, logical reasoning, and data interpretation skills.

The exam is typically held in November, and the results are released in January. The test format typically includes multiple-choice questions in quantitative aptitude, verbal ability, and data interpretation.

The duration of the test is typically 3 hours. To prepare for the CAT exam, candidates can use various resources such as study guides, practice tests, and coaching classes.

Create a study schedule

Creating a study schedule is an essential step in the CAT revision strategy. A study schedule will help you to stay on track and make the most of your study time. Here are some tips for creating an effective study schedule:

  1. Set specific goals: Set clear and realistic goals for what you want to achieve, and make sure that your study schedule is aligned with these goals.
  2. Be flexible: Be open to adjusting your schedule as needed to account for any unexpected changes in your schedule.
  3. Please use your time: Make the most of the available time, whether in the morning, evening, or weekend.
  4. Prioritise: Prioritize the most important topics and spend more time studying them.
  5. Take breaks: Plan regular breaks throughout your study schedule to help you stay focused and prevent burnout.
  6. Use a planner or calendar to organise your schedule, and include time for studying, taking breaks, and doing other activities like exercise and socialising.
  7. Be consistent; stick to your schedule as much as possible, even if you don't feel like studying. The more consistent you are, the easier it will be to stay on track.

Prioritise your weak areas

Prioritising your weak areas is an important step in your CAT revision strategy. Identifying where you need the most improvement will help you focus your efforts and make the most of your study time. Here are some tips for prioritising your weak areas:

  1. Assess your strengths and weaknesses: Take a diagnostic test or review your previous test scores to identify the areas where you need the most improvement.
  2. Please make a list: Write down the areas you need to work on, and prioritise them based on their importance.
  3. Allocate more time: Spend more time studying the areas you are weaker in than the areas where you are stronger.
  4. Seek help: If you are struggling with a particular topic, seek help from a tutor, teacher, or study group.
  5. Practice: Practice problems and questions in your weak areas to build your skills and confidence.
  6. Regularly review: Keep track of your progress and review your weak areas to ensure that you are progressing.
  7. Be honest with yourself, and don't ignore your weak areas; facing them and improving upon them will help you to achieve better scores on your CAT exam.

By prioritising your weak areas, you can focus on the areas that will have the biggest impact on your performance and increase your chances of success on the CAT exam.

Practice, practice, practice

Practice is an essential part of the CAT revision strategy. By taking as many practice tests as possible, you can identify your strengths and weaknesses and improve your performance on the exam. Here are some tips for incorporating the practice into your CAT revision strategy:

  1. Take practice tests: Use official CAT or mock tests to simulate the exam experience.
  2. Analyse your performance: After each practice test, analyse your results and identify the areas where you need to improve.
  3. Identify your weaknesses: Focus on your weak areas and practice problems and questions in those areas.
  4. Time management: Practice managing your time effectively during the test so that you can complete all the questions within the given time limit.
  5. Practice under pressure: Practice taking the test under timed conditions to build your stamina and familiarity with the test-taking environment.
  6. Use different resources: Practice with various question types and use different resources such as books, online tutorials, or coaching classes to ensure a well-rounded preparation.
  7. Be consistent, practice regularly, and make it a part of your daily schedule; this will help you to build your skills and improve your performance on the CAT exam.

By incorporating the practice into your CAT revision strategy, you can improve your performance, increase your confidence, and increase your chances of success on the CAT exam.

Use flashcards

Using flashcards is a useful revision technique for studying for the CAT exam. Flashcards are a simple yet effective way to review key concepts and formulas quickly and easily. Here are some tips for using flashcards in your CAT revision strategy:

  1. Make your flashcards: Use index cards or a flashcard app to create flashcards with key concepts, formulas, and vocabulary words.
  2. Organise them: Organize your flashcards by topic or chapter to make it easy to find what you need.
  3. Use them regularly: Review your flashcards regularly, such as during your daily commute or while waiting in line.
  4. Test yourself: Use the flashcards and see how well you know the material.
  5. Use images and diagrams: Use images and diagrams to help you understand and remember the concepts.
  6. Use both sides: Use one side of the flashcard for the question and the other for the answer; this will help you memorise the information.
  7. Mix them up: Randomize the order of flashcards to keep yourself engaged and to avoid memorising them in a specific order.

By using flashcards as a part of your CAT revision strategy, you can quickly and easily review key concepts and formulas and increase your chances of success on the CAT exam.

Take breaks

Taking breaks is an essential part of a successful CAT revision strategy. It's important to take breaks and rest your mind, to help you stay focused and prevent burnout. Here are some tips for taking breaks during your CAT revision:

  1. Schedule breaks: Plan regular breaks throughout your study schedule, such as taking a short break every hour or two.
  2. Use your breaks effectively: Do something active, like going for a walk or relaxing, like reading a book or listening to music.
  3. Use them for self-care: Use your breaks, such as eating a healthy snack, stretching, or meditating.
  4. Disconnect: During your breaks, try to disconnect from your studies and avoid checking emails, messages or social media; this will help you to relax and recharge.
  5. Make them longer: If you feel overwhelmed, take a longer break, such as a 30-minute power nap or walk.
  6. Keep them consistent: Try to take breaks simultaneously each day; this will help you stay on schedule and make it easier to get back to studying.
  7. Be mindful, Be present during your breaks, enjoy the moment and recharge your energy; this will help you return to studying with renewed focus and energy.

Regular breaks during your CAT revision can refresh your mind, increase focus, and prevent burnout. This will help you to perform better and increase your chances of success on the CAT exam.

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