Complete Guide to Intakes and Deadlines for Canada Admissions 2023-2024

Complete Guide to Intakes and Deadlines for Canada Admissions 2023-2024

Complete Guide to Intakes and Deadlines for Canada Admissions 2023-2024

Ashma Shrestha

Students seeking an affordable, high-quality education have no shortage of options in Canada. Numerous Canadian colleges provide a broad range of programs for students from around the globe, including engineering, medicine, business, tourism, liberal arts, and more. Universities in Canada provide a wide range of admissions options and study possibilities.

Canada is becoming even more popular among study-abroad destinations than the UK and the US due to a substantial increase in recent applications ready to study there. 

It is crucial to be aware of the Canada intake months and submit your application as soon as possible because, as is clear from the increasing number of candidates, the competition also rises.

For foreign students, Canada offers three separate intakes. Winter, fall, and summer intake. Intakes may also be referred to as a semester at various Canadian universities. Depending on what course you want to do, there can be a difference in the number of intakes. 

Therefore, knowing all significant and small intakes is crucial before applying to Canada. By doing this, you can organise your trip appropriately and early on.

If you need help deciding which Canada intakes are best for you, read this article to learn more about the intakes offered, the deadlines, and the admissions process.

Major Intakes in Canada

For foreign students, Canada offers three separate intakes. Winter, fall, and summer intake. Intakes may also be referred to as a semester at various Canadian universities. Following is a description of overseas students accepted into Canada's different intakes:

Fall Intake

Most students who want to apply to study in Canada do so during this intake because it is the primary intake. Since practically everyone uses it for this semester, there is fierce rivalry for admission and financial aid. However, you have a superb chance of being admitted if you have a solid academic background.

Winter Intake

This intake, known as the Secondary Intake, begins in Canada in January. Therefore, since Fall/September Intake is the central intake and the Winter/January Intake is for students who missed their chance in Fall, most colleges offer all of their courses during Fall/September Intake. In Canada, January/Winter Intake features numerous courses from multiple colleges.

Summer Intake

The courses offered in Canada would be few and few between, and this intake would begin in May. For summer admission, only a few lessons (including short-term courses in Canada) are open to submissions from overseas students. Seasonal beginnings are between April and May.

Fall Intake in Canada (September)

September intake is another name for the fall intake. The intake period comprises the 4 months of September, October, November, and December.

Compared with the other two intakes, this one has the most significant number of universities offering the most superb seats in all programs.

It is the primary intake for students who desire to study in Canada. Most students choose fall admission to begin their studies in Canada since it gives them adequate time to adjust to the coursework and atmosphere. These students will be four to five months ahead of others who enrol in the winter intake. In addition, the fall weather is more agreeable than winter.

Universities under Fall Intake

  • Douglas College
  • George Brown College
  • Fanshawe College
  • University of Ottawa
  • University of Montreal
  • Western University


From August 2023 through October 2023, you can apply for Canada's September intake. Make your application one month before your deadline after checking the deadlines of the universities you intend to attend. Respond to communications from the institution right away.

Application deadlines typically fall between December and March for this intake. It varies, nonetheless, among institutions.

Application Process

  • Before registration starts, decide which university or college you would like to apply to. Pay close attention to the submission deadline.
  • Your study results, including your academic transcripts, GRE, GMAT, IELTS, scoring credentials, Statement of Purpose (SOP), and references, should be available by the end of August.
  • By the end of the month, you should have received the acceptance letter if you began applying at the beginning of August.
  • The following stage is to apply for a VISA and other loans, which you can do as early as October.
  • Finally, purchase your tickets.

September Intake In the UK

Intakes in the UK 2023

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Winter Intake in Canada (January)

There are seven application periods in Canada for universities and colleges, with January and Winter Admission being the second most popular. The primary distinction between January and September applications is that a January candidate is typically from outside Canada or another province.

This intake could be seen as continuing the fall intake. Contrary to the fall intake, fewer institutes offer courses during the winter intake.

Universities under Winter Intake

  • Humber College
  • St. Lawrence College
  • University of Waterloo
  • University of Calgary
  • University of Alberta
  • Centennial College


Most students who didn't get into the fall intake would choose the winter intake. They will have another opportunity to complete their education without waiting an entire year. Winter brings a very chilly climate, making it uncomfortable to begin. In addition, students will need to adjust to the institute's atmosphere more quickly than students from the fall intake.

Ensure you finish the application procedure by November if you're applying for the January intake. Additionally, you should carefully read the university policies because some of Canada's top schools and universities have an earlier deadline.

Application Process

  • Before beginning the application process, the first step is to choose colleges and universities so that you can get a clear sense of the schools and the courses they offer.
  • You should take exams like the IELTS, SAT, GRE, GMAT, and others between July and August. Remember that receiving your test results and credentials could take up to two weeks.
  • Start the application procedure as soon as you have the details. Commence with August. Along with other fundamental needs like reference letters, Statements of Purpose (SOP), and other things, this is also the moment when you must comprehend and complete your examination to be able to study in Canada.
  • If you enrolled ahead of time, you must have your hands on the confirmation letter during September and October.
  • You should apply for a VISA throughout October and November.
  • After obtaining the VISA, you can purchase your airline tickets.

Summer Intake in Canada (May)

May Intake is sometimes called spring or summer intake in Canada.

Out of all the intakes that are offered in Canada, this one is the least favoured. The number of colleges that do offer a program during the spring semester is minimal.

Most students chose to return home or take a summer holiday for spring break. This semester is not required. Even though there are few possibilities, students can still enrol in the courses if they want to.

Universities under Summer Intake

  • Brock University
  • New York Institute of Technology
  • Lakehead University
  • University of the Fraser Valley
  • McMaster University


Most Canadian colleges for spring admissions in 2023 will establish their deadlines in October through February. The final application deadlines for May Intake typically occur in February. But depending on the institute, the dates could vary.

Early applicants have a better chance of getting favourable offers and scholarships. Apply between October and December so you have time to consider your options before deciding.

Application Process

  • Do some research on the colleges accepting this intake. Start as soon as you can to simplify and accelerate your workflow.
  • You can take exams like the GMAT, IELTS, and GRE in October and other months. Be aware that receiving your test results could take up to two weeks.
  • Prepare your qualifications in October by gathering your Statement of Purpose (SOP), recommendations, and supporting documents.
  • As soon as your credentials are prepared, submit applications to universities. If you can submit your application by the end of October, you should receive your acceptance letter by the beginning of November.
  • If necessary, you should submit your VISA and student loan applications in January and February.
  • After the procedure, you must purchase your tickets, and you're ready to go.

September vs May vs January Intakes

September Intake

January Intake

May Intake

Also known as Fall intake.

Also known as Winter intake.

Also known as Summer intake.

All programs are available.

Available for the majority of programs.

Only available for selected programs.

Maximum scholarships and financial aid are offered.

Limited scholarships and financial aid are offered.

At least scholarships and financial aid are offered.

Application deadline: December - March

Application deadline: September - November

Application deadline:  October - February

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