Best & Cheapest Countries To Study in Europe – The Complete Guide

Best & Cheapest Countries To Study in Europe – The Complete Guide

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Best & Cheapest Countries To Study in Europe – The Complete Guide
Sailesh Sitaula

Studying in Europe can be a life-changing experience for students, offering access to high-quality education, diverse cultures, and new opportunities. With top-ranked universities, cutting-edge research facilities, and a rich history of academic excellence, Europe has long been a popular destination for students worldwide.

However, the cost of studying abroad can be a significant barrier for many students. The tuition fees and cost of living can quickly add up, making it difficult for students to pursue their academic dreams in Europe.

That's why this article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to the top cheapest and best European countries to study in and tips for reducing the cost of studying abroad. Considering factors such as tuition fees, cost of living, quality of education, and student life, students can make informed decisions about where to study in Europe, regardless of their budget.

In the following sections, we will outline the top 5 cheapest European countries to study in, the best European countries to study is based on the quality of education and student life, and tips for reducing the cost of studying abroad. With this information, students can make the most of their study abroad experience and achieve their academic and professional goals.

Top 5 Cheapest European Countries to Study In


Germany: Known for its excellent education system, Germany offers tuition-free education at public universities, making it one of the cheapest options for international students. The cost of living is also relatively low, with affordable housing and transportation.

Poland: With low tuition fees and a lower cost of living than many other European countries, Poland is an attractive option for international students. Additionally, the country has a thriving student community and a rich cultural heritage.

Hungary: Hungary is another affordable option for international students, with low tuition fees and a low cost of living. The country is known for its vibrant culture and historic architecture, making it a unique and exciting place to study.

Austria: While tuition fees in Austria are not as low as in some other countries, the cost of living is relatively low, with affordable housing and transportation options. The country is also known for its high-quality education system, making it a desirable destination for students.

Czech Republic: The Czech Republic offers affordable tuition fees and a relatively low cost of living compared to other European countries. The country is home to a thriving student community, with many cultural and recreational activities available.

Cost of living and tuition fees in each country


Tuition Fees (per year)

Cost of Living (per month)













Czech Rep.



Best European Countries to Study in

When studying in Europe, there are many factors to consider, such as the quality of education, the cost of living, and the overall student experience. Here are some of the best European countries to study based on these factors:

United Kingdom: The UK is home to some of the world's most prestigious universities, such as Oxford and Cambridge, and has a long history of providing quality education. The country also offers a diverse and vibrant student life, with many cultural and recreational activities available. However, tuition fees and the cost of living can be quite high, particularly in London.

Switzerland: Switzerland is known for its excellent education system, particularly in fields such as business and engineering. The country also offers a high quality of life and a picturesque environment, with stunning mountain landscapes and lakes. However, tuition fees and the cost of living can be quite high, particularly in cities such as Geneva and Zurich.

France: France is known for its rich cultural heritage, historic landmarks and world-renowned museums. The country also offers a high quality of education, particularly in fields such as art and humanities. The cost of living can be relatively high, particularly in cities such as Paris, but tuition fees are generally more affordable than in the UK or Switzerland.

Netherlands: The Netherlands is a popular destination for international students, offering a high-quality education and a welcoming environment. The country is known for its liberal attitudes and relaxed lifestyle, with many cultural and recreational activities opportunities. The cost of living can be moderate, and tuition fees are generally lower than in the UK or Switzerland.

Sweden: Sweden is known for its high standard of living and progressive attitudes, making it a desirable destination for many international students. The country offers a high quality of education and a vibrant student community, with many cultural and recreational activities available. However, the cost of living can be relatively high, particularly in cities such as Stockholm.

Overview of tuition fees and cost of living in each country


Tuition Fees (per year)

Cost of Living (per month)





CHF 1,500-2,000

CHF 1,500-2,500








No tuition fees

SEK 8,000-SEK 12,000

Tips for Reducing the Cost of Studying in Europe

Studying in Europe can be expensive. Still, several ways exist to reduce the cost and make it more affordable. Here are some tips:

Scholarships and Financial Aid Options: Many universities and governments offer scholarships and financial aid to international students. These can cover tuition fees, living expenses, or both. It's worth researching the options available for your chosen country and university.

Part-time Work Opportunities: Many European countries allow international students to work part-time while studying. This can provide a valuable source of income to help cover living expenses. It's important to check the regulations and restrictions for working as an international student in the country where you plan to study.

Cost-Saving Measures for Accommodation, Food, and Transportation: There are several ways to save money on the cost of living in Europe. For example, choosing shared accommodation or living further from the city centre can significantly reduce housing costs. Cooking at home and shopping at local markets can also help save money on food expenses. Finally, using public transportation or cycling instead of owning a car can help save on transportation costs.

Part-time Work Opportunities: Instead of taking all the courses that the university is offering, students can save a lot of money by opting for online courses that are available for free. Many reputed universities offer free courses online.


Studying in Europe can be a great way to gain a high-quality education and experience a new culture. However, it's important to consider the cost and find ways to make it more affordable.

This article highlights the top 5 cheapest European countries to study in, including Ukraine, Poland, Hungary, Romania, and Czech Republic. We've also discussed the best European countries to study based on the quality of education and student life, including Germany, the UK, France, Italy, and Spain.

Additionally, we've provided tips for reducing the cost of studying in Europe, such as seeking scholarships and financial aid, working part-time, and taking cost-saving measures for accommodation, food, and transportation.

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