10 reasons why live & interactive learning gets a heads up in distance & open learning

10 reasons why live & interactive learning gets a heads up in distance & open learning

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10 reasons why live & interactive learning gets a heads up in distance & open learning
Prashant Thapa

Research shows that more universities and institutions are now incorporating online education programs into their curriculum. The quality of these distance learning programs has significantly improved in recent years due to advancements in technology and the sharing of best practices. Traditional colleges and universities face challenges such as high tuition costs and a lack of industry-relevant specialisations, leading many students to seek alternative forms of education. Currently, around 3 million students are enrolled in fully online degree programs, and 6 million take at least one online course as part of their degree or skill-building programs. Online education has become a popular choice among students, and its reputation as an effective form of learning has contributed to its continued growth.

Here are 10 reasons why live & interactive learning gets a heads up in distance & open learning:

Personalised instruction: 

Personalised instruction means that the teaching is tailored to each student's individual needs and abilities. This can be achieved through live and interactive learning as it allows for real-time communication between the teacher and students. Students can ask questions and receive immediate feedback from the teacher, which can help them better understand the material and improve their learning outcomes. This type of instruction can be more effective than distance or open learning, where students may need to interact with the teacher and receive a personalised education.

Increased engagement:

Live and interactive learning increases student engagement by providing a dynamic and interactive learning environment. Through live interactions with teachers and classmates, students can participate in discussions, ask questions, and receive immediate feedback. This level of engagement keeps students focused and motivated, making them more likely to retain the information being taught.

Real-time problem solving: 

In live and interactive learning, students can work through problems and challenges as they arise in real-time. This allows them to fully understand the material by applying what they have learned and receiving immediate feedback from the teacher. This type of active learning can lead to a deeper understanding and retention of the material.


Live and interactive learning provide an environment for students to work together and share ideas, which can help them to develop their collaboration and teamwork skills. Collaboration can also help students to develop problem-solving skills as they work together to find solutions to challenges and complete group projects. 

Furthermore, it allows students to learn from each other's perspectives and experiences, which can benefit their personal and professional growth. Collaboration can also create a more engaging and dynamic learning experience, making it more exciting and enjoyable for students.

Access to experts: 

Access to experts in live and interactive learning refers to the opportunity for students to learn from professionals with significant knowledge and experience in a particular field. These experts may be working professionals or academic researchers with specialised knowledge and skills that are unavailable through traditional self-paced distance learning or open learning methods. This can provide students with valuable perspectives and insights that enhance their understanding of the subject matter and also allow them to network with professionals in the field.


Live and interactive learning allows students to schedule their classes at a time that works best for them, providing more flexibility than traditional in-person courses with set schedules. This can be especially beneficial for students with busy schedules or working while studying. The flexibility of live and interactive learning can also make education more accessible for people who live in remote or rural areas, as they can participate in class from anywhere with an internet connection.

Immediate feedback: 

Immediate feedback refers to the ability of students to receive feedback on their learning progress in real-time. In live and interactive learning, teachers can provide feedback on students' understanding and performance while learning the material. This allows students to make adjustments and improvements in their learning process immediately. This is in contrast to traditional distance learning or self-paced open learning, where feedback may be delayed or not provided, making it difficult for students to gauge their understanding of the material and progress in their knowledge.

Increased accountability:

In live and interactive learning, students are expected to participate and contribute to the class action, and teachers are expected to provide support and guidance. This increased accountability results in more engaged and motivated students and better outcomes in terms of learning and retention. 

Additionally, live, and interactive learning provides opportunities for teacher-student interaction, which can help to identify areas where students may be struggling and provide targeted support to help them improve. This level of accountability also makes it easier to track progress and measure success, which can help to improve overall learning outcomes.

Better communication: 

There is an open line of communication between teachers and students in live and interactive learning. Students can ask questions and receive answers in real-time, providing a more interactive and engaging learning experience. 

Additionally, teachers can assess student understanding and make adjustments to instruction accordingly. This leads to a more effective learning experience, as students can better understand and retain the material. Overall, better communication leads to a more productive and efficient learning experience.

Increased motivation: 

Live and interactive learning increases motivation for students because it allows them to participate actively in their education. Through personalised instruction, real-time problem-solving, and collaboration, students can see the immediate benefits of their efforts and feel a sense of accomplishment. 

Additionally, live, and interactive learning creates a sense of community and shares learning experiences, which can further increase motivation. The immediacy and relevance of the learning experience can also lead to greater engagement and interest in the subject matter, making students more motivated to continue learning.


  • Engagement: Live & interactive learning can provide an engaging and dynamic learning environment, increasing student motivation and participation. Directly engaging with instructors and peers can also foster a sense of community and connectedness.
  • Feedback: In a live & interactive learning setting, participants can receive immediate feedback and ask questions, leading to a deeper understanding of the material. This interaction can also help clarify misunderstandings in real-time, improving learning outcomes.
  • Collaboration: Interactive learning can encourage participants to work together to solve problems and complete activities, fostering teamwork and collaboration skills. This learning environment can also provide opportunities for peer-to-peer learning and support.
  • Flexibility: With the widespread use of technology and online platforms, live & interactive learning can offer greater flexibility and accessibility for students. Participants can attend sessions from anywhere with an internet connection, eliminating the need for travel and accommodating different schedules.


  • Technical Issues: Live & interactive learning relies heavily on technology, and technical difficulties can disrupt the learning experience. Participants may experience issues with their internet connection, software malfunctions, or other technological problems that can impact the quality of the learning experience.
  • Limited Access: Live & interactive learning opportunities may only be available to some, as participants may need access to the necessary technology or internet connection. This can create barriers for some students and limit their ability to participate fully in the learning experience.
  • Time Constraints: Scheduling conflicts or time zone differences can make live & interactive learning challenging for some participants. Participants may have to attend sessions inconveniently, impacting their ability to participate fully and retain information.
  • Interpersonal Skills: In a live & interactive setting, some participants may feel intimidated or shy, potentially limiting their participation and growth. This learning environment may only be suitable for some and require comfort and confidence with public speaking and engagement.

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