Things to know about Student Work in Germany

Things to know about Student Work in Germany

Things to know about Student Work in Germany
Saru Niraula

You are legally allowed to work as an international student with a German Student Visa for 120 full days or 240 half days per year. 

However, these may differ depending on location, job type (and whether you must put in extra man hours for the work), etc.

A permit from the financial officers and alien registration office (Agentur für Arbeit) is required if you want to work. 

The maximum number of working hours will be noted on the permit. Typically, students are allowed to work 20 hours per week while in school and 40 hours per week while off. 

The rules change depending on whether you are from the EU. The rules could be stricter if you are enrolled in a preparation or language course. 

You will require express authorisation to work in certain circumstances. The hourly minimum salary is 8.84 euros (raised in 2017).

No income tax is owed by anyone making under 450 euros per month. No taxes are payable to research assistants at all. Additionally, you are exempt from paying taxes if you worked for less than 50 consecutive days in a calendar year.

Students are encouraged not to work more than 20 hours per week because doing so is not only against the law but also incurs additional expenses.

For students, working on a university campus can be advantageous. This is because extra working hours are occasionally authorised, and taxes are waived.

You should remember that you never defy any federal laws or government regulations since doing so will get you kicked out of the country.

Documents Required for getting Visa after Graduation

  • Passport 
  • University degree certificate or official university document attesting to the successful completion of your studies
  • Proof of health insurance document
  • evidence that you are financially self-sufficient

Jobs while working as a student in Germany

  • Catering - Whether working as a waiter at a neighbourhood restaurant or serving meals at business events, the food and drink industry employs many students.
  • Academic positions - These jobs can help you develop your talents and income simultaneously. Research assistant positions and postgraduate teaching positions are among the most significant types of employment for ambitious academics.
  • Retail - Germany's brick-and-mortar retail industry frequently has a staffing shortage, and flexible hours and discounts are provided as desirable benefits.
  • A field-related internship, etc.
  • Tourism and hospitality – Seasonal work is constantly in demand in the hotel and catering sectors, particularly in Germany's top travel hotspots.
  • Warehousing – Given that Germany is an important industrial centre, it is not surprising that there are many options for students to participate in the nation's logistics sector.
  • Delivery jobs: If you ride a bike, you can deliver food and other goods for organisations like Lieferando, Wolt, Gorillas, and others to get money.  

How long can a student stay in Germany after completing their course?

If the job is in their field of study, international students with residence permits can prolong their stay and look for work for up to 18 months after graduating. 

Graduates from EU/EEA nations can continue looking for employment without limitations or permissions. 

One may seek permanent resident status after working in Germany for two years. Being fluent in German is not required but is unquestionably advantageous when looking for a job in Germany.

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Job opportunities in Germany after Graduation

Germany is widely known for its automobile industry, as we all know. Consequently, it is advantageous to have a degree in automotive engineering or a similar engineering discipline. Telecommunication, IT and computers, finance, and other sectors are also experiencing rapid growth.

The above positions' average salaries are:   

Job Title

Average Annual Salary

Automotive Engineer


Data Scientist


Telecommunication Network Engineer


Automation Engineer


Senior Systems Administrator


How to find student Jobs in Germany?

Your regional Bundesagentur für Arbeit (Employment Agency), a division devoted to student positions, is an excellent place to start.

Ask the HR department or your faculty secretary if you're interested in an internal position at your university. There should be a list of open vacancies available online as well.

Online job boards like app jobs or Young Capital have the most recent postings if you're looking for a part-time job close to your residence or institution.

What is a fair salary in Germany for a student job?

Be aware that minimum wage laws are in place (about €9.82 per hour). Higher-skilled student jobs pay between 11 and 20 euros an hour. Working in cafes and catering will pay about the minimum wage.

There is no set minimum wage for work done online. Many pupils can't study without it because it's a valuable addition.

In Germany, how much money can a student make?

Students who work more than 20 hours per week risk going over annual limitations (120 total days and 240 half days).

Additionally, a €450 monthly income cap exists. While income below €450 is tax-free, payment over that will be subject to ordinary German taxes.

Students who put in too many hours may lose their health insurance subsidies. For instance, you may make €435 a month if you had insurance via TK. Above that, social security and long-term nursing care contributions begin to accrue, significantly increasing annual expenses.

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