Top 10 Compelling Reasons To Learn The German Language

Top 10 Compelling Reasons To Learn The German Language

Top 10 Compelling Reasons To Learn The German Language
Ashma Shrestha

The German language is the most spoken in Europe and is ranked as the eleventh most spoken language in the world. It is the official language of Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Luxembourg. More than 130 million people speak German worldwide, making it a language with a considerable influence on business, science, and culture. There are many compelling reasons to learn the German language. 

Whether you're interested in advancing your career, exploring the country's rich cultural heritage, or improving your cognitive function and personal growth, learning German can be a valuable and rewarding experience. With its global influence, economic power, and rich cultural heritage, German is a language that is well worth investing your time and effort in learning. 

If you're considering learning a new language, here are ten compelling reasons to learn the German language.

Top Reasons to Learn the German Language

Germany is a significant economic power

Germany is the fourth-largest economy in the world, and the country is home to some of the world's giant corporations, including BMW, Volkswagen, and Siemens. German is the official language of business in many German-speaking countries, and it is the second most commonly used language on the internet after English. Many German companies have international locations. A good knowledge of German will boost your chances of a career with a German company in your country. Learning German can give you a competitive advantage in the global job market and open up new opportunities for your career.

Opportunities for world-class higher education

Germany has a long tradition of excellence in higher education, and many of its universities are ranked among the best in the world. German universities are known for their academic rigour, cutting-edge research, and state-of-the-art facilities. Studying in Germany can give you access to world-class education and help you gain valuable international experience. Learning German is a requirement for many university programs in Germany, and knowing the language can make the transition to student life more manageable.

Academic Importance

Given the impressive number of award-winning scientists hailing from Germany, it's hardly a shocker that German holds significant importance in academics, ranking second as the most prevalent language in scientific discourse.

This can be attributed, in part, to the fact that the German book market is the third largest globally, surpassed only by the Chinese and English publishing industries. As a result, with a relatively small proportion of these books being translated into other languages, familiarity with German is imperative for accessing this wealth of knowledge.

Germany ranked as the fourth most sought-after destination for international students, with over 250,000 foreign students enrolled in German educational institutions.

Furthermore, the German higher education system offers numerous universities with significantly reduced or nonexistent tuition fees, making it an attractive option for scholars and researchers seeking to avoid excessive student debt. It's easy to see why investing in learning German to take advantage of this opportunity is a wise choice with substantial returns.

Widely Spoken Language

On the European continent, German ranks second in terms of overall speakers, but when it comes to native speakers, it takes the top spot. German has played a crucial role as a lingua franca, uniting diverse European populations for centuries. Even today, it remains an second language in parts of central and eastern Europe. German is the third most commonly taught foreign language in the English-speaking world. Despite being a relatively small country, German ranks among the top ten major languages worldwide. 


Germany is a beautiful country with a rich history; there is much to see and do for travellers. Germany has something to offer everyone, from the bustling cities of Berlin and Munich to the scenic beauty of the Bavarian Alps and the Black Forest. Knowing German can make your travels more enjoyable and allow you to connect with locals meaningfully. It can also help you navigate the country's transportation system, known for its efficiency and reliability.

German as a gateway to other languages

Learning German can open the door to other Germanic languages, including Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, and Danish. These languages share many similarities with German, and knowing one can make it easier to learn the others. Germanic languages are also closely related to English, and learning German can help you better understand the roots of the English language and improve your English skills.

German is a language of Science

Germany is a leader in scientific research, and many of the world's most important discoveries have been made by German scientists. German is the second most commonly used language in scientific publications after English, and many scientific conferences and symposia are conducted in German. Learning German can give you access to a wealth of scientific knowledge and allow you to participate in critical scientific discussions.

Widely Recognized Culture

German-speaking countries have significantly contributed to classical music, and many of the world's most famous composers, including Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, and Wagner, were German. German is also the language of many famous operas and lieder. Learning German can help you better appreciate these musical masterpieces and allow you to understand their lyrics in their original language.

Personal Growth and Development

Learning a new language can be a rewarding personal experience that can help you grow and develop in many ways. Studies have shown that learning a second language can improve cognitive function, enhance creativity, and increase empathy and cultural understanding. It can also boost self-confidence and give you a sense of accomplishment.

German-Speaking Communities Around the World

German is not just spoken in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Luxembourg. There are also German-speaking communities worldwide, including in the United States, Canada, and South America. Learning German can help you connect with these communities and broaden your social and cultural horizons.

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